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At the end, students should:

Understand cosmological perception in Islam. Memahami pandangan semesta Islam. Explain the main concepts in Islamic civilization. Menghuraikan Konsep Tamadun Islam.

Understand the Jihad concept and its role in Islam. Memahami konsep Jihad dan peranannya dalam kebangkitan Tamadun Islam.
Analyze the development of Islam in Malaysia. Menganalisis kebangkitan semula Islam dan penerapannya di Malaysia.

To understand about Islamic civilization. Untuk memahami tamadun Islam

Understand about the meaning of civilization in Islam. Melihat/Mengkaji tamadun dalam konteks Islam

Islam is the way of life. Melihat/Mengkaji Islam sebagai satu cara hidup

MEANING OF ISLAM 2.1 ISLAMIC WORLD VIEW (cosmological perception ) 1. Salama = salima Islam is also the teaching brought by all prophets since Adam a.s. 2. ISLAM 3. Surrender Islam is derived from the Arabic root () 4. pure "Salema": peace, purity, submission and 5. Peace obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means 6. To place the will of submission to the will of God and obedience to Allah at the utmost His law. level.

2.1.2. CONTENTS OF Islm

Basic principles in Islm. Prinsip-Prinsip Asas Islam

1. 2. 3.

Aqidah (Belief) Ibadah (Worship) Akhlak (Ethics)

2.1.3. Special Characteristics Ciri-ciri Keistimewaan Islam

1. 2. 3.

of Islam.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Rabbaniyyah (Godliness) Alamiyyah (Universal in diversity. Tolerance to all cultures???). Syumuliyyah (Complete/Comprehensive) Thabat wa Murunah (Constant and Flexible) Waqiiyyah (Hakikat/Realistic) Inqilabiyyah (To Replace) Tawazun (Balance between material & spiritual) Wasatiyyah (justly balanced position/stand/track) 3

1. Rabbaniyyah

Definition: Islam comes from Allah. Man simply executes based on Allahs orders
Ianya membawa erti bahawa Islam ini datangnya daripada Allah. Manusia hanya sebagai pelaksana segala ketentuan yang ditetapkan

Category of Rabbaniyyah :

1. Rabbani in terms of goals and intentions

Ones intentions has to be specifically for Allh i.e. his/ her ultimate goal in life is to get Allahs pleasure.
2. Rabbani in terms approach and resources Ones approach and resources should be based on the divine revelations to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)

2. Alamiyyah (Universal)

Definition: The teaching of Islam is not for a certain race or community but it is for all ummah from all layers of society.
Risalah Islam ditujukan untuk semua umat dan bangsa serta untuk semua lapisan masyarakat. Ia bukan risalah untuk bangsa tertentu.

Alamiyyah also means: - Universal/ Suitable in the sense that the teachings of Islam transcend across time, space and geographical boundaries. - Applicable anywhere and anytime from past to the present and the future. Sesuai di semua tempat sama ada di Kutub Selatan, Khatulistiwa dan sebagainya.Ia juga sesuai untuk semua zaman sama ada zaman Rasulullah SAW atau zaman teknologi moden yang canggih ini. Sesuai sampai ke hari qiamat.

3. Syumuliyyah
Definition: The teaching of Islam is complete and comprehensive. The scope of Islam is all-encompassing with guidance for all aspects of human life not excluding the smallest to the biggest of human conduct. Ajaran Islam lengkap dan menyeluruh. Ruang lingkup ajaran Islam adalah mencakupi seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia tanpa kecuali dari sekecil-kecil urusan sampailah ke sebesar-besar perkara.

4. Thabat & Murunah

Definition: Fixed and firm in principles and flexible in practice.

Tetap dari segi prinsip dan hukum tetapi anjal atau fleksibel dari segi perlaksanaannya.
E.g. Solat/ prayer is an obligation to all Muslims (thabaat) but its practice could be done in flexible ways such as by jama and qasar for travellers. Another situation: A Muslim who faces illness, he/ she can pray by sitting, sleeping, etc.

5. Waqiiyyah
Definition: Islam is realistic. Islam adalah mengikut realiti. e.g: Islm recommends marriage and its also allows polygamy for man ... Contohnya: Manusia dari segi fitrahnya ingin hidup berpasangan, maka Islam mensyariatkan perkahwinan bagi lelaki dan perempuan dan berpoligami hanya bagi6. Inqilabiyyah lelaki

6. Inqilabiyyah Definition: Islam should be strictly practiced in all situations. It is clearly distinguished and should not be intermingled with any jahiliyyah practice or system
Menegakkan Islam atas keruntuhan jahiliyyah. Islam tidak boleh bercampur dengan jahiliyyah. Islam juga tidak boleh ditempel-tempelkan pada sistem jahiliyyah. Islam menggantikan zaman jahillyah

Definition: Balance and integrated state between spiritual and physical (material) of the human life. e.g. Struggle for properties for life, and at the same time pay the zakat and give sedekah. Kewujudan keseimbangan dan kesepaduan antara kehidupan rohani dan jasmani.

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