Conducive Learning Environment

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Conducive learning environment

Rauf Azi Miza Muni Sintu

1. Physical environment

2. Psychosocial environment

Conducive learning environment

3. Classroom rules and regulation

Classroom routines

A type of classroom which is open to encourage all pupils to interact freely among themselves and together with their teacher as well as to involve themselves in all other class activities.

encouraging for learning, allowing the pupils space and time to interact within the learning and teaching process.

Physical environment

Physical environment in classroom concern mainly with the physical arrangement, classroom lay out plan for physical facilities and functional arrangement which provide systematic and comfortable space for movement and activities. There are 3 main physical factors:

Three main physical factors

Seating arrangement

Physical facilities

Notice boards

Psychosocial environment

Psychosocial means it relates to one's psychological development and interaction with a social environment. it include classroom rules and regulation which provides useful information concerning relationship of peer group and clique structure among students.

Individual differences that influence classroom management: Age related differences Ability related differeneces Sex related differences Socio economic related differences Culturally related differences

Classroom rules and regulation

The concept of classroom rules and regulation is related to the control aspects of teaching and learning. Action taken by teacher to eradicate, inhibit or minimizes behavior problems and their responses to problems when they happen to occur in the classroom.

Rules to be followed in the classroom must be clear, concise reasonable, meaningful and easy to implement. To ensure that all pupils follow closely to the classroom, the teacher ought to be firm and fair when applying these rules to control misbehaviour.

Classroom routines

Refers to management activities of a class which need to be carried out in every schooling day. Example: 1. Marking attendence 2. Checking physical condition of the class 3. Arrangement of tables and chair 4. Collection of fees and exercises book 5. Arranging and checking duty roster 6. Ensuring the rules which have been predetermined are followed closely by all pupils in the class

There are some aspects of managing classroom routines:

Duties of the teacher

Management of non academic class routine Administrative routines

Learning routines

Management of classroom physical condition

Pupils movement routine

Interaction routine

Non academic class routine

Task management routines

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