Quality of Services: Presented by Saurabh Batra

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Quality of services

Presented by Saurabh Batra

What is Quality of Service

Qos refers to traffic control mechanisms that seek to either Differentiate performance based on application or network operator requirements or provide predictable or guaranenteed performance to applications, sessions or traffic aggregates.

Need for Qos

Video and audio conferencing-> bounded delay and loss rate Video and audio Streaming-> Bounded packet loss rate

Leaky Bucket: Algorithm Packets from host

Leaky Bucket


Leaky Bucket (contd)

The leaky bucket is a traffic shaper: It changes the

characteristics of packet stream Traffic shaping makes more manageable and more predictable Usually the network tells the leaky bucket the rate at which it may send packets when the connection begins Polices the average rate

Leaky Bucket: Doesnt allow bursty transmissions

In some cases, we may want to allow short bursts of

packets to enter the network without smoothing them out For this purpose we use a token bucket, which is a modified leaky bucket

Token Bucket
The bucket holds tokens instead of packets
Tokens are generated and placed into the token bucket at a constant

rate When a packet arrives at the token bucket, it is transmitted if there is a token available. Otherwise it is buffered until a token becomes available. The token bucket has a fixed size, so when it becomes full, subsequently generated tokens are discarded

Token Bucket from host Packets

Token Generator
(Generates a token once every T seconds)


Flow specification
To make traffic shaping approaches successful it is

necessary to specify the requirements in a precise manner known as flow specification

Input characteristics
Maximum packet size Token bucket rate Token bucket size Maximum transmission rate

Flow specification(cont)
Services Desired o Reliablity o Delay o Jitter o Bandwidth

Admission control
Used in virtual circuits networks.
When congestion is detected no more virtual circuit is

allowed to setup. Or virtual circuit is allowed to be setup around the congested subnets. An agreement between the host and the subnet is negotiated when a virtual circuit is set up so that resources along the path are guaranteed throughout the session This may lead to underutilization

Rsvp-Resource reservation protocol

o Multicast flow from multiple sources to multiple

destinations. o Uses multicast routing uses spanning trees. o Each group is assigned an group address , which is used to send packets to that group. o The multicast algorithm builds a spanning tree covering all group members. o To eliminate congestion any of receivers can send reservation message up the tree to the sender

Rsvp-Resource reservation protocol(cont)

Rsvp-Resource reservation protocol(cont)

Rsvp-Resource reservation protocol(cont)

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