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Self-Esteem ones
overall selfevaluation

What would a person with high self-esteem say? I feel I am a person of worth, the equal of other people. I feel I do not have 15-1 much to be proud of.



2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All

Self Efficacy

Self Efficacy is a
persons belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task

Once you realize there are no geniuses out there, you can think, I can do that. One reason Ive succeeded is I have that nave sense of entitlement.


Effects of High Self-Efficacy

Sources of SelfEfficacy Beliefs
Prior Experi ence Behavi or Models Persua sion from Others Assessme nt of physical/ 3/28/12 emotional


Behavioral Patterns


Be activeselect best opportunities Manage the situation avoid or neutralize obstacles Succ ess

High I know I can do this job

Set goalsestablish standards Plan, prepare, practice Try hard: persevere Creatively solve problems Learn from setbacks Visualize success Limit Stress 35-3

Self-efficacy beliefs

Effects of Low Self-Efficacy

Sources of SelfEfficacy Beliefs Results Feedback

Behavioral Patterns
Be passive Avoid difficult tasks Develop weak aspirations and low commitment Focus on personal deficiencies Dont even trymake a weak effort Quit or become discouraged because of setbacks Blame setbacks on lack of ability or bad luck Worry, experience stress, become depressed Think of excuses for failing

Prior Experi ence Behavi or Models Persua sion from Others Assessme nt of physical/ emotional 3/28/12 state

Self-efficacy beliefs


Low I dont think I can get the job done



Self-Monitoring: Observing ones own behavior and adapting it to the situation What are the dangers of being a:

High Self-Monitor? Low Self-Monitor?

Is high or low-self-monitoring related to job success?

3/28/12 55-5

The Big Five Personality Dimensions

Remember acronym OCEAN Personality Dimension
1) Openness to experience 2) Conscientiousness 3) Agreeableness 4) Extraversion 5) Neuroticism/Emotional stability
Characteristics of a Person Scoring Positively on the Dimension

Intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad minded

Dependable, responsible, achievement, oriented, persistent Trusting, good natured, cooperative, soft hearted Outgoing, talkative, social, assertive Relaxed, secure, unworried

Locus of Control

External Locus of Control belief that Internal Locus of Control ones and consequences in one controls key events
life outcomes attributed ones life. to environmental factors such as luck or fate



Internal LOC & Humility

Internals enjoy.

High performance Job satisfaction Higher salaries and more promotions Less anxiety

Humility Considering the contributions of others and 3/28/12 85-8 good fortune when gauging

Contributors to Performance
Abili ty Effo rt Skill
3/28/12 95-9


Mental Abilities Underlying Performance


Verbal comprehension Word fluency Numerical Spatial Memory Perceptual speed Inductive 105-10

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

ability to manage oneself and interact with others in a constructive way


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