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Now what!!!!!!

Fresh out of College!!!!!!


Dreaming of earning money and fame.

But there is a fear to face the interview and the corporate world ?

Interviewing for Success

Who interviews and why?

Employers to determine the best fit for a job and to understand and evaluate the gaps between the position and the position holder.

This is not an exam its just basic preparation before you step out to enter into a new and different world.

The key to successful interviewing is EFFECTIVE PREPARATION

The two major areas you need to prepare for are :
Yourself Skills Interests Experience Accomplishments Prospective Employer History of the institution Structure of the department Knowledge of products, services Understanding of the position

most important of all know

your SWOT

Personal SWOT Analysis

Discover new Opportunities Manage and eliminate Threats

What advantages (for example, skills, education or connections) do you have that others don't have? What do you do better than anyone else?

What could you improve? What should you avoid?

Where are the good opportunities facing you? What are the interesting trends you are aware of?

What obstacles do you face? Is your job (or the demand for the things you do) changing?

How Candidates Are Rated in Interviews

1. The DOMAIN KNOWLEDGE i.e., the subject knowledge. 2. The SOFT SKILLS, i.e., communication, confidence, present ability, personality and
Image and Attitude 40% Appearance 10%

3. The 3rd factor that is very important is the ATTITUDE

Good communication, good analytical abilities and Logical bent of mind helps the candidate to pass the interview and get a good job.

Job Skills & Communication Qualifications (verbal and nonverbal) 25% 25%

Get Ready for Interview

Resume Checklist
Your resume is the first interface you have with your employer

Few Things to Remember: Give factual and honest information. Keep your CV to two pages of single sided A4. Focus on aspects of your career, qualifications, skills, etc. that are relevant to the particular organization and job. Use a standard font of (Times New Roman or Arial) and font size (10 or 12 pt.). Provide relevant references

Any face to face contact with anyone who has the authority to hire or supervise a person with your skills.

Types of Interview(a few of them):

Panel Interview/ Board InterviewCandidates are interviewed by two or more individuals.

One-On-One InterviewsCandidates are interviewed by one person.

Second InterviewsHappen after the initial interview and is generally conducted by middle or senior management.

Video Conference InterviewsIn case of the different location and time constraint.

Telephone InterviewsHave a copy of your resume and any points you want to remember to say, nearby. Convey your enthusiasm verbally.

Group InterviewA group of candidates put together in a group situation to solve a problem, to test ability to work in a team ..

Pre-Requisite Checklist
Various steps to be followed during an interview. Location of interview. Updated copies of your CV and Certificates. Remember your passport details. Remember your 10th, 12th, graduation and postgraduation marks details. Keep some passport size photographs, stapler, gum tube, etc. Check your dress code. Questions you are going to ask. Detail information of at least two refries , their phone numbers, residential address etc. Be confident and positive

<<< Before Interview

Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure."

Successful interviewing begins with preparation:

Know the company Prepare questions of your own Know yourself
Know the types of interview questions

Practice Practice Practice


What an Interviewer looking for ?

Educational Background Technical Background Family Background Personality & Confidence Communication skills Presentation skills Organizational Skills & Leadership Skills


Know the Company

Make sure you research the company in which you are going for interview so that you can ask and answer questions intelligently.

Know the Organizations environment & Culture, Products & Services, Goal, Mission & Needs, Financial status, Competitors, Reputation and any recent major changes. Try to discover information about the person who you will meet: background, designation and education.

Know Yourself
To be a greater champion, you must believe that you are the best. If you are not, pretend you are!
Know Your:

Skills; abilities; ideas; goals Accomplishments Education; work experience; extracurricular activities Interests / Hobbies Strengths & Weaknesses

Qualities and Your Uniqueness

Be ready to show your Competitive Advantage.


The Questions
and how to answer them


Tell us something about yourself?

What makes you different from others? How organized and concise are you? What brought you to this career? Why do you want to work with this organization?

