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Women Effect Investments Initiative Bringing a Gender Lens to Investing

Goldman Sachs

Nike Foundation

World Bank

Hillary Clinton 100 Years, 100 Women

when women are economic agents and leaders, social change accelerates and returns multiply
this is

the women effect

are over 50% of the US workforce make the vast majority of consumer purchasing decisions buy trillions of dollars of investment product, globally control $20 trillion in investment dollars

are 9% of the worlds billionaires

will inherit 70% of the upcoming wealth transfer

are much more likely to be poor are barely represented in most leadership roles one in three will be physically or sexually abused

in the US earn approximately 80 cents to the male dollar

investing with a Gender Lens involves making investment decisions that support gender equality while seeking positive return

Invest with a GENDER LENS

Investing with a gender lens takes many forms most can be represented by three intersecting lenses:

Access to Capital

Workplace Equity

Products & Services

Investing with a Gender Lens From Financial First to Impact First and Across Asset Classes
Spectrum of investment choices:

commercial focus

charitable focus


Impact Investment

Strategic Philanthropy

What if we could move more investment dollars to realizing the Women Effect? Across Asset Classes

Women Effect Investments Initiative Logic Model

STRATEGY Create a community of investors supportive of gender lens investing
Awareness: Map the Landscape | Education Materials Media Strategy | Speakers Collective | Information Road Show Engagement: Investor Cohort | Tools for Investors Advisor Strategy | Online Information Hub Capacity of Womens Network Orgs Increased awareness Education and expertise Clear path of action Changed investor behavior Visible leadership A large, informed pool of capital investing with a gender lens Increased use of financial market tools in gender focused organizations and individuals



Cultivate and strengthen investment vehicles with a gender lens

Pilot and Co-Create Gender Metrics | Convergence X Gender Working Group | i3 Competition Pilot Process for New Vehicles Standardize and Spread: Industry Metrics | Gender Resource Bank Support System for New Funds | Design Lab for a Gender Lens | Principles for Social Enterprise Competitions | Consortium for Investment Pipeline Education and expertise Demonstrated impact Investment design principles Innovation and growth Visible managers and leaders A robust landscape of investment vehicles Gender lens is part of investment community dialogue and practices

Increased funding for organizations benefitting women with: Access to capital Workplace equity Products & Services


A growing number of investors, funds and support organizations are recognizing the importance and potential of a gender lens
Investment Vehicles Investor Groups

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Supporting Networks

Supporting Organizations

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fied* investors* that* fully* understand* risks* the* associated* with* such* investments.* *

Investment Vehicles in the Market

Vehicle Gender Lens Access to Capital Access to Capital Access to Capital Workplace Equity Access to Capital Workplace Equity Geography North America United States Netherlands Global Africa Latin America Category Angel Investing Venture Capital Private Equity Mutual Fund Social Investment

or,* Karmijn* Kapitaal* Fund* (the* I* Fund)*

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Access to Capital
Access to Capital Access to Capital

Southern USA
Global West Coast USA

Mezzanine Debt
Microfinance Venture Capital

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* that* will* is* it* or* likely* achieve* to* results*

Emerging Vehicles

Philanthropy Plays an Essential Catalytic Role

Root Capital Example Permanent Loan Capital Advisory and Training Knowledge, Impact and Dissemination

Opportunities for Engagement

Convergence X: Investing with a Gender Lens

October 24-16, 2011 Changemakers from the worlds of investing, philanthropy, and gender expertise come together for a unique gathering designed to generate ideas for models of new investment vehicles.

Speakers Collective
Gender experts and investment professionals represent gender lens investing at events, conferences, board meetings, and other events.

Women Effect Investments Initiative Bringing a Gender Lens to Investing Media Strategy
Media specialists will develop a media strategy that will include both traditional media and social media so as to reach all levels of investors.

Gender Working Group

Gender experts and investment professionals will contribute to the design of gender lens investments and investment standards.

Investor Cohort
A space for high net worth investors, foundations and other institutional investors to gather, network, learn, seek and give advisement about gender lens investing, and importantly -commit to gender lens investing.

Founding Community
WEI is supported by a remarkable set of women. Join this group of changemakers by becoming a WEI Founding Community member.

Information Road Show

A series of events showcasing leading impact investors and investment organizations that are committed to investing with a gender lens.

Gender Lens Principles for Social Enterprise Competitions

WEI will partner with i3 competitions in order to spur creativity around gender lens investment vehicles.

Education and Promotional Materials

Education, investment and gender experts to develop materials that will be used to both promote gender lens investing and educate investors about gender lens investing.

Online Gender Lens Investing Info Hub

A site that is the online manifestation of the WEI ecosystem: providing comprehensive information and access to a community leveraging the power of the financial markets to create the Women Effect.

Contact Kirsten Bunch for more information on these opportunities.

women effect investments

A community of investors

Access to Capital

Workplace Equity

Products & Services

A landscape of investment vehicles

Women Effect Investments Initiative Bringing a Gender Lens to Investing

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