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Sci. Name Kingdom Division Class Order Family Genus Species : Durio zibethinus : Plantae : Magnoliophyta : Magnoliopsida : Malvales : Malvaceae (Bombacaceae) : Durio : Currently 30 recognized species

Large in size Overpowering odor Formidable thorn-covered husk

The shapes are normally oblong or round

Color of husk ranges from green to brown. The flesh pare are yellow to red, depending on the species. The ripe pulp can be eaten raw, made into jam, preserved, candies and other sweets.

Can grow up to 2000 feet from mean sea level
Deep fertile Soils Availability - June September Very large tree Fruit bearing starts after 12 years

Flowers are open in the afternoon and stigma is receptive until next morning. Anthers are open at 9 pm. Self incompatible. Pollination agents are bats and insects.

Udang Merah (Ang Hae) D 175 long oval skin shaped and it has short thorns. Its soft and fine texture sweet and creamy taste of thick and yellow flesh

D24 Durian
D24 - D24 Durian are well known as premium grade. It is yellowish creamy, dry and bitter-sweet with a medium texture. 100% satisfied tasty.

D 600
Slightly bitter taste yet creamy Texture is rough Its mouth-watering thick Yellowish gold flesh Medium-sized Yellowish green skin.

Penang 15 D 177 Creamy and delicious of fine texture. Long oval shaped Golden coloured husk with short and sharp thorns of skin

Labu D 163 Medium-sized and long oval shaped of skin Solid and yellow flesh gives you a Soft and quality taste of sweet and creamy

Hati Merah (Ang Jin) Shape of heart Soft and creamy in texture The flesh is big and thick

Isi Merah (Ang Bak) D 164 Medium-sized of long oval shaped durian Sweet and creamy in taste Soft and quality texture of flesh Yellow and medium-thick flesh

Raja Kunyit Oblong in shape Yellowish gold flesh Short and sharp thorns Alluring sweet, rich and fragrant taste of soft, shiny and creamy texture


Ang Hae, Ho Lor, Cheh Phoay Kia, Gan Ja, Ka pi li, Xiao Hung, D2, 24, Ang Bak Kia, Kun Bao Hong, Cheh Phoay 15, Ping Tang, Tap Pang, Ang Jin, Yang Thaom, 301, Durian Tauke.

Durian can be propagated from seed asexual methods such as grafting and budding. Seeds should be sown immediately after extraction without drying because they are recalcitrant. Asexually propagated plants bear fruits earlier and have smaller stature. The recommended form of budding is patch budding. Grafting techniques used are inarching, cleft grafting, hypocotyl grafting, and epicotyl grafting. The seedlings can be outplanted after about one year, or further extended to three years in the nursery to produce large planting materials(LPM). LPMs have better chance of survival and the trees mature earlier

Select well-develop seeds from mature and ripe fruits. Germinate the seeds in a seed boc or seed bed with coir dust or saw dust, or fine river sand as medium. Push the seed inside the sand for 9-12 days. Place the seedlings in a nursery shed. Water them immediately after pricking and every two or three days

Reduce nursery shade and increase gradually from 30% to 70% fall sunlight two months after pricking. The seedlings are ready for grafting 21-30 days after picking. Use hypocotyls method. Two to four months use epicotyls side frafting and five to seven months use cleft grafting method. Harden the grafted plant materials two weeks before field planting.

Clear and remove all stumps and grasses. Plow and harrow the soil to loosen it. Drainage is needed for flat area to prevent the water from stagnant. For hilly area terrace is needed to conservation of the soil. Ground crop cover (LCC) reduce soil erosion and supply nitrogen. Distance of Planting 5 x 10 meters = 200 plants/ha. 8 x 8 meters = 156 plants/ha. 10 x 10 meters = 100 plants/ha.

Preparation of holes and planting by dig a cubical holes measuring 50-100 m wide and 50100 cm deep for clay soil type. Remove the plastic bag and plant the seedling into the hole without breaking the ball of soil. Prune spiraled roots to enhance root branching. Plant young plants at their dormant stage. Cover the hole with soil-manure mixture and press gently the surface of the soil. Plant during rainy season.

Durian has a shallow root system and is therefore very sensitive to dry environments. It cannot tolerate prolonged droughts. At the nursery stage, seedlings are watered twice daily in the mornings and afternoons to provide enough water for root development. The correct soil mix in the polybags is necessary to drain away excess water as water logging may encourage Rhizoctonia leaf blight.

Drip irrigation, at a rate of 4-6 liters/day/plant depending on the size of the plant is recommended. Ample water at about 6-8 liters/day/plant is necessary during fruit development. Excess water encourages vegetative growth which may result in premature fruit drop. Field planting is usually done at the onset of the rainy season. Good drainage is required to avoid puddles in the root region which may hinder proper root development.

