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Presented By: Jatin


Industrialization allowed cheap production of household items using economies of scale while rapid population growth created sustained demand.
19th century Great Britain become the first global economic superpower, because of superior manufacturing technology and improved global communications such as steamship sand railroads.

Institutions including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank),International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) laid the foundations of the explosive growth
Multiple rounds of trade opening simplified and lowered trade barriers. Initially, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT), led to a series of agreements to remove trade restrictions.

Economic Brain drain Working conditions Business process outsourcing Income equality Consumption Financial interdependency Drug and illicit goods trade

In the business world, ethics is the study of morally appropriate behaviors and decisions, examining what "should be done Although the two are linked in most firms, CSR activities are no guarantee of ethical behavior

CSR activities are important to and even expected by the public

And they are easily monitored worldwide

CSR activities help organizations hire and retain the people they want CSR activities contribute to business performance

Multinational Companies today have become extremely powerful, and are not like any of the private enterprises that existed, say, two decades ago;
To put it mildly, the future of humanity is very much at their mercy.

Incorporate values to make it part of an articulated belief system Act worldwide on those values
Cause-related marketing Cause-based cross sector partnerships

Engage with stakeholders

Primary stakeholders Secondary stakeholders

McDonald's: We believe that being a good corporate citizen means treating people with fairness and integrity, sharing our success with the communities in which we do business, and being a leader on issues that affect customers

When they go international, they face new ethical challenges. NIKE Inc. was "founded on a handshake" with implicit belief that "business with all of our partners [would be] based on trust, teamwork, honesty and mutual respect. We expect all of our business partners to operate on the same principles."

Nike discovered that their overseas subcontractors were not treating workers with respect, and this suggests that Nike's view of these principles and what they meant did not result in desired subcontractor behavior.

Transnational Regulations are notoriously ineffective because there is no one to enforce them; National Regulations are often not enforced because of widespread corruption in many developing nations; Globally needed regulations are often not even in place because of short-term behavior of people in power or because of poverty.

Bharti Group of Companies to help bridge the education divide between urban and rural India by contributing towards the education sector in a meaningful and substantial way. 253 Satya Bharti Schools (including 236 primary, 12 elementary and five senior secondary schools) across six Indian states. Bharti Foundation has received various other national and international acclaims for its social initiatives in the past.

Thank you

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