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Michael Britt

Wireless threats are all around in today's society, wireless threats come in all shapes and sizes from someone attaching to your Wireless access point without authorization. Wireless communication is broadcasted over radio waves, and it allows individuals to eavesdrop. Eavesdroppers listen to the wireless transmissions, and it is possible for an eavesdropper to pick up confidential information. (Inform IT, Wireless Security Threats)

Wireless threats are becoming more popular with the advancement of technology. Cell phones today can do a multitude of tasks compared to phones of earlier generations. What individuals and corporations dont realize is that they are at just as much of a risk for potential security threats on their phones as they are at home or on their work computers. Taking the necessary precautions can protect confidential information.

Bluetooth: What is it? Bluetooth is a wireless transmission standard that facilitates the connection among electronic computing devices, in short range. Bluetooth Transmission can be anywhere between 1 meter or 100 meters. Bluetooth Transmits data over a 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency. This frequency band has been set aside by international agreement for the use of industrial, scientific and medical devices. (Technology in Action, Bluetooth)

Bluetooth was founded in September of 1998.(History of Bluetooth, Blue Tomorrow) The name Bluetooth was given its name from the Danish king Harald Blaatand. The Danish King was the one who fused Denmark and Norway between 940 and 985 AD. The Danish King is known to bring together the telecom and computing industries in todays world. (History of Bluetooth, World Start)

Malicious software did not impose threats on consumers until 2004. The first event of this was when the Cabir Smart Phone worm attempted to spread amongst Symbian based phones. June 14, 2004 was its intended date to virtually destroy the Symbian based phones. Cabir was the first network worm capable of spreading through Bluetooth technology. (Worm.SymbOS.Cabir.a, VirusList)

Bluetooth can be found on: Keyboards, Headsets, Printers, PDAs, Cell Phones, Desktops, Wii, Playstation 3, and Laptops. It is used to easily attach these portable devices without the use of cables or wires. With the use of Bluetooth users can simply walk into a room and be connected without wires, configuration changes, and troubleshooting. (How Internet and Personal Security Work, How Bluetooth Works)

Bluetooth connections are wireless and automatic. They require no configurations. This is called an Ad Hoc network, there is no server or access point. The type of network that Bluetooth uses is called a Peer to Peer network. (How Internet and Personal Security Work, How Bluetooth Works)

Bluetooth has a microchip implanted in the compatible device, the software is called a link controller. The link controller is what seeks other Bluetooth devices. After a Bluetooth device finds another device they communicate to see if they should connect with one another. They decide if they should communicate based on their Bluetooth profile. Once the two devices decide if they should connect they set up a connection which is called a PICONET. (How Internet and Personal Security Work, How Bluetooth Works)

Once the Bluetooth devices set up a connection, it allows them to communicate with one another simultaneously. Bluetooth is used to send and receive information from other wireless devices. (How Internet and Personal Security Work, How Bluetooth Works)

Bluetooth Can operate on Three Security Modes: 1) Mode 1, which is non secure 2) Mode 2, which Provides Security at the service level, after a channel is established. 3) Mode 3, which provides security at the link level, before the channel is established. (Windows Security, Bluetooth Security Issues)

Individuals and Corporations Owners of any Bluetooth devices Example: Smart Phones, PDAs, Pocket PCs (PenTest, Bluetooth Security Issues) Many users set their phones on what hackers call discoverable mode in order to use Bluetooth devices, but individuals almost always leave it in that mode, when they are not even using there Bluetooth device. "Fifty to seventy percent of the phones we see are vulnerable. (Tech world, Bluetooth Phones Easily Hackable)

Theft of information, this could be personal information, or Corporate information. Location based SPAM, which is based on your physical location. (Perimetec, Spam to mobile devices based on your physical location) Bluetooth mobile phones can be hacked fairly easy. If your mobile phone is hacked through Bluetooth it is letting someone steal phone books, images, calendar information, or anything else that you may have stored on your Bluetooth enabled phone. (Bluetooth phones easily hack able, Techworld)

