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Principal Of Measurement Of Bulk Density Sw Equation For 1 Well Log Principal of Measurement of Resistivity

Why we use these tools?

For Finding lithology and porosity we use bulk density tool. To determine hydrocarbon saturation we use Resistivity Logs From Sw Equation we can compute amount of water which is present in the formation so if we know the amount of water then it is possible to calculate amount of hydrocarbons.

Principle of measurement of Bulk Density

Gamma Ray Interaction:

When Gamma ray collides with the formation electron it lost their initial energy and on the basis of collision it will categories in to three: Compton Scattering: It occurs when a gamma ray collides with an electron and loses its energy. Pair Production: The conversion of a gamma ray into an electron and positron as they enter the strong electric field near an atoms nucleus called pair production. Photoelectric Absorption: The disappearance of low energy gamma ray as it collides with an atom, causing the ejection of an orbital electron is call photoelectric absorbtion.

How we measure electron density

The more electron there are in the formation, the more likely gamma ray will undergo photoelectric absorption and Compton scattering and therefore lose energy.By measuring the number of gamma ray and their energy levels at a given distance from the source, the electron density of the formation can be determined.

Relationship B/w Bulk Density and Electron Density

The number of electrons per gram atom = ZNa The number of electrons per gram = ZNa/A The number of electrons per cubic centimeter,Ne = (ZNa/A)Pb We arbitrarily define an electron density index Pe= (2ZNa/A)Pb If combine these two we get Pe = (2Z/A)Pb For most of the elements we consider Proton = Nuetron Then we got this equation A= 2Z So if we put the value of A in the above equation then we have the following equation

Pe = Pb

The density tool is usually run with the neutron. To aid quicklook interpretation they are run on "compatible scales". This means that the scales are set such that for a given lithology the curves overlay. The standard scale is the "limestone compatible" where the neutron porosity scale is:
To fit this the density log has to have its zero limestone point (2.7 g/cc) on the same position as the neutron porosity zero

Changing to a sandstone compatible scale would put the zero sandstone density, 2.65, over the neutron porosity zero to give:

Formula For determining Bulk Density

b f ma 1
ma b ma f

Sw Equation from one well

Sw Equation


n w

Requriements of Sw equation: Rw which is calcuated from two ways By using Sp curve By using this equation Rw =

a Rw m Rt

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