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1 Introduction
Southern states became the Confederate States of America
(CSA). Claimed that if they were free to join the Union,
they were free to leave it.
No neutral states.
Where do you think West Virginia came from?
Virginia split into 2 states; West Virginia was loyal to Union
and VA was loyal to the South.
What the divided country looked like
Virginia splits apart and West Virginia
is created
22.2 What Were the Strengths and
Weaknesses of the North and South?
What do you think was the Norths biggest strength?
Strengths: population, money, manufacturing, farms,
iron, coal, copper, RR track.
Weakness: military leadership.
George McClellan Benjamin
Ambrose Burnside William
Who were the presidents of the U.S.
and CSA?
Abraham Lincoln was the president of the US. His
primary goal was to maintain the unity of the country.
Jefferson Davis was the president of CSA.
Abraham Lincoln
Jefferson Davis
Some things that the North had more
Strengths: Military leadership; North had to
conquer the South; South had a purpose.
Weaknesses: economy, factories (manufacturing),
RR track.
Who does the South remind you of?
Jeb Stuart
Robert E. Lee
Nathan Bedford
22.3 What Was the Battle of Bull Run?
The Anaconda Plan:
What do you think it was?
1. Blockade of southern ports to cut off shipping. 2.
Control the Mississip to divide CSA. 3. Capture
Bull Run was a major victory for the CSA. First battle
of the war. Hopes on both sides for a quick victory
ended at this battle.
The Aftermath
The Battlefield
The Anaconda Plan
Battle of Bull Run in VA
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Coded message from Rose ONeal
Tell Aunt Sally that I have some old shoes for the
children, and I wish her to send one down town
to take them, and to let me know whether she
has found any charitable person to help her take
care of them. What the letter actually meant
I have some important information to send
across the river, and wish a messenger
immediately. Have you any means of getting
reliable information?
Picnickers at Bull Run
Whens the battle
gonna start?
22.4 What Was the Battle of
Union had stopped all southern cotton exports to Britain.
New Orleans is captured and Grant is moving down the
Miss. River.
Why would Lee invade the North?
Lee invades the North to impress GB and persuade MD to
join CSA.
Union victory; bloodiest day of the war.
*New realities of war
Realities of war
New weaponry
Field Hospitals
Troops killed and wounded in battle versus
those who died of diseaseWould you rather be
in a hospital or on the battlefield?
Lincoln and McClellan
Lincoln with his officers
22.5 Why Was Gettysburg a Turning
Jan. 1863 Lincoln issues the Emancipation
Proclamation. Freed slaves in all the
Confederate states. Turned war into a crusade
(fight) for freedom.
Were any slaves actually freed?
1862 both North and South issue first draft laws.
Gettysburg Cont.
1863 Lee tries to invade the North again.
17,500 Union troops killed/wounded, and 23,000
CSA troops killed/wounded. Lee loses 1/3 of his
army and never again tries to invade the North.
South will now manage a defensive war.
Robert E. Lee George Meade
What Was Lincolns Gettysburg
Speech given in front of 15,000 people at a
dedication ceremony for a cemetery.
What does the speech sound similar to?
The speech was very similar to the Dec. of
Independence in that both supported the
ideals of self-government and human rights.
What Is an Ironclad?
The CSA begins the war w/ no navy. They cover an old
Union ship called the Merrimac with iron plating and
rename it the Virginia.
Destroys several wooden Union ships before it is met by the
Unions Monitor (also an ironclad).
What do you think happens when they shoot it out?
The 2 ships shoot it out w/ no result. Cannon balls simply
bounce off the ships.
The Merrimac
The Monitor
22.6 What Was the Battle of
1862 Union controlled both ends of the Mississippi, but
couldnt move up and down it b/c CSA controlled
Vicksburg, MS.
So what does the Union need to do?
1863 Union gunboats and Grants army shell the city
for 6 weeks until CSA surrender on July 4. Union
controlled the Mississippi River.

Union Gunboats Shell Vicksburg
22.7 What Happened at Ft. Wagner?
(African Americans Join the War)
1862 186,000 Af. Americans join Union army, and 30,000
join navy.
The Mass. 54
was an all-black regiment sent to attack Ft.
Wagner. It was an impossible task.
What do you think happened to the regiment?
of the entire regiment was killed while the other had to
The Massachusetts 54th
Col. Robert Shaw
Battle of Ft. Wagner
What Did Grant Do?
Grant took 100,000 men to fight it out with Lees army
in VA. Despite HUGE losses, Grant would not retreat.
Why wouldnt Grant retreat?
Grant could reinforce his losses, Lee could not.
Ulysses S. Grant
Robert E. Lee
What Is Total War?
What do you think it is?
Grant and Sherman believed in Total War, or war on
the enemys will to fight and its ability to support an
Sherman captured and burned a portion of Atlanta to
the ground. This helped Lincoln get reelected.
William Tecumseh Sherman
Sherman Was Here
What Was Shermans March Through
Textbook example of total war.
What do you think he did along the way from Atlanta to
Sherman marched from Atlanta to Savannah and destroyed
EVERYTHING of value along the way. He then proceeded to
Shermans Campaign
Shermans March To the Sea
Shermans men destroying a RR
How Did the War End? (Appomattox)
1865 Grant finally captures Richmond and
surrounds Lees army.
So then what?
Lee meets Grant at Appomattox Courthouse to
Why were Grants peace terms so generous?
Grants terms of surrender were extremely
generous and were designed to end the war
without further suffering or hatred.
620,000 Union and CSA troops were killed.
The Surrender
The Surrender again
The real Appomattox Courthouse

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