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(EIND 5309) Total Quality Management

The Total Quality Approach to Quality Management: Achieving Organizational Excellence

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Total Quality Management

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What is Quality? Quality, Value, and Organizational Excellence The Total Quality Approach Defined Two Views of Quality Key Elements of Total Quality Total Quality Pioneers Keys to Total Quality Success The Future of Quality Management in the 21st Century
Total Quality Management 22

What is Quality?
n n

Quality in every thing How will you Judge the quality of .?


q q q

Restaurant (Service, Response Time, Food Preparation, Environment, Price, Selection) Flight Car Health Care Center

The result, does the product or service meet or exceed customer expectations?

n n n

Consumer-driven concept Several Definitions for Quality TQ is a much broader concept, it encompasses the quality of people, 33 Total processes.etc. Quality Management

What is Quality?

Quality Definition: Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value.

Total Quality Management


Quality, Value, and Organizational Excellence


n n

Organization & Global Competitiveness Superior value to customers Consistent Superior value Superior Value superior quality, superior cost, and superior service. Consistently providing superior value to customers achieve organizational excellence.

Total Quality Management


The Total Quality Approach Defined

Three-Legged Stools of Total Quality

Total Quality Management


Total Quality: What It Is and How It Is Achieved

What It Is Total quality is an approach to doing business that attempts to maximize the competitiveness of an organization through the continual improvement of the quality of its products, services, people, processes, and environments. How It Is Achieved
Teamwork The total quality approach has the following characteristics:

Strategically based Customer focus (internal and external) Obsession with quality Long-term commitment

Continual process improvement Education and training Freedom through control

Unity solving Scientific approach to decision making and problemof purpose

Employee involvement and empowerment

Total Quality Management


The Historic Development of Total Quality

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World War II Quality Evolution q Inspection q Quality Control q Quality Assurance q TQM

Total Quality Management


Two Views of Quality

Traditional View
Measured defective parts per hundred produced After-the-fact inspections of products Employees followed orders

TQ View
Per million produced

Continual improvement of products Empowered to think and make recommendations At least 10 or more

One improvement per employee per year Short-term profits

Long-term profits and continual improvement

Total Quality Management


Two Views of Quality

Also, there are major different between the two views in terms of: 1. Productivity versus quality 2. How quality is defined 3. How quality is measured 4. How quality is achieved 5. Attitude toward defects 6. Quality as a function 7. Responsibility for quality 8. Supplier relationship
Total Quality Management 1010

Key Elements of Total Quality

Strategically based Vision, mission, broad objectives, and activities n Customer focus Internal and external customer n Obsession with quality Good enough is never good enough n Scientific approach Every one and every thing must be considered in decision making and problem solving

Total Quality Management


Key Elements of Total Quality

Long-term commitment Change success n Teamwork Internal competition leads to improving the quality. n Continual process improvement Continuous improved systems n Education and training To work smart not hard n Freedom through control Scientific methodologies lead to freedom by empowering employees to solve problems 1212 Total Quality within their scope of control. Management

Key Elements of Total Quality

Unity of purpose Goal of total quality is to enhance competitiveness among employees not to eliminate unions n Employee involvement and empowerment Involving employees leads to: increasing the likelihood of a good decision, a better plan, or a more effective improvement

Total Quality Management


Total Quality Pioneers


Demings Contribution
Deming Cycle

qDemings Fourteen Points qDemings Seven Deadly Diseases

Total Quality Management 1414

Total Quality Pioneers


Jurans Contributions Crosbys Contributions


Total Quality Management


Keys to Total Quality Success

The successful organizations in implementing TQ avoid these errors:
Senior management delegation and poor leadership Hiring external expert n Team mania Supervisors must learn how to be effective coaches and employees how to be team players Culture change n Deployment process Quality in every thing in the organization n Taking a narrow, dogmatic approach Tailored quality programs n Confusion about the differences among education, awareness, inspiration, and skill building Awareness is not enough, skills building needed 1616 Total Quality


The Future of Quality Management in the 21st Century


There are several trends that will shape the future of quality management:
q q q q

Increasing global competition Increasing customer expectation Opposing economic pressures New approaches to management

Total Quality Management


Quality Management Characteristics for the future


To succeed in the global marketplace for now and in the future, organizations need to operate according to the principles of quality management. (Page 21)

Total Quality Management


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