Young plant need 4- 6 times per year for applying fertilizer with small amount. Mature plant need more fertilizer but in 3- 4 times in a year. The fertilizer technique is by broadcast the fertilizer below the canopy tree and make sure it is little bit out from the canopy.

This technique is suitable for flat area. Hilly area is suitable with pocket technique. The good time to apply fertilizer is before or after rain. Because the root easy to absorb the fertilizer. Fertilizer appliance on the hot day must be avoided.

Prune/remove dead, broken or diseased branches and water shoots to obtain desired canopy shape to enhance production of fruits. Pruning is done a year after planting. Most durian clones bear fruit on primary and secondary branches. The durian has to be trained with a main stem with primary branches developing around it. A balanced branch arrangement as seen in Table 1 is necessary to obtain the maximum yield potential.

Excess primary branches developed at acute angles compete with the main stem and have to be removed. At the first level, 5-8 primary branches are kept at about 75 cm above the soil level. To strengthen the primary branches, the growth of the main stem is reduced by keeping it below 1.5 m tall. However the size of the primary branches should not exceed 30% of the main stem. The primary branches are bench cut to control their growth. In the 4th year of growth, prune the secondary branches to help even out the distribution of sunlight through the canopy.


YEAR YEAR 1 Good vegetative growth. No pruning is necessary. Encourage the growth of main stem

YEAR 2 Acute branches are removed 5-8 lateral primary branches are maintained in a balanced arrangement, the first level at about 75 cm above ground.


YEAR YEAR 3 Removal of main stem to control plant height, to develop and strengthen primary lateral branches

Prune the secondary branches to help even out the distribution of sunlight through the canopy

Provide shade to newly planted durian seedlings for a period of two weeks to a few months depending on weather condition to enable the plant to recover from transplanting shock and to shade it from strong sunlight Apply as basal 50 grams (5 tbsp.) of complete fertilizer (14-14-14) or based on soil analysis and cover with thin layer of soil. Rate of application increases as tree matures. Grow seasonal crops between rows of durian before they become productive. Ring weeding should be done before fertilization. Mulch the tree with rice straw, dried leaves, cut grasses, or coconut husk during dry season.

Weed Control
Weeds around newly planted seedlings are removed manually. Coconut fronds are sometimes used as a mulch and also for protection against the sun. In the areas away from the root region, the weeds are controlled mechanically with a lawn-mower or grass-cutter. Unwanted branches on the seedling that sprout just above the soil surface are removed.

During the second year, the area around the tree is still mulched. Contact weedicides are sprayed around the plants at 3 month intervals. Cover crops are grown to control weeds in other parts of the orchard. Ensure the cover crops do not creep over the durian plants. In the mature field, weeds are controlled both manually as well as with chemical sprays. Weed control is usually carried out during the onset of the rainy season.

Insects : beetles Attacked on: young seedling Control : sprayed with Roxion or Azodrin

Insects : twig borers Attacked on: young plant, small branches Control : remove the damage branch and burn

Insects : psyllids Attacked on: new shoots and leaves in young and old trees Control : sprayed with Roxion, Azodrin, Decis.

Insects : brown scale Attacked on: young shoot and leaves Control : sprayed with Roxion or Azodrin

Insects : haplaphalora (Bao - bao) Attacked on: young shoot, leaves, unopened flower and fruitlets Control : sprayed with Roxion, Decis or Gusathion

DISEASES Path or stem canker ATTACKED AT Root or trunk CONTROL Spray with Ridomil or Alliete

Pink disease

Twigs and smaller branches

Spray with Tridemorph



Sprayed with Triamefon Bayleton, Thiophanate methyl

Grafted durian takes 4 5 years to mature. Seedling durian takes 10 years to mature. Produce fruit 2 times a year. The fruit takes 3 or 3 months to mature. When the fruit is acchieve the maturity, it will fall down. Since it fall down it need to be harvested because the fallen fruit cannot keep long.

Harvesting done by manually or helped of bamboo poles when the fruits are smooth, flat with far apart spines. The good fruit can produce 100 120 fruits. The rich aroma will reach their peak in 3 -4 days after harvesting. The ripe fruit cannot be transport in a long distance.

Tips On Choosing Good Durian!

Look at the tip, if it is too dry means it is no longer fresh. A little dry is okay. Look at the bottom, if it is crack it may be overripe or not so fresh. But it still can be delicious. Smell the durian, if there is a strong smell, it is most likely good. If there is no smell, it is probably not ripe. Use your fingernails to scratch the durian, if it sounds hollow it is likely to be a good one.

Put the durian close to your ear, shake it and listen carefully, if there is a 'moving' sound, it is likely to be good. Look for holes around the durian, if there is tiny hole somewhere, there is likely to be a worm (larva of an insect) that has burrow into it.

Many people says durian

smells like hell, but tastes like heaven


Any Questions Guys And Girls??

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