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a fatty substance manufactured by our liver About 85% of the cholesterol in our bodies is made by the liver It is an important building block in many vital functions including brain, CNS, Eyes and sexual apparatus Also contained in some foods that we eat To control increased cholesterol levels we need to

Stop consuming dangerous, damaged fats and oils Restore other needed nutrition to our diet.


Cholesterol, being a fat, does not dissolve in the blood stream It has to be carried by a carrier which has an affinity for water There are 2 types of carriers LDL HDL Cholesterol is an important component of the PLAQUE that occludes our arteries Elevated level of cholesterol is the earliest warning sign

Cholesterol in food
Dietary cholesterol is only found in animal products such as Full fat dairy products Fatty meats Egg yolks Offal eg. Liver, kidney, brains

While cholesterol in food can raise blood cholesterol levels, the effect is small compared to the effects of saturated fats

Common fat containing foods


Saturated fats--Fatty cuts of meat Full fat milk Cheese Butter Cream Most commercially baked products eg Biscuits Pastries Most deep fried fast foods Coconut and Palm oil

Mono-unsaturated fats

Margarine spreads Nutspeanuts, almonds, cashews

Poly-unsaturated fats
Fish Seafood

Vegetable oils such as Sunflower, Safflower

Nuts walnuts, Brazil nuts

Poly-unsaturated fats are divided into 2 types

Omega --- 3 fats Omega --- 6 fats Omega 3 fats Found both in plant and marine food Omega - 3 fats from marine sources have maximum health benefits Marine source --- fish Plant food sources include soy oil, canola oil, canola based margarine Omega 6 fats

Nuts Seeds Plant oils such as corn, soy and safflower

Benefits of Omega- 3 fats

Lower the triglyceride levels

Thin the blood making it less sticky and less likely to clot
Maintain the heart rhythm Reduce Blood Pressure Support the immune system May play a role in preventing and treating depression


Use salad dressings and mayonnaise made from oils such as oils such as olive, soy, sunflower Use lower reduced fat milk and yoghurt Try to limit cheese and ice cream to twice a week Have fish at least twice a week

Select lean meat (i.e meat trimmed of fat and chicken without skin)

Try to limit fatty meats such as sausages and salami Snack on plain, unsalted nuts and fresh fruit Limit takeaway foods to once a week or less Limit snack foods such as potato crisps and corn crisps to once a week or less. Limit cakes, pastries and chocolate or creamy biscuits to once a week or less

Try to limit cholesterol rich foods such as egg yolks and offal
Snack on plain, unsalted nuts and fresh fruit Incorporate peas, beans or lentils into 2 meals a week

Make vegetables and grain based foods into major part of each meal


Vitamin is a component of a balanced diet which the body cannot manufacture on its own Bodys metabolism is also dependent on vitamins

Remember that vitamins are not food but should be a part of your food
Most important factor of nutritional deficiencies is the processing and refining of foods like cereals and sugar

VITAMINS and of 2 types


FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS VITAMINS A, D, E and K Stored in fat tissues and liver When needed special carriers take them to where they are needed WATER SOLUBLE VITAMINS VITAMINS C and B- complex B- complex contains B1, B2 , B6, B12,Niacin, folic acid ,biotic and pantothemic acid


Plays big part in Eyesight Looks after Night Visions Boosts immune system

Found in :

Milk Liver Orange fruits and vegetables Green leafy vegetables


Energy builders Production of antibodies Vitamin B12 is necessary for carbohydrates and fat metabolism Vitamin B2 and Folic Acid help in formation of RBC Found in : whole grains seafood poultry and meats Eggs Dairy products leafy green vegetables


Important for keeping gums and muscles in good shape Helps in wound healing Citrus fruits Tomatoes Cabbage Kiwi fruit Strawberries

Founds in:


Needed for strong Bones Helps body absorb calcium

Found in : Milk Fish Liver Egg yolk


Wound treating Vitamin Essential to prevent sterility Protects damage to cells one to aging Found in : Egg Yolks Green leafy vegetables Nuts Whole grains Also called the CLOTMASTER Found in: Green leafy Vegetables Dairy products





Calcium Phosphorous Magnesium Sodium Potassium Chloride Sulphur

Our body need LARGER amounts of these minerals


Iron Manganese Copper Iodine Zinc Cobalt fluoride selenium

Body needs only a tiny bit of each one

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