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The size, shape, cost and performance changes day by day. But the basic logical structure has not.
A computer consist of 3 basic parts
1. Input devices 2. CPU 3. Output device


Data & instructions

Information - Result

Central processing unit(CPU)

Data & instruction must be entered to a computer system through input devices to perform computation/ task. The input unit links a computer with external environment to perform this task. A computers memory is designed to accept the input in binary code, hence the i/p device transform input signal to corresponding binary form. Most common devices are keyboard, mouse, scanner,optical mark reader.

So Input unit performs following functions:

1. It accepts instrctions and data from outside world. 2. It converts data & instrction computer readable form. 3. It supplies the converted instrction & data to computer system for processing.

The output unit communicate the result of computation to the outside world in human readable form. Ie computer process data in binary form, and create the result in binary form. Before suppling the result to the outside world system must convert it into human readable form.(output interface accomplish this task) Basic o/p devices are Montor, printer etc.

So output unit performs following functions:

Accept the result from the computer which are in binary form Convert the binary form to the Human readable form. Supplies the converted result to outside.

Storage unit (Secondary & Primary memory)

Data & instrction entered into the computer system through input unit have to be stored inside the computer before processing. After processng we have to keep the result some where in the system . This is done by the Storage units.- It provide space for storing data & instrctions ,intermediate result& result for output

Primary Memory
It is the main memory of the computer which communicate directely with the computer. Eg: RAM Random Access Memory Fast, limited storage capacity Primary memory holds information when the system is powered on.(volatile)

Secondary Memory
Secondoray storage of a computer is also known as auxlary storage. It overcome the limtation of primary memory. Huge amout of data can be stored. Baisically ised for data backups. Eg: floppy,hard disk optical disk.

Memory unit Control Unit ALU


CPU consist of

Execution of program is the main function of computer. Program or set of instruction is stored in the Main Memory and are executed by CPU. CU & ALU of computer system together called CPU. CPU is the brain of the computer system.

All the computation and the comparison take place inside the CPU. CPU is responsible for controlling and cordinating the the operations of other unit of computer system.

All arithematic and logical operations are performed by ALU. Ie Addition, subtraction, comparison etc & stores result within it. Numbers are store in register which is small & very fast.

It doesnt process the data , but Controls & cordinate all the operation in a computer. it retrives & interprets the command of the program stored in the main memory and send signal to other unit for execusion.

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