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In recent years more and more married couples in India are walking away from their marriages

Divorce rates have doubled and in some cities even trebled.

This trend is evident not just in metropolises but in smaller cities and semi-urban areas as well.

It is a reflection of India's changing socio-economic landscape where this phenomenon is not restricted to the affluent, urban populace as it used to be in 1980s.

More people from middle class and lower middle

Divorce can have negative impact on families especially children who bear the brunt of failed marriages.

Divorce is on the rise. Whether its Delhi or Luck now, Kerala or Punjab, Kolkata or Chennai, the upper classes or the middle classes, metros or semi-urban areasthe specter of divorce is now here to haunt us all. Why, just in Delhi the figures go thus:

1960s 1-2 cases per year 1980 3/23/12 100-200 cases per year

About Mumbai (update):

So far nearly 7,000 divorce cases have already been filed at the family court this year, and the number is expected to reach 7,200 by year-end 60 per cent more than the 4,500 cases filed in 2005. Couples in the 25-35 age group accounted for 70 per cent of the cases, and 85 per cent of them were filed in the first three years of marriage.


Online Divorce
When compared to countries like the United States, divorced rate in India is pretty low. However, there has been a considerable increase in the divorce rate in India in the recent past. With the passage of time, more and more young married couples are choosing to part ways. To avoid the long drawn process of traditional divorce, many are opting for online divorce. Online divorce is fast picking up in the arena of divorce in India.

Divorcelawyersdelhi.com, divorcelawyerindia.com is to name a few.


Let us look into a few cases of online Indian divorce.

Simran and Rahul separated after five years. Simran relocated to New Zealand but faced problems regarding her childs admission in schools, since her divorce petition was still pending in India. She had to fly down to India every time to settle the matter, which was difficult owing to job constraints. Another couple, Vijay and Preeti, met on a 3/23/12 matrimonial website and got married. Soon

Research done on the causes of divorce

Lack of communication is one of the leading causes of divorce. A marriage is on the rocks when the lines of communication fail.

People who come from divorced homes are more likely to get divorced than people who come from happily married households. Divorce seems less like a big deal if you have seen your parents go through with it.

People who get married between the ages of 23-27 are more likely to stay together than people who get married in their teens. 3/23/12

Couples often end up having disputes over money. In many cases one of the partners is invariably not happy with the spending habits of the other individual.

This can result in massive fights. That money is a arguable issue among couples can be seen from the fact that opinion polls indicate as many as ninety percent respondents reporting fights over money. Likewise over 34% couples indicated that money was one of the major problems.


Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Any form of substance abuse can put a terrible strain on a relationship as substance abuse is often followed with abusive behavior. Many people cannot put up with the addictive behavior of their partners and this causes divorce.


Sexual Problems
Improper and problematic attitudes towards sex also results in problems within the marriage and this is responsible for eventual divorce. Infidelity in particular has been responsible for breakdown of many relationships and marriages.


Immaturity and Jealous Attitude

Immaturity on part of one of the partners and placing excessive demands on the partner are also some of the causes of divorce


The actual figures of marital strife, abuse and violence in marriage are not completely known but studies indicate that around five percent of the marriages experience domestic abuse and this is one of the causes of divorce.


Many younger couples complain about too much meddling and involvement of their inlaws in their lives. There are also complains of excessive demands of the in-laws on their time and this puts a strain on the marital relationship.

Myth of a Fairy Tale Relationship

Many times people have unrealistic expectations from marriage and what it is supposed to be like and 3/23/12 when this distorted view is not realized, it results in

Effects of Divorce on Children

Studies also indicate that divorce causes children to become rebellious and behavioral deviation and problems are also seen in such children.

Children often feel lonely and neglected when the parents divorce. This is because the parents are often caught up in their own situation and the children tend to feel neglected and forgotten. If one of the parents leave the house then the children may interpret it as their rejection.


Some children suddenly become withdrawn and quiet or aggressive and upset. The anger can be

Various ways to avoid Divorce

Probe deeper: Find out exactly what is going wrong with the marriage. Most people 'think' they know what is going wrong but if you approach your spouse with a fresh and fearless mind and go deeper into all the issues which are upsetting both of you.

Bring back love: Remember the first reason why you both tied the knot was that you loved each other more than anyone else. Most of the time, both the members of the couple forget this fundamental truth about marriage.

Control your negative emotions:

Anger, frustration, stress, jealousy are some of the many negative emotions which spoil any trusted relationship. If you want to save your marriage, bring back trust and respect and stop venting out your enclosed feelings all the time.

Remember no one is perfect and if your partner has more good points than bad points then it gives you all the reason to continue this marriage. Delete all the superlatives while you admire - start treating your partner as another human, who is likely to err. Forgetting and forgiving is not just a godly act but restores a marriage for good.

Turn the Mirror on Yourself

Instead of pointing fingers at your spouse, think about your responsibility and the role you play. Try to put yourself in your spouses shoes and develop empathy for what he or she might be facing and feeling.

Build Up Your Spouse :

If you work at meeting your spouses needs, he or she will likely do the same for you. Women usually need to feel cherished and loved. Saying the words, being thoughtful (taking out the garbage or washing the dishes), writing love notes, hugging and kissing are all effective ways at demonstrating your 3/23/12 devotion.

Anger, frustration, stress, jealousy are some of the many negative emotions which spoil any trusted relationship. If you want to save your marriage, bring back trust and respect and stop venting out your enclosed feelings all the time





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