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You have to run across a field carrying several bags

RULES 1. THREE bags. (heavy weight, medium weight and light weight) 2. Can only drop bags TWICE during the run 3. You must reach the end point with AT LEAST one bag with you.

How will you do the run?


Landforms and Features

Depositional Landforms
What you have learnt?
1. Four erosional processes.
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1. Erosional landforms and its formation. What is the main factor shaping the different river landforms??


Landforms and Features

Depositional Landforms
When does deposition occur?
-The river does not have enough energy to erode or transport materials.
Reasons why deposition may occur 1. Period of low precipitation (lower volume) Click to edit Master subtitle style 2. When a river enter another body of water (lake, sea)

4. 5.


When river flow along a shallower side of a channel, resulting in increased friction with the river bank. When the river receives a sudden increase in load When the river channel is obstructed by aquatic plants or protruding rocks.

Landforms and Features

Highest level of energy. -Least amount of load carried -Erosion dominant here -Dominant vertical erosion -Most erosional features found here.

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Moderate level of energy. -Fair amount of load carried -Erosion and deposition here - Erosional and subtitle style depositional features (meanders) found here.

Lowest level of energy. -Large amount of load carried -Deposition dominant here -Most depositional features found here.


Landforms and Features

Depositional Landforms
Where does deposition occur? Upper, middle and lower course of the river

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Different size of particles deposited at different section of the river.


Refer to graph at the side.



Hjulstrom curve

River landforms and features

l sitiona Depo s feature

Erosi onal and depo sition al landf orms

Meanders Floodplain and 3/30/12 Levees 66

Floodplains and Levees

What are they?

- Floodplains are wide and flat plains formed on both sides of the river, covered with alluvium deposits (sand, silt and clay) - Levees are natural embankments along the river banks. Made up of coarser alluvial deposits.

How are they formed?

Formed by repeated flooding events.

When a river overflow its banks, causing the land on either side of the river
3/30/12 to be flooded and river loses speed., resulting in the

a) Flow before floods River Bluffs (outermost edge of the floodplain)

sediments being deposited on bed




a) Before a flood Bluffs River

sediments being deposited on bed


b) During a Flood
River overflows its banks-heavy loads deposited on the river banks, lighter materials deposited further away from the banks.

River overflows bank

finer and lighter materials deposited further away (silt and clay)

heavier and coarser materials deposited at bank (pebbles, sand)


c) After a Flood Riv er

A Layer of Sediments deposited


d) After Subsequent Floods Layers of sediments deposited River

Levees raised banks


-Alluvium Deposits highly fertile for growing. - Presence of settlements located near floodplains.




What are they?

Curves and bends along a river.

- Generally found in the middle or lower course of the river, where gradient is low.

How are they formed?

Formed by a combination of erosion, transportation and deposition.. 1. When river approaches a bend, it flows spirally.

2. Velocity is high at the outer bank, resulting in erosion in the outer bank of the river, causing it to have a concave shape. 3. The eroded sediments are transported and deposited 3/30/12 at the inner banks of the river, causing it to have a

Formation of Meanders
Deposition on inner bank due to friction

Erosion on the outer bank due to higher velocity


Formation of Meanders


Formation of Meanders
Forms a steep sided River Cliff on the outer bank River *bank* becomes concave in shape

water velocity is high as it moves towards the outer bank of the curve

causes the bank to be eroded the eroded material is then deposited on the opposite bank



Forms a gentle, slip-off slope on the opposite bank

Identify the concave and convex banks!




this a meander?



must have :


erosion and deposition shape:

Channel one one

side concave, side convex


Development of meanders

Sometimes, meanders become pronounced that it is cut-off from the main river, forming an oxbow lake


Ox Bow lake

Developm meanders constant e on the out banks, for cut off. Overtime, the cut off is deposited with sediments until it eventually 2323 off from the cut


Formation of Oxbow Lake

1st picture: With constant erosion on the concave bank and deposition on the convex bank, the neck becomes narrower. 2nd picture: Over time, the two concave banks at the neck will meet. The river flow will bypass the curved portion. 3rd picture: Eventually more deposition will take place at the neck, cutting the curved portion from 3/30/12 2424

Oxbow Lake
as wn o o kn alia!! Als str u in A

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What is it?
- Deltas are the accumulation of

sediments and alluvium when the river approaches a sea or lake.

How are they formed?


Formation of Delta
When river enters lake or sea:- Speed of flow of river will drop

Drop in river energy -> deposition takes place


Sand deposits close to shore, fine silt and clay deposited further down. 2727

Formation of Delta


Note: Delta is only formed here! Not in 2828 the first

Formation of Delta




Example of a Delta


River Landforms and features

So far you have learnt about many kinds of river landforms like: Erosional Erosional and Depositional

Waterfall Gorge Valley Rapids

Meanders Oxbow Lake

Floodplain and levees Delta

- River landforms and processes are dynamic and constantly evolving. (development of waterfall, meanders)

Guess which course is it at??

How does it form?


Guess which course is it at??

How does it form?


Guess which course is it at??

How does it form?


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