Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

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Chapter 8

Creative Strategy: Planning and Development

What is Creativity
Creativity is the ability to use the and develop strength from surprises..

Perspectives on Advertising Creativity

Ad is creative only if it sells products

Ad is creative based on its aesthetic value and originality

Ad Characteristics
Unique Break through the clutter Brand preference depends on likeability Create positive feelings Such ads can only happen if creative people are given a lot of liberty However, being creative just for the sake of it (without passing a relevant message) does not communicate to the audience

Goal of advertising is to assist in sales and must be done in a way to communicate the it to buyer

Being rigid on sales may result in mediocre ads

Advertising Creativity
Ability to generate fresh, unique and appropriate ideas that can be used as solutions to communication problems. Appropriate and Effective
Not restricted to only those who work on the creative side.
Relevant to target audience

Planning the Creative Strategy

Creative Challenge Taking Creative Risks Creative Personnel

Planning the Creative Strategy

Creative Challenge
Shift focus from benefits and attributes only Design messages to engage audience Make the message memorable There is no magic formula as all market situations are different

Taking Creative Risks

Important to take risks for breakthrough advertising Conservative clients often pose problems for agencies
Clients see the campaign as a multimillion dollar investment whose goal is to sell the product rather than finance the whims and fancies of the creative staff

Creative Personnel

Creative Personnel

Creative Personnel
Abstract Less Structured Unconventional Relies on intuition rather than logic Their differences need to be understood and tolerated
However, they do have informal theories to guide them and connect with customers

The Creative Process

Background Research
Problem detection
Storyboard Animatic

Product/Service Specific Research Inputs to creative process

General Preplanning Input

Advertising Campaigns
Campaign Theme
Strong Idea Central Message Usually developed for the long term

Copy Platform for Creative Strategy

Target Audience Communication Objectives Basic problem/issue Creative Strategy Statement Opportunity Major Selling Idea Key benefit Other supportive information

Major Selling Idea

Strongest singular thing Claim broadest and most meaningful appeal to your target audience Be sure of it Must be strong enough to remain a central issue

Big Ideas
Unique Selling Proposition Creating a Brand Image Finding an Inherent Drama Positioning

Say Buy this product and this is what you will get Unique either in the brand or in the claim Strong enough to pull new customers Attributes and benefits need to dominate and be reinforced Should lead to Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Creating a Brand Image

Competing brands are similar Focus on Image Advertising Develop image that will appeal to product users

Finding an Inherent Drama

Good connectivity Places product in the lifestyle Message is warm and realistic Most interesting and believable

Position the product or service in a particular place Done for companies and brands Can be done on the basis of a distinctive attribute Overlaps with USP

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