The wrong answers. X Sentimental


What are your strengths and weaknesses?

What is your greatest strength? Frame your answer in two ways: How you see your talents and abilities. How will you be an asset to the organization. Confidence is important, but humility is critical. Never exaggerate. The wrong answer. X Im a quick learner. X I get emotional


Why do you want to join TCS?

Best company Good company Mention your strengths in terms of how you fit in to the organization. The wrong answers. I like the company I dont have much knowledge about TCS


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Demonstrate the importance of the job offer as part of your career progression. Focus on achievable objectives and what you are doing to reach those objectives
The wrong answer. Anything about marriage, kids, and going back to school.


Do you have any question for us?

Interviewers are as interested in your questions as they are in your answers & will react favorably if you ask intelligent questions about the position, the company and the industry. Always have questions Ask about: The culture of the organization Professional Development Expectations What the next step is. The wrong answer. Anything about salary, benefits or bonuses. Anything about the strategy or future plans 22

Never interrupt or finish a sentence of an interviewer. Even if they talk extraordinarily slow, be patient..
Answering Style Matter!! keep your answers focused include concrete information (examples) communicate with enthusiasm and attitude Sell yourself!! Always expand your answer. Never answer a question with a Yes or No.


Guidelines to overcome the Stress/Nervousness

Know the Company well before the interview
Practice with a friend or a career counselor/ Profosser
Carry all the necessary documents Visualize yourself as Successful Candidate

Learn how to Relax: Sit comfortable with your back straight.

Be Confident and Optimistic


Things to Keep in Mind

Do whatever it takes to arrive 15-20 minutes early. Late arrival for a job interview is never excusable. Time and Tides waits for none so does your interviewer so always try to be on time.

FIRST IMPRESSION is the last impression

The purpose of your clothing is to project an image of professionalism
For Men Always wear a dark colored trouser with light colored shirt. Matching tie Dark shoes For Women Always wear a Saree, or formal suits (salwar-kamiz), suit with a jacket ; No high heels Minimal use of makeup (it should not be noticeable) No ornaments

A firm handshake is appropriate and projects confidence.

Make eye contact when you shake hand.


Nonverbal communication speaks the loudest!

Body-language is important as it: Expresses what youre feeling non-verbally

Helps you to control your end of the conversation

It indicates if a person is actively or passively reacting to communication.

Basic Groups of Body Language:

Closed: People with arms folded, legs crossed and bodies turned away are signaling that they are rejecting the message. Open: People showing open hands, fully facing you and both feet planted on the ground are accepting them.

Forward: When someone is leaning forward and sitting towards you, they are actively accepting or rejecting the message. Backward: When someone is leaning backward, looking around, doodling, cleaning their glasses, they are either passively absorbing or ignoring the message

Make frequent eye contact Smile Take notes Nod frequently Keep you hands out of your pocket

Cross you arms Tap your feet Clear your throat repeatedly Bite your lips or nails


Ending on a High Note

While closing interview remember
Shake everyones hand Thank them for their time RELAX!!


Mistakes That Cost People Jobs

Oversell: Trying too hard to impress; bragging; acting aggressively Body Language: Staring at feet, fiddling with hands Negative Attitude: Complaining about previous professor Lack of Honesty Lack of Preparation

Lack of Enthusiasm


A quick recap..
Interview Dos
Research the department before the interview Review sample questions and practice your answers Schedule a mock interview with mentor/friend Bring extra resumes to the interview Dress professionally Bring a list of questions you have for the interviewers

Interview Donts
Arrive late! Ask about salary during the intial interview Argue with the interviewer Continue to interview after you accepted a position


The Perfect Candidate

A complete application Personal appearance Answering questions completely Positive attitude and behavior Good interpersonal relations - Team Player Completing tasks efficiently


Dont Give Up..

It takes time and persistence to reach your goal Consider every interview a learning experience


LUCK !!!


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