BlueSnarf Bluejacking BlueBug Car Whispering Head Phone Hacking

BlueSnarf was one of the first attacks used with Bluetooth. A hacker would have to download this type of software, it is used to find a flaw in Bluetooth access software. The software will then begin to search for Bluetooth devices operating in discovery mode. (How Personal and Internet Security Work, How Bluesnarfing Works) BlueSnarf, is easy to use and is cheap to perform. (Technology in Action, Preventing Bluetooth Attacks)

BlueSnarf is an attack that uses OBEX which is a communications protocol. OBEX allows the exchange of binary objects between devices. OBEX is a Push Profile. This form of an attack is easy to use when the Bluetooth device is set in visible mode. BlueSnarf allows access to a phone book of a connected cell phone without authorization. When a potential hacker uses BlueSnarf they can steal any information that may be stored. This attack also lets a hacker corrupt any phone in range. (How Personal and Internet Security work, How Bluesnarfing Works)

Bluejacking is done when a Bluetooth device exchanges at the beginning of its connection, it allows the hacker to take advantage of any of the IDs that the devices exchange. Bluejacking allows a hacker to steal a phonebook, calendar, or any data files. BlueJackers make use of this ability mostly to send offensive messages, or to disturb individuals. (computer news me, Bluejacking)

Bluebug is an attack that allows the hacker access to the AT commands of a cellular phone. This form of an attack would allow the hacker to use the phones services without the owners knowledge. A hacker could intercept incoming and out going calls. Bluebugging is a Bluetooth security loophole on some older cell phones, Newer phones are not affected. (Going around with Bluetooth in Full Safety, BlueBug) BlueBug, is difficult, and much more expensive to execute when compared to Bluesnarfing. (Technology in Action, Preventing Bluetooth Attacks)

Car Whispering is a relatively new phenomenon. Car Whispering is revealing vulnerabilities with relatively new Cars that are Bluetooth compatible. With this a Hacker could be near by and could use long range or even short range Bluetooth antennae, and hack into the Cars Bluetooth devices. The use of Car whispering could be used for going after individuals or companies. The attack could be used to distract the driver, and possibly cause an accident. (Loose Wire Blog, Car Whispering)

Head Phone Hacking, Bluetooth headsets can be exploited through hacking. The hacker would have the ability to record and inject audio messages through the headset while the device is not in an active call. Bluetooth Hackers make use of this Loop hole to eavesdrop, send offensive messages. (Computer News, Securing Bluetooth)

In order to protect your self from Bluetooth Wireless Threats you should be careful when downloading New programs or applications from the Internet, and make sure that it is a credible web site. Make sure that your device functions properly, the way it was when it was purchased from the factory. Always deactivate the Bluetooth device when not in use. Try to update the security software as soon as possible. (Technology in Action, Preventing Bluetooth Attacks)

Bluetooth uses Man made electromagnetic Frequencies. These frequencies are also known as EMFs. (EMF Blues, Bluetooth EMF Safety) When using wireless technology you are putting yourself in the presence of Microwave radiation. Long term Contact to Electromagnetic Frequencies has been linked to Cancer, Brain Tumors, ADD, Miscarriages, and even Hair loss. (EMF Blues, Bluetooth EMF Safety)

EMF has been known to change and affect Biological changes in the human body. These biological changes can be passed through genetics. Bluetooth headsets expose the brain, ears, and even your eyes to EMFs. Bluetooth Headsets have been known to cause Deafness, Brain Tumors, and Headaches. (EMF Blues, Bluetooth EMF Safety)

