Nmills Xmgt216 Wk9 Final

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What is ethics? Why is it important?

Code of Ethics Teambuilding The program Training Monitoring

Behavioral enforcement
Rewards Questions

Moral principles that govern a persons or groups behavior. The moral correctness of specified conduct.

To cultivate a positive working environment. Ethics is good business.

The public usually has different expectations from organizations that receive public funding, such as schools.
Code of conducts are common and essential for public trust.

Provide an objective learning environment Abide by all federal, state, and local laws

Exemplify honesty and integrity

Clarity of purpose Planning for the future Decision-making

Dealing with conflict

Leveraging individual talents Healthy communications Building Camaraderie

Training is key to building a solid ethical foundation. By discussing core values and principles we reduce overall risks associated with unethical conduct and optimize organizational performance.

Workshops will be held two weeks prior to the start of the school year. Training materials and classes will be provided, but required. Acceptance forms, written policies, and role-playing will be incorporated. Training sessions will be 4 hours long.

Strive to understand and respect other communicators before evaluation and responding to their messages.
Advocate sharing information, opinions, and feelings.

Condemn communication that degrades individuals.

Promote communication environments of mutual understanding.

Financial & non-financial incentives Promotions Performance reviews Positive reinforcement Disciplinary actions

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