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Child Oral Health Dr.(Mrs.

) Machila Perera



What type of Diet? Does a woman loose calcium from teeth during pregnancy? Gum diseases & pregnancy Radiographs/x-rays during pregnancy How to keep the mouth healthy during pregnancy?

Eruption of milk teeth often starts at the age of 6 months. All 20 milk teeth have erupted by the age of 2yrs. Serial eruption or Multiple eruption It can appear as ; 1. Reddish gum 2. Swollen gum over the erupting tooth 3. Fluid filled blister 4. Hard texture over the gum

Teething may also cause following symptoms; Increased drooling Restless or decreased sleeping due to gum discomfort. Refusal of food due to soreness of the gum region. Fussiness that comes & goes Bringing the hands into the mouth Mild rash around the mouth due to irritation secondary to excessive drooling Mild temperature Loose motion

Pain relief/pain killer Rub the affected gum

Provide safe objects for the baby to chew on, such as teething rings

main cause is the baby falling asleep while breast feeding or bottle feeding.

The sugary portion of the milk or juice which stagnates on the tooth surface reacts with bacteria in the childs mouth causing tooth decay. This involves mainly the front teeth(anterior teeth).

Early stages appear as white chalky marks in the four upper front teeth.

If left untreated further tooth decay progress

Tooth decay further progresses until it become as follows. It may even result dental abscesses.


Brush/Clean your childs teeth daily. Do not allow your child to fall asleep with a bottle filled with milk, juice or any other sugary liquid. Do not allow your child to sip a bottle with sugary products for long periods as a pacifier. Try to introduce a bottle of water during naps in the night, as they are not hungry but thirsty most of the time. Use a wet gauze to clean the front teeth after giving milk(breast feeding/bottle). Introduce a cup instead of a bottle as soon as they turn 1yr. Dental check ups.

Can involve any tooth. Main cause is the formation of acid on the tooth surface that decalcifies the tooth.






MUCOCELE: collection of saliva due to trauma to the minor salivary glands.

Allergies to medicines: can appear as oral lesions. Some viral infections eg: Hand, Foot & mouth disease manifests mucosal lesions in children. All above lesions need to be checked by a dental surgeon.

Main causes include accidental falls during playing, road traffic accidents, etc,

Trauma to teeth can range from a simple crack up to an avulsion of a tooth.

Subluxation/loosening of tooth from the bone socket


displacing further towards the


Avulsion: Entire tooth has completely displaced from the socket.

First bleeding must be arrested applying pressure or with ice. Avulsed tooth should be carried in normal saline, breast milk or saliva. Go to the hospital ASAP. Treatment vary according to the type of trauma.

CROSSBITES : lower teeth are arranged more anteriorly (forward) than the upper teeth.

This type of malocclusions in children require prompt attention & please refer them to a dental surgeon. This can be easily reversed back to normal occlusion via orthodontics.


MAIN CAUSES ARE: 1. Thumb sucking 2. Nail biting 3. Prolonged bottle feeding



Prevention of habit : use plasters, boxing gloves, applying bitter liquids on the fingers Habit breaking appliances


Orthodontic treatment


- Balanced diet, which includes calcium, iron, vitamins,etc.. Loosing calcium from teeth during pregnancy? - Its a myth Gum diseases during pregnancy - common/ due to hormonal changes - Disappear after delivery


x-rays during pregnancy - Avoid as much as possible - Radiation from dental x-rays are very minimal/ use a lead apron while being exposed. How to keep the mouth healthy during pregnancy? - Periodic visits to the dentist. - Proper brushing - Controlling sweets

1. Brushing Instructions - Children require parental supervision during brushing. - But following points are important to remember.

brush- angulated - medium bristles Correct brushing technique - start from a corner - look at a mirror Frequency of brushing - twice daily - 10 mins

Fluoridated toothpaste advise children to spit after brushing but not to swallow. As ingestion of fluoride will end up as fluorosis of teeth.

2. Control dietary habits Control sweets Eat more fruits/vegetables

3. Dental treatment for caries susceptible areas

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