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The term intellectual property refers broadly to the creations of the human mind. Intellectual property rights protect the interests of creators by giving them property rights over their creations.

Intellectual property (IP) refers to number of distinct types of creations of mind for which a set of exclusive rights are recognized. Creations of the mind: Inventions. Literary and Artistic works. Symbols. Names. Images. Designs used in commerce.

Technology in the product or service, Technology used to make the product or provide the service, Features of the product or service, and Customer needs met by the product or service,
that creates a potential or real economic relationship between a buyer and a seller.


Tangible Property: Usually dealing with natural resources

Copyright: Writing. Patents: Invention and design. Trademarks: Marketing Symbols. Secrecy and contract: Know how (e.g., Coca Cola, KFC seasoning formula, business secrets)

Intellectual property: Output of creative activity


Property: After transformation, a stream of rent. Right

Control over usage. Ownership of the stream of rents generated by the property.


Intellectual property can be divided into two categories

Intellectual Property

Industrial Property Inventions (Patents)

Geographical indications of source

Copy Rights Of Different Assets

Trademarks Industrial Designs


IP adds value at every stage of the value chain from creative/innovative idea to putting a new, better, and cheaper, product/service on the market:
Patents / Utility Models/Trade secrets Patents / Utility models Industrial Designs/ Trademarks/GIs Trademarks/ GIs Ind. Designs/Patents/Copyright All IP Rights Invention Financing Literary / artistic creation Product Design Commercialization Marketing Exporting Licensing

Copyright/Related Rights All IP Rights


Emergence of digital technologies Pre Internet.. (World Wide Web) Post Internet? Scale & speed information society knowledge economy Internet as a source of information - network of networks a communication channel - value in intangibles - business assets intellectual, as opposed to physical Internet as a tool for IP owners & users


Natural Rights: a moral argument about the creators right to the out put of their efforts. Quality Control: the right provides the ability to control dilution of quality. Prospecting: concentration of expertise reduces search costs. (Of interest to the patent system.

PSG International owns following domains: Partner Domains:

A traditional business is the one that we see around us in the streets, inside the malls and mostly everywhere in big cities. Cafes, restaurants, offices, factories, Bookshops, etc all come under traditional business.

Requires a lot of manpower. Need an office setup. Warehouse if it is a selling and buying type of business. A store place to store raw or finished products. Qualified manpower to operate machines or other devices. Involves risk in investment because these type of businesses require a huge amount to start. Future Projections.

Electronic Business, commonly referred to as "e Business" or "e-Business", may be defined as the utilisation of information and communication technologies in support of all the activities of business. An E-Business is an establishment, whose primary, and often only, form of trade is "electronic". That is, for example, customers pay electronically over the internet, for example. The perfect example of an E-business is "".

In contrary, an online business does not require most of the elements required by traditional business. An online business is done over the internet. It does not require lot of manpower. It does not need an office. Your computer can be your office. You can communicate with people far and near and sell your goods to people even if you don't know them. You do not need a store for an online business as long as you are selling a digital product. I dont say that there is no risk but the investment is so minimal and the profit level so high, risks are not counted in online businesses.




Implement Implementation Planning Opportunity Analysis


Implement Implementation Planning

Opportunity Analysis

Understand Business

Understand Electronic Business

Traditional business organization develop step by step:

Definitions are clear No change in the business and technology environment High time pressure Continuous learning

Characteristics of an Electronic Business journey:

Definitions of the future are fuzzy Permanent and unpredictable change in the business and technology environment Time to market and speed are major competitive factors Continuous learning & fast adaptation is required

E-Business is not a project - but rather a journey that requires vision and non-linear procedures

Use technology to communicate and collaborate with suppliers Revamp value chains Mass customization Offer customers a choice of interaction New distribution channel to reach buyers Gather market data on customers


(B2B) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are business-toconsumer (B2C) and business-togovernment (B2G)


international B2b partner is worldoftrade.


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Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a down line of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. Other terms for MLM include pyramid selling, network marketing, and referral marketing.

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