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Olympic Values and Intercultural Understanding

Isabelle Jones, The Radclyffe school, Oldham Powerpoint Templates @icpjones Page 1

Olympic Values and IU

How can Olympic Values support the International Dimension in the Languages Classroom? Creative ways to integrate Olympic values and Intercultural Understanding as part of everyday classroom activities Ideas to promote languages through the international dimension Strategies to develop SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) using high-profile events like the Olympics

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Olympic & paralympics Values:

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

Accepting peoples differences Always trying your best Getting to know other people Looking at others to find out who you really are Not giving up Accepting inter-dependency Getting out of your comfort zone

Direct approach and wholeschool approach

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Olympic & paralympics Values:

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Olympic & paralympics Values:

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

Respeto Excelencia Amistad Inspiracin Determinacin Igualdad Coraje

Respect Excellence Amiti Inspiration Dtermination Egalit Courage

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Olympic & paralympics Values:

Le plus important aux jeux olympiques n est pas de gagner mais de participer de mme que le plus important dans la vie nest pas de triompher mais de se battre bien
Pierre de Coubertin (borrowed from a speech he heard in 1908)

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Olympic & paralympics Values:
Know your Values quiz

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Olympic & paralympics Values:

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Olympic & paralympics Values:

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Olympic & paralympics Values:

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Olympic & paralympics Values: Fact File: Design quizzes or get children to design Quizzes Picture story: Match up with the values/ describe the pictures/ understand descriptions Know your Values Quiz: on IWB-to reflect on the meaning of the values Match the sound to the picture: students to just listen to the sound, write the sport in the TL using dictionary skills Soundtrack game: script a commentary in the TL, using the example provided in English The image bank can be used for students to choose a picture and record a commentary about it. Posters available in English, French, Spanish, German Link with the cooking around the world website, looking at healthy eating and recipes in different languages
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What is creativity?

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

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Olympics Symbols Olympic rings and flags Olympic motto: Plus vite, plus haut, plus fort Olympic mascots and official posters
Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

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In French we will learn..

Numbers to record times & distances Countries who is taking part? Colours - for each nations flags Foods that keep athletes healthy Exercises that keep athletes fit

Thanks to Jo Rhys-Jones Powerpoint Templates

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Olympic Values and IU :

Respecting differences

Names Handwriting Food Clothes Houses School Music Traditions

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage The Intercultural Understanding Toolkit Resources for developing Intercultural Understanding (Primary) Google doodles (visuals with lots of cultural references)

Differences and similarities

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Olympic/Paralympic Value Respect

Learning and Teaching Suggested date during activity school year

French Day (all KS2 off timetable to carry out various activities in French throughout the school day) Languages Celebration Evening at Kingsford School (a focus point as an end of year celebration): primary and secondary pupils perform songs, role plays and do presentations and dances in target language to audience of parents and staff) Term 1


Term 3

Friendship Courage

Writing letters to a French pen pal at a school in a French-speaking country Making longer sentences (pupils learn a topic e.g. sports, and connecting words and endeavour to make the longest, comprehensible sentence in the class)

Term 2

Term 2

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

Olympian values inspire language-learning and teaching in Newham LinkedUp Project, Lead Holly Morgan, Kingsford Community School Powerpoint Templates

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Student table mats and Teacher Talk document: students (and teachers) aim to use as much target language as possible during French lessons and at appropriate points throughout school day



Prepare a presentation about yourself in French and memorise it. Do it in front of class, in an assembly and at Languages Celebration Evening

Term 1


Learn about some cultural aspects of learning French e.g. food eaten in French speaking countries

Term 2

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

Olympian values inspire language-learning and teaching in Newham LinkedUp Project, Lead Holly Morgan, Kingsford Community School Powerpoint Templates

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Olympic Values and IU :

