Sound Journal

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By Chris Phillipou

During the making of our film, we incorporated a few sounds and mp3 files to our film to give it a more established sound and to make it sound better. In the opening scene we decided to use the song LMFAO Sexy & I Know It We felt that this track went well with the scene as Neena walked into the common room. This mp3 file was downloaded and implemented into Final Cut Pro using Soundtrack Pro, it was imported into the timeline and also the length was dictated to fit into the film correctly.

In the second scene of our film, we implemented more sounds into the timeline. For example the elevator scene when Arran is searching for a toilet. A mp3 file of an elevator ding sound was put correctly into the Final Cut Pro timeline when editing. This gave the scene a more realistic effect, and also more comical with these sounds being used in cartoons before. Other sounds used relative to this scene, were the sounds of Arran belching after having his lunch sabotaged with laxatives

Non diegetic sounds are sounds used in cinematography that are imported into the film and are not heard by the filming cast when filming. These can be sound effects, or soundtracks that are added to films to enhance the sound and give it a better effect.

Some sounds used were non diegetic sounds that couldnt be heard by our characters because they were imported using Soundtrack Pro and Final Cut Pro. These included the ones in the slide before. The elevator ding, the elevator door sound and the belching of Arran. The other non diegetic sound was the soundtracks that were chosen, LMFAO Sexy & I Know It, and the music used where Arran is searching for a toilet, and also the classical music in the lift. Why Use These Sounds? These sounds were used to give the film a professional sound, which also helps with transitions in scenes when the music is blended and faded out between scenes so they do not intervene speech from our characters.

Diegetic sounds in cinematography are sounds that can be heard by the cast when filming. Diegetic sounds are usually dialogue or music played within a film. (a pianist). In our film, some of the dialogue used was slang. This was due to the fact that it was set in a school environment where 12-18 year olds study. Youngsters this age tend to use slang because these days it is the trend. Example of this is in the first scene where Arran says he is going to chirps Neena which in fact means he is going to try and get with her.

Whilst importing sounds I came across a few problems. These problems were that some tracks were longer then I wanted to be, for example the first track of LMFAO Im Sexy & I Know It, was 3:25 seconds long and I wanted to plan use this file for 30 seconds and then fade it in. I then had to cut these files to the correct length and save it as another individual file. Implementing these into the timeline was tricky as I had to import sounds correctly, to make the transitions flow smoothly so the timing was perfect.

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