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Date : 22.03.2012 Presenter : Doanh Le


Scrum Overview Scrum Contents

Scrum Roles
Scrum time-box Steps to Deploy Scrum Estimate effort in Scrum

Scrum Overview

Scrum Contents

3 Principles Transparency Inspection Adaptation 4 Artifacts Product Backlog Release Burn-down Chart Sprint Backlog Sprint Burn-down Chart Tools Task board

3 Roles Product Owner Scrum Master Team 4 Meetings Planning Meeting Daily Scrum meeting Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective

Roles of Product Owner

Defines the product Prioritizes work

Decides/approves release dates and release contents

Approves work results Only one person can be the product owner

Scrum Master
Help the Team to learn and apply Scrum to get business value Ensure the process is followed

Serves on the team, Shields team and remove barriers

Act as facilitator when conflicts arise Holds daily 15minute team meeting Maintains the Sprint Burn-down chart


Responsible for creating delivering the product Self- organization

Cross- function
Optimally a group 5-9 people Execute the actual work:design, develop, test, technical communication,etc... Estimate the Product Backlog Prepare the task for Sprint Backlog

How to implement Scrum process?

1.Agree on the Product Owner, Scrum Master and Scrum Team 2. Declare the Product Vision

3. Define the Prioritized Product Backlog

4. Estimate the Product Backlog items through relative sizing 5. Set a deadline for Sprint demo, Review and retrospective Meeting (and send invites) 6. Conduct Sprint Planning Meeting to determine the resources, tasks and detailed estimate for Spring Backlog 7. Commit as a team to the sprint 8. Track daily activities and impediments through Scrum Review Meeting

9. Track progress with Burn-down Chart

10. Conduct Sprint Demo, Review & Retrospection 11. Apply recommendations to the next Sprint 12. Go to Step 5

Product Backlog
Contains all product features Backlog items Prioritized by the Product Owner

Understood by everybody
Increasing detail Estimated by the Team Everyone contributes, PO owns Top priority items most likely proposed to sprints by PO Items outside the current sprint change freely

Meeting Results

Impediment Backlog is up-to-date Sprint Backlog is up-to-date

Burn-down is up-to-date

Where can we use Scrum ?

Risk is slow

Experience people
Small Team

Organizational cultures

When it's better to use Scrum?

Here is some critial to decide use Scrum

Success is defined by responsiveness to customer requests

Tightest constraint is on schedule, to achieve quick turnaround Customer requirements are hazy and change frequently Or the business environment is uncertain

Why we use the Agile Scrum method ?

1. Increased Revenue

6. Flexibility / Agility

2. Reduced Cost

7. Speed to market

3. Quality

8. Higher Customer Satisfaction

4. Visilility/Transparentcy

9. Right Product

Advantages & Disadvantages

Advantages *Communication can improve across all the teams. *It provides for an open forum, where everyone knows who is responsible for which item. *Scrum can increase team efficiency by as much as 20 percent.

Disadvantages * Decision-making is entirely in the hands of the teams. * There has to be constant, handson management.

*Problems are more transparent.


The End

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