Names Using Saints names/calendar (TFTD) Using most popular names Looking at origin and spelling of foreign names Prnoms et noms Francophones (liens) Noms de famille franais Dictionnaire des noms et prnoms en franais Tout le monde il est beau Zazie First names from Spain and other countries Spanish Surnames

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

Differences and similarities

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Olympic Values and IU :

Handwriting and paper

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

Powerpoint Templates Differences and similarities

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Olympic Values and IU :

Buf Bourguignon Croque Monsieur Salade Nioise Couscous Soupe loignon Pot-au-feu Gratin dauphinois Tarte Tatin Soupe au pistou Steak-frites Ratatouille Tomates provenales Bche de nol Quiche Lorraine Crpes Camembert Roquefort Poires belle-Hlne Fromage frais Clafoutis Flan

Webquest using and Google images Ingredients in TL Would I try it? Why/why not

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

Powerpoint Templates Differences and similarities

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Olympic Values and IU :


Match up national costume with name of the country Describe the national costume Free National Costume of the world iphone app

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

Powerpoint Templates Differences and similarities

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Olympic Values and IU : *House and Home Intercultural understanding-identify features

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Olympic Values and IU :


Different sports done at school e.g. Handball RE, drama, citizenship in France Uniform Daily routine and holidays Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage Powerpoint Templates

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Olympic Values and IU : *Music

Intercultural understanding-reflecting on identity and finding out about France Find songs with repetitive structures And get students to also be more Creative with the language... Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

Rap project

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Olympic Values and IU : *Traditions

Festivals and local calendar Spanish calendar of festivals Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

Local traditions and meanings colours-in-cultures/

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Inspiration from ethical issues

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

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Olympic Values and IU :

Finding Resources /

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Olympic Values and SEAL:

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

RRS scheme

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R1: To speak Respectfully

Towards your teacher:

Speaking quietly and politely Thinking before you speak Speaking when it is appropriate to do so

Towards each other:

Speaking politely to other students Thinking before you speak Keeping quiet if you have nothing pleasant to say Keeping street language out of school R2: To behave Respectfully

Towards your teacher

Doing as you are asked without argument Accepting that members of staff have authority over students because they have responsibility for your welfare; Treating staff as professionals; Showing that you want to learn; Listening carefully and following instructions.

Towards each other:

Showing consideration on the corridors Queuing properly Avoiding physical contact with other students Respecting other students space Sitting where you are asked toPowerpoint Templates in class Telling a member of staff if there is a problem with another student.

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R3: To Respect the school environment Putting rubbish in bins in and out of the classroom Looking after and having pride in your classroom Sticking to the rules regarding specialist rooms and equipment e.g. science labs; sports and ICT equipment Reporting any damage to a member of staff Making sure you are in the right place at the right time, including lunchtimes Keeping the school site safe. R4: To have Respect for your own learning Wanting to succeed and valuing success; Being on time to school and lessons; Having the correct equipment; Doing the work to the best of your ability; Doing your homework to deadline; Asking for help if you need it; Taking responsibility for your learning and being honest with yourself; Knowing what you need to do to improve.
R5: To have Respect for other students learning Valuing other peoples ideas, values, work and contributions Co-operating with and supporting other students Being able to assess other students work Helping to create a positive learning environment. Powerpoint Templates

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Olympic Values and IU :

Take Language Skills OUT of the classroom Bring Language & Culture INTO the classroom

E-Mails, Letters, Videoconferencing, closed NING (online groups), Exchanges, Trips abroad, Visits, KS2/KS3 Links...

Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

FLAs, In-house visits, TV, Radio through the Internet Music, food, fashion, design. New Technologies Celebrations Traditions and History Current Affairs Page 31

Powerpoint Templates

One thing I will do ~ for my next lesson ~ by the end of term ~ for experimenting in September
Powerpoint Templates Respect Excellence Friendship Inspiration Determination Equality Courage

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Olympic Values and Intercultural Understanding

Isabelle Jones, The Radclyffe school, Oldham Twitter: @icpjones My Languages blog Powerpoint Templates

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