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Presented by Pradip ku Sahoo

External and Internal Factors influencing Personnel Function

EXTERNAL FACTORS Technological factors Economical challenges Political factors Social factors Local & Governmental issues Unions Employers demands Workforce diversity

INTERNAL FACTORS Mission Policies Organizational culture Organizational structure HR systems

Technological Changes
An organization's technology is the process by which

inputs are transformed into outputs. Technology includes tools, machinery, equipment, work procedures, and employee knowledge and skills.

Impact of Technology on HRM


New skills required As new technologies are developed and implemented, there is an urgent need to upgrade existing employee skills and knowledge-if the organization wants to survive and flourish in a competitive world. Ex- telecommunications, hospitality, retailing, banking, insurance, biotechnology and financial services.

2. Downsizing New technologies have decimated many lower-end jobs with frustrating regularity. Increased automation has reduced employee head counts everywhere.

3. Collaborative work: Technological change has resulted more collaborative teamwork where managers, technicians and analysts work together on projects.

4. Telecommuting : Due to development of technology led to the relocation of work from the office to work. 5. Internet and intranet revolution : Internet and information technology have enabled

companies to become more competitive by cutting cost

In HR, internets and intranets are being used to

handle training, benefits administration, performance management and placement function, in recent times.


Total Quality Management(TQM)

According to Edward Deming, TQM is a way of

creating an organizational culture committed to the continuous improvement of skills, teamwork, processes, product and service quality and customer satisfaction.
The major premise of the TQM philosophy is that

quality, defined by Juran as fitness for use, is the key to business success

TQM for the management of human resources

1.Education and communication Quality begins and ends with education. Companies supporting the quality message through the adaption of personnel practice 2.Selection: TQM has had an effect on selection procedures. for example, more sophisticated recruitment and selection techniques were being introduced, including psychometric and aptitude tests and assessment centers in an attempt to identify team workers appropriate to a quality culture.

3. Appraisal: performance appraisal has a key role to play as a primary tool to communicate to managers whether quality standards are being met. This is a primary area where managers recognize the organizational philosophy ( i.e. Quality is King)

4. Training : If the managers assessment of the training will be more adequate, then the degree of success of quality increases. 5. Industrial Relations : TQM seems to require wholesale organizational changes and a re-examination of production/operations methods and working practices and this has implications for industrial relations.



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