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Women Effect Investments Initiative Bringing a Gender Lens to Investing

Why Invest in Women? Social Investing Gender Lenses Gender Lens Investing Ecosystem What Can You Do?

Why Invest in Women? Social Investing Gender Lenses Gender Lens Investing Ecosystem What Can You Do?

Goldman Sachs

Nike Foundation

World Bank

Hillary Clinton 100 Years, 100 Women

Why Invest in Women? Social Investing Gender Lenses Gender Lens Investing Ecosystem What Can You Do?

Impact Investing: Magnitude

Global Assets Under Management

Socially-Oriented Investments

Screens: $6.99 T Philanthropy: $.33 T $50 T

Impact Investing $.5 T

Socially-Oriented Investments

Social Investing
Social investments seek to generate both financial returns for investors and social returns that benefit broader society
Philanthropists: Maximizing social returns


Social Returns

Social Investors: Blended Value Social and financial returns

Investors: Maximizing profit



Financial Returns

Impact Investing: Tools & Tactics

Active Ownership Strategies



Impact First Investments

Financial First Investments

Source: Godeke and Pomares, Solutions for Impact Investors, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, 2009.

Why Invest in Women? Social Investing Gender Lenses Gender Lens Investing Ecosystem What Can You Do?

Women Effect Investments (WEI)

Women Effect Investments is a field-building initiative that seeks to mobilize more investment dollars toward improving the condition of women and girls worldwide

Mobilizing women investors and investment capital towards generating the Women Effect through investment Strengthening and creating new investment opportunities with a gender lens across a diverse set of financial intermediaries (funds and other vehicles)

When women are economic agents and leaders, social change accelerates and returns multiply This is the WOMEN EFFECT

3 Gender Lenses
A gender lens serves as a viewfinder for investment opportunities both from impact and financial return perspectives

Workplace Equity

Access to Capital

Products & Services


Workplace Equity
Workplace Equity


Products & Services

Products & Services


Access to Capital

Access to Capital

oses* only,* use* its* for* by* author,* Karmijn* Kapitaal* Fund* (the* I* Fund)*

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n' ty.* This* business* plan* confiden' al* proprietary* intended* is* and* and*

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Why Invest in Women? Social Investing Gender Lenses Gender Lens Investing Ecosystem What Can You Do?



A growing number of investors, funds and support organizations are recognizing the importance and potential of a gender lens
Investment Vehicles Investor Groups

scussion* purposes* only,* use* its* for* by* author,* Karmijn* Kapitaal* Fund* (the* I* Fund)*

Supporting Networks

Supporting Organizations

d* informa' on* the* this* by* Fund.* This* business* plan* does* cons' tute* offer* not* an* or*

y* person* en' ty.* or* This* business* plan* confiden' al* proprietary* intended* is* and* and*

responsibility*of*the*recipients*to*treat*the*informa' on*accordingly.*Under*no*


warran' es,*express*or*implied,*are*made*as*to*the*accuracy*or*completeness*of*

d* achieve* investment* will* its* objec' ves* that* will* is* or* it* or* likely* achieve* to* results*

ein,* will* or* make* profit,* will* able* avoid* any* or* be* to* incurring* losses.* Investments* in*

fied* investors* that* fully* understand* risks* the* associated* with* such* investments.* *

Emerging Vehicles

Why Invest in Women? Social Investing Gender Lenses Gender Lens Investing Ecosystem What Can You Do?


What Can YOU Do?

VOICE: The questions you ask Make some noise Advocacy

LEARNING: Gender Lens Investing Forum Ecosystem Calls


What Else Can You Do?

Beyond investing, Beyond educating yourself and others, There are lots of ways to support building this field And they wont happen with out philanthropy.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Women entrepreneurs training, incubation, mentorship Support social entrepreneurs to get capital-ready


What Else Can You Do?

Beyond investing, Beyond educating yourself and others, There are lots of ways to support building this field And they wont happen with out philanthropy.

Research Due diligence around fund design Field/pipeline mapping Technology for women entrepreneurs research


What Else Can You Do?

Beyond investing, Beyond educating yourself and others, There are lots of ways to support building this field And they wont happen with out philanthropy. Community/Education Case studies Events for ecosystem players investors, intermediaries, entrepreneurs


What Else Can You Do?

Beyond investing, Beyond educating yourself and others, There are lots of ways to support building this field And they wont happen with out philanthropy. THE ENABLING ENVIRONMENT Cultivate the opportunity for more gender lens investing vehicles Mobilize women investors and investment capital to invest with a gender lens

Women Effect Investments Bringing a Gender Lens to Investing 23

Women Effect Investments Initiative Bringing a Gender Lens to Investing

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