Struktur Dan Proses Sosial Masyarakat Pertanian: Dr. Sri Fatimah, MAB March 13/2009

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Lecture 4. Dr. Sri Fatimah, MAB March 13/2009

Discussion 1. Social structure 2. Social interaction 3. Social mobility

A Chinese proverb: the well being of a people is like a tree. Agriculture is its root, Manufacture and commerce are its branches and its leaves. If the root is injured, the leaves fall, the branches break away,
And the tree dies.

Define Agriculture
The science, art, and the business of cultivating the soil, producing crops for food and fiber, and raising livestock; farming.

business operation embracing the production, processing, and distribution of agricultural products and the manufacture of farm machinery, equipment and supplies.

Social Structure and Social Interaction

((sumber , 2009)

Society and Social Structure

How did society develop? Elements of social structure

Social Interaction of Everyday Life

Status and roles Social construction of reality

Society and Social Structure

Society Population of people organized to carry out the major functions of life People in a defined territory Social Structure Recurring patterns of behavior Created through interactions and relationships

Evolution of Societies
Hunting and gathering: simple tools to hunt animals and gather vegetation Horticultural or pastoral: hand tools to raise crops or the domestication of animals Agricultural: large-scale cultivation using plows harnessed to animals or energy source Industrial: production of goods using advanced sources of energy to drive large machinery Postindustrial: technology that supports an informationbased economy

How Social Structure is Caused?

Further he argued

Social Structure Framework

Elements of Social Structure: Groups

Two or more people who identify and interact with each other
Primary Group: small social group whose members share personal and enduring relationships Secondary Group: impersonal social group whose members pursue a specific goal or activity

Elements of Social Structure: Status

The first condition of having to deal with somebody . . . is knowing with whom one has to deal. (Georg Simmel 1950) Status Set: All statuses a person holds at a given time Ascribed and Achieved Status Master Status: Status that has special importance for social identity

Elements of Social Structure: Role

Role Set: A number of roles attached to a single status Role Conflict: Conflict among roles corresponding to 2 or more statuses Role Strain: Tension among roles connected to a single status Role Exit: Process by which people disengage from social roles

You hold a status You perform a role

Social Interaction
Interactions are determined by rewards or punishments. If the reward for an interaction exceeds the punishment, a potential for social profit exists and the interaction is likely to occur.

Future tendency

Definition of Social Mobility

Is the movement of a groups up and down within a social hierarchy (Ransford, 1980).

Type of social mobility among agricultural communities

1. Horizontal: geografical movement within the environment, city (lateral mobility) up & down in social stratification (Giddens, 1989) Kemampuan sso untuk berpindah/bergerak dalam rangka memperluas network maupun pasar usaha agribisnis sayuran. 2. Vertical : movement which is carrying improvement (responsibility and financial) Perpindahan kelas ke strata yang lebih tinggi, misal dari buruh harian meningkat menjadi juragan sayuran organik.

Process of social mobility

1. Intrageneration: mobilitas sosial yang dialami seseorang dalam hidupnya, terdapat perbedaan status orang tua dengan anaknya. Contoh: si A tahun 2002 sbg asisten manager, 2008sekarang terpilih menjadi manager pemasaran teh wilayah Jabar 2. Intergeneration contoh: ayahnya P.Ramli (artis legenda Malaysia, anaknya tukang sapu jalan raya - ayahnya tuan tanah, anaknya supir manager sayur perusahaan x di Lembang

Pihak pengambil keputusan (pemerintah) stakeholder terkait dapat mengambil keputusan yang tepat dengan mempertimbangkan aspek mobility, interaksi dan struktur social yang mengedepankan aspek keberpihakan pada masyarakat agribisnis Indonesia.

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