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Signal Transmission and Channel Bandwidth

In C.C.I.R 625 line, the picture signal is amplitude modulated and sound signal frequency modulated before transmission. The channel bandwidth is determined by the highest video frequency required for proper picture reception and the maximum sound carrier frequency deviation permitted in a TV system. Need for modulation:(1) long antennas for efficient radiation and reception(2)Bandwidth



Single sideband transmission (SSB)

A careful look at eqn. (4.2) reveals that the carrier component conveys no information because its amplitude and frequency remain constant no matter what the amplitude of the modulating voltage is However, the presence of the carrierfrequency is necessary at the receiver for recovering the modulating frequency f, from the upper sideband by taking (fc + fm) fc or from the lower sideband by taking fc-(fc-fm). From eqn. (4.2) it is also obvious that the two sidebands are images of each other, since each is equally affected by changes in the modulating voltage amplitude via the component mEc/2


In video signal very low frequency modulating components exist along with the rest of the Signal These components give rise to sidebands very close to the carrier frequency which are difficult to remove by physically realizable filters Thus it is not possible to go to the extreme and fully suppress one complete sideband in the case of television signals The low video frequencies contain the most important information of the picture and any effort to completely suppress the lower sideband would result in objectionable phase distortion at these frequencies This distortion will be seen by the eye as smear in the reproduced picture. Therefore, as a compromise, only a part of the lower sideband, is suppressed, and the radiated signal then consists of a full upper sideband together with the carrier, and the vestige (remaining part) of the partially suppressed lower sideband This pattern of transmission of the modulated signal is known as vestigial sideband or A5C transmission In the 625 line system, frquencies up to 0.75 MHz in the lower sideband are fully radiated. The net result is a normal double sideband transmission for the lower video frequencies corresponding to the main body of picture information


As stated earlier, because of fillter design difficulties it is not possible to terminate the bandwidth of a signal abruptly at the edges of the sidebands Therefore, an attenuation slope covering approximately 0.5 MHz is allowed at either end Any distortion at the higher frequency end, if attenuation slope were not allowed, would mean a serious loss in horizontal detail, since the high frequency components of the video modulation determine the amount of horizontal detail in the picture Fig. 4.3 illustrates the saving of band space which results from vestigial sideband transmission The picture signal is seen to occupy a bandwidth of 6.75 MHz instead to 11 MHz


Therefore, a lot of economy can be effected if the carrier power is suppressed and not transmitted However,System needs the generation of carrier frequency at the receiver for detection and this necessitates the transmission of a low level pilot carrier along with either of the two sidebands In addition to this, a single sideband with suppressed carrier requires excellent frequency stability on the part of both transmitter and receiver Any deviation in frequency and phase of the generated carrier at the receiver would severely impair the quality of the picture when used for television signal transmission Such difficulties are not unsurmountable, but this tends to make the receiver circuitry more complicated, which in turn adds to the cost of the receiver In point to point communication systems, where only one receiver is necessary, the additional expense is justifiable and infact SSB is now the accepted mode of communication for such applications

However, in television and radio broadcast systems, where a very large number of receivers simultaneously receive programme from one transmitter, additional cost of receivers is not justified and as such SSB cannot be recmmended Therefore, as stated earlier, in all TV systems,full carrier is radiated and vestigial sideband transmission is used In radio broadcast where the channel bandwidth is only 100 kHz, both the sidebands are transmitted along with full carrier


The sound carrier is always positioned at the extremity of the fully radiated upper sideband and hence is 5.5 MHz away from the picture carrier This is its logical place since it makes for minimum interference between the two signals. The FM sound signal occupies a frequency spectrum of about 75 KHz around the sound carrier However, a guard band of 0.25 MHz is allowed on the sound carrier side of the television channel to allow for adequate inter-channel separation The total channel bandwidth thus occupies 7 MHz and this represents a bandspace saving of 4.25 MHz per channel, when compared with the 11.25 MHz space, which would be required by the corresponding double sideband signal Figure 4.4 show the complete channel The frequency axis is scaled ralative to the picture carrier, which is marked as 0 MHz This makes the diagram very informative, since details such as the widths of the upper and lower sidebands and the relative position of the sound carrier are easily read off





Colour video signal does not extend beyond about 1.5 MHz. Therefore, the colour information can be transmitted with a restricted bandwidth much less than 5 MHz This feature allows the narrow band chrominance (colour) signal to be multiplexed with the wideband luminance (brightness) signal in the standard 7 MHz television channel This is achieved by modulating the colour signal with a carrier frequency which lies within the normal channel bandwidth. This is called colour subcarrier frequency and is located towards the upper edge of the video frequencies to avoid interference with the monochrome signal


In the PAL colour system which is compatible with the C.C.I.R. 625 line monochrome system the colour subcarrier frequency is located 4.433 MHz way from the picture carrier The bandwidth of colour signals is restricted to about 1.2 MHz around the subcarrier Fig. 4.10 gives necessary details of the location of monochrome (picture), colour and sound signal spectrums all within the same channel bandwidth of 7 MHz It may be noted that in the American television system where the channel bandwidth is 6 MHz, the colour subcarrier is located 3.58 MHz away from the picture carrier


For effective amplitude modulation and better selectivity at the RF and IF tuned amplifiers in the receiver, it is essential that the carrier frequency be chosen about ten times that of the highest modulating frequency Since the highest modulating frequency for picture signal transmission is 5 MHz, the minimum carrier frequency that can be employed, cannot be much less than 40 MHz As an illustration consider a carrier frequency f= 10 MHz,With the highest video modulating frequency = 5 MHz, a deviation of 50 per cent from the centre frequency would be necessary in any tuned circuit to accommodate the lower and upper sideband Frequencies However, if the carrier frequency is fixed at, say 50 MHz, the percentage deviation required to pass the upper and lower sideband frequencies for the same modulating frequency would be only 10 per cent It is obvious from these observations that selectivity is bound to be poor at the receiver tuned amplifiers with a carrier frequency of 10 MHz The 3 db down points with a carrier frequency of 50 MHz are within 5 per cent deviation from the carrier frequency and thus the selectivity is bound to be much better Further, each television channel occupies about 7 MHz In order to accommodate several TV channels, the carrier frequencies have to be in the region of the spectrum above about 40 MHz


This explains why television transmission has to be carried out at very high frequencies in the VHF and UHF bands In radio broadcast where the highest modulating frequency is only 5 kHz, lower carrier frequencies can be used,and accordingly transmission is carried out in the medium wave band (550 kHz to 1600 kHz) and short wave bands extending up to about 30 MHz Transmission at very high frequencies has its own problems and limitations for long distance transmission

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