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PATIL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT BANKING & INSURANCE 2011-2012 Click edit Master Quality TQMto(Total subtitle style Management)




1. Introduction of TQM

Concept was first developed by W. Adward Deming, Joshep Juran & A.V Feiganbaun. Comprehensive approach for improving product quality and get customer satisfaction. Management philosophy of improving product quality through everyone commitment & involvement to satisfied customer need.

Why TQM:
TQM is a management strategy i.e. design to bring awareness of quality in all organization process. Use in manufacturing, educating, government & service organization. It is so called because it consist of three quality
Quality Return Quality of product & services Quality of life at work & outside work

Component of TQM:
Strategic commitment to Total Quality management Continuous Quality management Customer focus Employee involvement for improving Quality Use of statistical tools for accurate measurement.

The 9 Dimensions of Quality

Performance Features Conformance ---------------------------- Reliability Durability Service ---------------------------- Response- of Dealer/ Mfgr. to


Aesthetics of product

Tools of TQM
Stati stica l Qual ity co ntrol

t t firs Righ time

Tools of TQM
e Spe d
min Ti g

Out sour cing

ISO 900 0


Evolution of Quality Management

Total Quality Manag


Evolution of Quality Management



Management Improvement can be broken down between innovation Improvement and Kaizen.
Innovation involves a drastic improvement in the

existing process and requires large investments. Kaizen signifies small improvements as a result of coordinated continuous efforts by all employees.
Kaizen (the translation of kai (change) zen (good) is

improvement). This method became famous by the book of Masaaki Imai Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success.

So what is Kaizen ?
Kaizen refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon

continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, supporting business processes, and management.
By improving standardized activities and processes,

kaizen aims to eliminate waste as manufacturing( Toyota Production System ).

in lean


How did it gain Kaizen was first implemented in several Japanese importance War II, influenced in part by ? businesses after World
American business and quality management teachers who visited the country.
It has since spread throughout the world and is now being

implemented in many other venues besides just business and productivity.


Where is it applicable ?
It has been applied in healthcare ,psychotherapy, life-

coaching, government, banking, and many other industries.

When used in the business sense and applied to the

workplace, kaizen refers to activities that continually improve all functions, and involves all employees from the CEO to the assembly line workers.
It also applies to processes, such as purchasing and

logistics, that cross organizational boundaries into the supply chain.


Conditions for Successful Implementation of Kaizen Strategy

1. Top management commitment 2. Setting up an organizationdedicated to

promote Kaizen 3. Appointing the best available personnel to manage the Kaizen process 4. Conducting training and education 5. Establishing a step-by-step process for Kaizen introduction.


Key elements of Kaizen

Team work Personal discipline Improved morale Quality circles Suggestions for improvement Toyota is one of the leaders in implementing





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