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Our body is the obedient servant of our mind. It obeys whatever mind shows and instructs it. Replace your negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself with positive ones. Someone rightly said, Whether you believe you can or you believe you cannot, either way you are right. Replace the negative vocabulary you use about yourself in your routine with positive wording and phrases. Visualize and verbalize according to what you want to be or have, not according to what you are presently or what you dont want to be or have.

We want to hit the targets we dont know. We can never hit the target we dont know, no matter how many times we try for it. Biggest cause of performing poorly is lack of clarity. Find out your targets and goals and write them down.

Action is the foundational key to peak performance. Do not misjudge action with potential. Having potential is not enough, you have to perform. Potential without performing cannot yield performance. Someone rightly said, Do not judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. Do a thing and youll have the energy (motivation) to do it again.

Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. About twenty percent of your activities produce eighty percent of your results, always focus on these activities. Eighty percent of your activities produce twenty percent of your results, learn to deliberately put off and delay these activities to have more time to do top twenty percent activities. You never have enough time to do everything but you always have enough time to do something, make sure it is your most important and critical tasks. The rest you can delegate, delay or put off for some other time. So before you begin working on a list of task, take a few moments to prioritize them according to their value and priority so that you can be sure of working on your most important activities.

One of the worst uses of time is doing something very well that needs not to be done at all. Stop doing something less important to have more time to start doing something more important. Time management is not a function of time; its a function of interest. So build interest in whatever you do.

If you keep doing what youre doing, you will keep getting what youre getting. To change getting what youre getting, you need to change doing what youre doing. Peak performers do things differently and therefore, yield different results.

Last but not the least, PRAY to ALLAH. Put the best of your efforts and then PRAY to ALLAH.

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