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Types of Communication

Dr. Anshu Bhati 30 Jan 2012

Distinguishing Characteristics
No. of Communicators (One through many) Physical proximity of the communicators in relation to

each other (close or distant) Immediacy of the exchange, whether it is taking place either (1) live or in apparently real time or(2) on a delayed basis Number of sensory channels (including visual, auditory, tactile and so on) The context of the communication (whether face-toface or mediated)

Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Group Communication Mass Communication

Intrapersonal Communication
It takes place within a person. The individual becomes his or her own sender and

receiver providing feedback in an ongoing internal process.

The purpose is to clarify ideas or analyzing a situation. Intrapersonal Communication includes

Day dreaming Speaking aloud (talking to oneself) Writing ones thoughts or observations Making gestures while thinking

Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication involves a face-

to-face relationship between the sender and receiver. Strong feedback Component. Most persuasive and influential than all types. It involves not only words but the various elements of nonverbal communication.

Interpersonal Communication....
The three stages of Interpersonal Communication

The Phatic stage Initial exploratory stage of Hi/hello, handshake, smile, etc. determines the direction conversation will take place. The Personal Stage Called the personal stage, introduces a personal element into the conversation. Here we generally lower the social guards a little. The Intimate stage- Reserved for friends and relatives, degree of intimacy depends on the closeness of relationship. A stage in communication where social barriers fall.

Group Communication
Shares all qualities of Interpersonal

Communication though in less measures. The larger the group, the less personal and intimate is the possibility of exchange. As the group grows in size, the communication becomes more of monologue. It is more complex than Interpersonal Comm. The level of mutual participation and understanding among the members suffers as a result in group communication. Feedback is the keyword in group comm.

Group Communication.
Feedback is difficult to measure here, also it

is more time consuming. The art of public speaking is more necessary at group communication level. Acting is associated with group communication. Theaters, dance performances, Ram lila, Folk Dances are examples of group communication.

Mass Communication
Messages distributed by the institutions such

as media have the potential to reach very large and anonymous audience in a process called Mass Communication. Involves sharing ideas across a large audience either at a given point or extended time frame and usually involves a professional communicator. Media include newspapers, magazines, books, films, TV, radio & now internet. The fact is, it is the group communication which is extended by the mass media tools.

Interactive Communication
Communication via the new media as video,

cable, teletext, video-on-demand, teleshopping, computers, internet, mobile telepnony is termed as interactive comm. Mobile, phones, e-mails are forms of interactive media are point to point communication systems and communication through them is like interpersonal comm. Communication through teleconference, video conference is like group communication. WWW communication i.e. internet communication is mass communication.

Interactive Communication
The major characteristics of interactive

communication is asynchronicity, the ability of sending and receiving the message at ones convenience rather than like radio and TV.

Video recordings, internet, SMS, email etc.

can be sent and accessed at times convenient to consumers.

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