Bluetooth, has been going up compared to the slow economy. Bluetooth will continue to experience high market growth, according to In-Stat/MDR. (Geek Zone, Strong Growth for Bluetooth In Spite of the Economy) The main challenge for Bluetooth is to educate its users on the technology, instead of the technology behind Bluetooth. Bluetooth is expected to grow from 10.4 million to 510 million units from the year 2001 to 2006. this will be a 118% annual growth rate. (Geek Zone, Strong Growth for Bluetooth In Spite of the Economy)

Many market analysts believe that Bluetooth Will have a growing market through the year 2007. this is believed due to the use of Bluetooth and mobile phones. In-Stat predicts that Bluetooth will increase its growth by 34% in 2007 which is a downturn from past years in the economy. (PC Authority, Bluetooth to Suffer Market Slow Down)

A survey conducted by In-Stat shows that France, Germany, an the UK have the most individuals familiar with the use of Bluetooth, and Korea and Japan had the lowest percentages, while the United States was in the middle. (PC Authority, Bluetooth to Suffer Market Slow Down) According to a Mobile Security Report of 2008, 13.7% of those polled from Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States were aware that they may have been a victim of an attack by mobile phone viruses.

Mobile phone radiation is another issue that is causing complaints from Bluetooth wireless Technology. In recent studies in the United States, results showed an increased risk of Electro Magnetic Frequency. EMFs have been related to Cancer, Brain Tumors, Miscarriages, Birth defects, alterations in DNA, and RNA.

Bluetooth, May be headed for a massive reinvention that includes a possibility for new markets and applications to emerge in the next two years in Asia, and even around the world. Bluetooth inventors one day soon believe that a new version will be able to monitor blood pressure or glucose levels, and have tremendous amounts of help in the Medical World. (Tele com asia, A New Age For Bluetooth)

Wireless threats will continue to grow, with the growth of technology. With the growing rate of Smart Phones and PDAs more and more threats will develop. As more and more phones use the WIFI networks there is going to be more and more information out there. With more information hackers are going to continue to steal confidential information. In order to prevent wireless threats individuals need to take the necessary precautions to make sure that they are protected.

Evans, Alan. Technology in Action. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2009. "History of Bluetooth - WorldStart Computer Tips and Computer Help." - The Best Computer Tips and Software Deals on the Internet! 05 Apr. 2009 <>. "Bluetooth History." Bluetooth Technology - Home. 05 Apr. 2009 <>. " - Worm.SymbOS.Cabir.a." - Information About Viruses, Hackers and Spam. 05 Apr. 2009 <>. Gralla, Preston. How Personal and Internet Security Work. Indianapolis: Que, 2006. "Bluetooth: Is it a Security Threat?" Network Security Articles for Windows Server 2003, 2008 & Vista. 05 Apr. 2009 <>. " - Bluetooth phones easily hackable." - Techworld IT infrastructure and networks. 05 Apr. 2009 <>. "Securing Bluetooth | Technology |." Computer News Middle East: Enterprise Resource for CIOs. 05 Apr. 2009 <>. "The Next Kind of Bluetooth Threat: Car Whispering." Loose wire blog. 05 Apr. 2009 <>. "Bluetooth EMF Safety." Welcome to EMF Blues! 05 Apr. 2009 <>. "InformIT: Wireless Security Wireless Threats." InformIT: The Trusted Technology Learning Source. 05 Apr. 2009 <>. Welcome to Pentest Limited. 05 Apr. 2009 <>. "The future: spam to mobile devices based on your physical location | Perimetec." AntiSpam Filter & Anti Spam Filtering Services | Perimetec. 05 Apr. 2009 <>.
"Strong growth for Bluetooth chipsets in spite of economy." Geekzone: technology news, blogs, forums. 05 Apr. 2009 <>. "Bluetooth to suffer market slowdown - News - PC Authority." PC Authority - Tech reviews, advice, news, downloads and forums. 05 Apr. 2009 <,bluetooth-to-suffer-market-slowdown.aspx>. "A new age for Bluetooth." 05 Apr. 2009 <>.

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