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Protective Factors, Resilience, and Child Abuse and Neglect

Jane F. Gilgun, Ph.D., LICSW

School of Social Work University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Child abuse and neglect

The effects of childhood abuse and neglect can be life-long and have serious effects on the quality of life Some child victims of abuse and neglect cope with, adapt to, and overcome many of the effects of abuse and neglect This suggests the existence of processes that are protective

Protective processes moderate the effects

of risks They are found within individuals, families, peer groups, social institutions such as schools, and through more nebulous influences such as social policy and economic forces Adults provide the resources and create conditions that foster protective processes when children have experienced risks and other adversities Peers often are factors in protective processes

Developmental psychopathology

Study of high risk groups, usually longitudinally, in order to understand factors associated with both adaptive and maladaptive outcomes Risks developmental psychopathologists have studied include:

Child abuse & neglect, parental mental health, parental death and abandonments, foster care Unsafe neighborhoods, homelessness, natural


Child abuse and neglect results in vulnerability

That may include a sense of the self as defective (shame) and may result in psychic wounds Psychic wounds can be thought of as hot buttons that when pushed results in intense emotional pain When psychic wounds are restimulated, persons may experience dysregulation


The person at least temporarily experiences a sense of unmanageability of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors; pulse and heart rates may accelerate

Many possible signs of dysregulation: anxiety, fear, depression, withdrawal, lethargy, crying bouts, bedwetting, agitation Persons seek to re-regulate

Coping with dysregulation

Re-regulation: To regain a sense of

self-efficacy, control, and mastery over self and the environment Four strategies:

Pro-social Anti-social Self-injurious Inappropriate

Pro-social efforts to re-regulate

Seeking comfort and affirmation from caring adults and peers Talking about hurt and confusion Engaging in behaviors that soothe emotional pain (e.g., exercise & art) Reinterpreting the meanings of the abuse and neglect

Anti-social efforts to re-regulate


Destruction of property Bullying Attacking others Inappropriate sexual behaviors Bragging and acts of bravado

Self-injurious efforts to reregulate


Cutting Anorexia & bulimia Substance use and abuse Suicide attempts Recklessness Spending money

Inappropriate Efforts at Regulation

Distracting self or others in situations that demand attention, as in classrooms

Making noises, humming, wandering around the classroom, throwing paper planes

Acting silly in situations where silliness is incongruous Perseveration that is not primarily neurological

Protective Factors: A factor is

protective when we can identify both the risks that lead to vulnerability and the assets/resources that persons use to cope with, adapt to, and overcome risks.

Close, long-term relationships with persons who model pro-social behaviors and who affirm pro-sociality in the person who has experienced abuse and neglect

Protective Factors (continued)

Emulating the pro-social behaviors of persons they admire Strong desire to be pro-social Ability to engage in self-soothing behaviors Affirming ethnic/cultural identification Hope for the future Resources to attain life goals

Resilience: An Outcome

Coping with, adapting to, and overcoming risks; an outcome Flexible, help-seeking, problem-solving behaviors when stressed Ability to maintain an integrated sense of self when hot buttons are pushed Persons can be resilient in one situation and fragmented and brittle in others

Roles of adults

Adults as parents, policy makers, program planners, prevention specialists, and direct practitioners have pivotal tasks in the promotion of resilience, including

Provision of resources that children and youth recognize as important to them and are consistent with what they want. Psychologically available so that children have safe havens where they can process adversities/trauma & learn prosocial coping

Roles of adults

Parents do whatever it takes to become psychologically available to their children Create situations where young people can succeed Be positive role models Give time and attention that eventually result in young persons' increasing capacities to regulate and re-regulate themselves in times of stress.

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