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By:Name Devika Saigal Bhumit Dedhia Ankita Modi Kriti Kapur Nehil Patel Karan Bachani

Roll No. 11 54 5 20 41 46

1. Branded Clothes United Colors of Benetton Mango 2. Unbranded Clothes

Benetton Group is a global fashion brand based in Treviso, Italy. The name comes from the Benetton family who founded the company in 1965. Benetton Group is listed in Milan. Benetton has a network of around 6,000 stores in 120 countries. The stores are managed by independent partners and generate a turnover of over 2 billion per year. Early years In 1965, the entity known as the "Benetton Group" is formed. In 1966, the Benettons opened their first store in Belluno and three years after in Paris.

The company's core business remains their clothing lines. Casual clothing is marketed as the "United Colors of Benetton". Their products include womenswear, menswear, childrenswear and innerrwear and they have expanded into toiletries, perfumes, and items for the home such as kitchen accessories and baby products. By the year 2000, the group was selling 150 million garments worldwide, annually in 6,200 stores and many countries.

1) How often do you shop? 1month 3months 6months 1year or more 2) Generally, between what price range do you buy your clothes? Below 500 500-1500 1500-3000 above 3000 3) What kind of clothes do you usually buy? Branded Unbranded Both 4) If branded, which brands do you generally buy? Mango Calvin Klein Guess Bossini If others (please specify)



5) Any specific reason for your answer? Design of the garment Quality Complements your style Comfort Availability at affordable prices Fit of the garment Easy availability at retail store (closer to home) If others (please specify)

6) Does the choice of your friends or relatives influence the choice of your brand? Yes No 7) Do you fall for the ads given in newspapers/magazines/television while making your decision to buy? Yes No If yes, reasons: My favourite celebrity endorses the brand I like the punch line of the brand Others (please specify)

8) If you have more money in hand to buy clothes, would you opt for a higher range brand? Yes No
9) If the price of your current brand increases by 20%, then will your shift your loyalties to some other brand? Yes No a) If the price of current brand decreases by 20% then would you rejoice and buy more? Yes No b) Would you rate low price with low quality? Yes No c) Would it affect the brand image in your eyes? Yes No If others (please specify)

Age group
45 43

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 3 9 2 17 26


below 16- 26 15

27- 35

36- 46

46- 60

Above 60

The amount people spend on shopping

60 40 20 26 52



Below 500 500 - 1500 1500 - 3000

above 3000

35 30 25 20 15 27 23 36


5 0 1 month 3 months Time 6 months

1 year or more

Low Price & Low Quality

60 57 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No


Kind of Clothes
70 60 50 40 30 28 20 10 8 0 Branded Unbranded Both Frequency 64

Brand Preference

28 25
20 15 10 5

20 Frequency

Mango UCB

The amount of people who will buy more of their current brand with a fall in the price
70 60 50 40 Yes, 66

20 10 0 Yes

No, 34



The amount of people who will switch to another brand with 20% increase in price of their current brand
53 52 51 50 49 48 47 Yes, 53 Frequency

46 45 44 Yes

No, 47


The amount of people who fall for celebrity endorsements

62 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Frequency 38


Reasons for choosing a brand

Fit of garment Easy availablity at retail stores availability Comfort Complements style Quality Design 0 10 31 29 42 15 16 45 Frequency 24





Choice influenced by friends

60 57 50 40 30 20 10 0 43




Product Comparison
UNBRANDED CLOTHES Generally low range clothes BRANDED CLOTHES Generally high range clothes

Avail in stores as well as on streets

Mainly purchased by lower and middle class people

Available in stores only

Mainly purchased by middle and higher class people

Cannot be differentiated since most unbranded clothes are similar.

Each brand can be differentiated on the basis of style and quality.

Price Elasticity of Demand

Degree of Responsiveness of quantity demanded to the change in price. It is common that all the commodities respond to a change in the price of a commodity. The responsiveness is not same in case of all commodities. Some are more responsive, while certain others are less responsive. Depending on the degree of responsiveness, there are five categories of elasticity of demand.

They are:Unitary Elastic Demand.(E=1) Perfectly Elastic Demand.(E=A) Perfectly Inelastic Demand.(E=0) Relatively Elastic Demand.(E>1) Relatively Inelastic Demand.(E<1) Conclusion-The price elasticity of demand for clothes is Relatively Elastic (E>1). As the price increases by 20 % the demand falls by almost 50%, which is more than proportionate change.

An increase in price by 400 leads to a fall in demand by 48%

120 Price Demand 100 2000 100 80 Demand 60 53 100



2800 6 20 0 2000 2400 Price


Difficulties during the survey

Responsiveness. People are not responsive to brands not heard... Knowledge. Insufficient knowledge about brands. Multiple Choice. Due to availability of many products people dont stick to a particular brand.

Age Barrier Older people have no idea of brands.

Lack of seriousness People take the survey very lightly

From the survey conducted we can draw the following conclusions: Age Group: Maximum people surveyed were in the age group of 16-26 years, i.e., the youth formed a significant part of the survey Price Range: Mostly people opted for a moderate price range of Rs.500-1500 Reasons for Choosing a particular Brand: Most people admitted to the fact that comfort and quality are key factors influencing their buying decision Choice influenced by Friends/Relatives: The choice of their friends and relatives do not influence the buying decision of most of the surveyors Choice influenced by Advertisements: The buying decision of most of the people was not influenced by T.V or newspaper advertisements. However, lucrative options such as Sales and Discount offered by marketers influence the buying decision of the surveyors to some extent Type of clothing: Most people surveyed confessed that while going for shopping they go for both Branded and Unbranded clothes and do not single out any one of them. Shopping Frequency: A major proportion of the surveyors said that they go for shopping once in 3 months

Sales Forecast
Years 2005 06 2006 07 2007 08 2008 09 Sales (Cr) 4.8 5.5 6 6.2 Sales 4 Expected Sales 2009 10 2010 11 2011 12 6.8 7.27 7.74 3 2 1 0 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Years

9 8
7 6 5.5 5 4.8 6 6.2 7.27 6.8 7.74

Demand Forecasting
Demand Forecasting is an estimation of the product for the future period. FEATURES :- 1) Short and long-run forecast. 2) Plant, industry, national. 3) Product & area-wise. 4) Consideration to product and market specific factors.

Method of demand forecasting Time series analysis

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