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A Model for Rural Industrial Estate as a Building block for Sustainable Development We have seen how Urban Industrial

l Estates have facilitated the growth of industry in the country but this has proved like unsustainable in various ways and the rural sector has languished. Sustainable rural industrialization can be prompted by evolving an appropriate model of what may be called - a Rural Industrial Estate (Centre). Once the feasibility of such a model is adequately demonstrated, it can serve to be the building blocks for augmenting sustainable rural industrialization and thereby sustainable employment in the rural masses. This paper is an attempt is present the basic philosophy, conceptual design and a broad technoeconomic assessment of a typical model of Rural Industrial Estate.


Any kind of industrialization needs infrastructure facilities, capital, skill, manpower and energy. The urban/organised sector of industries utilises conventional energy sources, which are finite and non-local. Conventional sources are mostly centralised sources and cannot be generated locally. Electricity generation from thermal, hydel or nuclear sources is highly capital intensive and government has to provide high subsidy on these systems.

Petroleum products are limited and government has to invest a lot of foreign currency to import these products which is becoming burden on the govt The other problems associated with these sources are pollution and rising cost. The rural industries based on appropriate technologies can meet their energy requirements from renewable sources in decentralised manner.

Energy a crucial parameter for agroindustrial activity. Conventional Energy Sources their availability and suitability for widespread Rural applications. Need to facilitate utilization of local renewable resources of energy. Why have the so-called non-conventional sources of energy NOT picked up adequately so far? Need for matching of demands with appropriate energy modes.

Some Typical characteristics of renewable energy sources. Area specific Decentralized availability Wide variation A mix of different modes need to be used Availability controlled by Nature

Facilitating Renewable Energy Sources Devices for optimal utilization of Human Muscle Power Devices for effective use of Animal Draught Power Devices for harnessing direct Solar Energy Devices for harnessing Wind Energy Devices for Efficient Utilization of Hydel Energy at small scale

Using Dry Biomass by (a) Direct Combustion (b) Gasification to Producer Gas Using Wet Biomass for methanation to Biogas (Waste-to-Energy conversion) Using Bio-diesel/ethanol as alternative fuel for engines.

Typical Examples of Prospective Renewable Energy Technologies Coversion of Existing Engines into Biofuel Engines Animal Driven Prime Mover for low and medium speed R.I. Applications Enrichment and Bottling of Biogas for storage, remote transportation and for automotive use Low cost Biomass Burners and Gasifiers Fuel Efficient Pottery Kilns and other Furnaces Micro-hydel Primemover for power generation and for variety of R.I. Applications

Rural Industrial Estate has been visualized as a building block for effective sustainable rural industrialization. We can not expect rural industrialization in isolation without having basic infrastructure. Therefore the concept of Rural Industrial Estate is based on local resource utilisation with local manpower for secondary and tertiary production processes. This local need based strategy involves local peoples participation in managing their resources and value addition. The main advantages can be reaped by pooling their resources, capabilities, and networking of production process at different levels of the economic activity with ability to introduce modern S&T inputs.

The Gandhian model of 'Gram Swarajya' provides a sound basis to understand this. The main parameters of Gandhian model are:
Mode of production should be decentralized facilitate production by masses', eco-friendly and with use of local resources. I should primarily be based on renewable energy as well as natural resources. With time it should be helpful on one hand to provide stability and sustainable employment to rural masses and on the other help in regenerating the eco-system and thus the renewable resources.

Services expected from the RIE to Rural Sector

Energy supply for domestic and R I purpose using local renewable energy resources. Provide sanitation service to the cluster, waste-to-energy conversion and make available bio manures, bio pesticides Provide necessary central facilities such as a rural engineering workshop, quality assurance lab, storage facilities etc needed for the area. Eco generation of the area including augmentation of animal resource, wasteland energy and herbal plantation and waste resource of the area. Provide marketing support database and training to rural entrepreneurs and artisans in the area promoting employment and stability Develop selective rural industries as per need for catering to local needs and for value addition of local produce for award distribution.

Major Components of RIE

Energy conversion technologies for decentralized power and other energy requirements Dairy for cowdung and breed improvement Nursery for waste land development Set of rural industries for processing locally available raw materials, Repair, maintenance and service center for Marketing of products.

Conceptual design and layout of a typical RIE

Local resources from surrounding villages

Local resources from surrounding villages/waste land etc.

Processing of Dry Agroanimal-forest Waste and woody biomass

Bio-liquid fuels (bio-diesel /ethanol) production from agro-forest waste

Processing of moist animal/ human/ agrowaste for Bio-methanation



Services &




MicroHydel/ Wind (as available)

Solar collectors & p-v

Animal driven primemover













RIE- Model (Assumptions)

Number of Villages associated with RIE Households Per Village Family members per household Total human Population per village 200 6 1200 Information of Information a typical of a VILLAGE typical RIE 5

Cattle per household

Total Animal population per village Geographical area Waste Land Availability of wet dung/day Ha Ha Kg

400 800 240 4086 1021 200 ( Dairy ) 25

Dairy and Cattle breeding center

Dairy is an essential component of RIE. Dairy will provide a base for supply of raw material (cowdung) for biogas production, milk for nutrition in villages and processing in rural industries. Dairy will consists of 200 cattle, out of which there will be 100 cows, 50 buffalos and 50 calves. At a point of time there will be 100 milching animals. Average investment on animal dairy and breeding center (Goshala) including the cost on animals is about Rs 25 lakhs. Dairy will also act as a breed improvement center in the cluster of villages.

Energy Conversion Technologies

Based on the local availability of resources, proven renewable energy technologies are adopted for supply of electricity, thermal and mechanical energy. The basic components of the Energy Conversion Technologies (ECT) will be biogas plants, gasifier, IC engines with generators, animal driven prime movers and biofuels. About 200 kW of energy generation capacity will be available from these sources locally. These can be enhanced depending on the needs of the area and availability of the locally available sources. The manpower required to drive the system with minimal training are 10 to 15. The investment for the energy conversion technologies to produce 1 kW power is Rs 45000. The total investment for the 200 kW is about Rs 90 lakhs.

Nursery and Wasteland development:

Most of the villages in our country have 20-40 percent wasteland of their total geographical area. Wasteland is resource for biomass, fruits and vegetable generation. Regenerated for the production of fuel, fodder, food, fibre. There is around 1200 Ha of wasteland in the cluster. Out of 1200 Ha of wasteland available in the cluster, about 15 to 20% of wasteland will be utilized for energy plantation . The wasteland will be regenerated with Rs 7000 per ha investment; the total investment is about Rs14 lakhs. There is a requirement of 50 manpower for energy plantation work. Nursery will be developed in the RIE for developing saplings.

Rural Industries
The Rural Industries selected for the employment generation will be need based, Dairy, Flour mill, Cattle feed, Oil expelling unit, Fruit and Vegetable processing, Engineering work shop etc. Demand assessed 137 kW power Investment required is about Rs 25 lakhs to start the industries. 200 kW decentralized energy production unit meets the demand required to run the rural industries. The excess power can be utilized as wheeling power for the households of villages. The total employment generated from the decentralized supply and demand side strategy is about 100-man power.

Marketing and Service Centre

To run the RIE there should be sales realization in sustained manner for the rural industrial products, as well as for the products produced in cluster of villages. The products produced should have local marketing strategy; the RIE can have nodal marketing center (or Cooperative society). This society would be a nodal marketing center for the rural products. The marketing of these products need quality. The center can also acts as quality assurance facility center for RI products.

Techno-Economic parameter of the Rural Industrial Estate Model

SL No 1 Units Specifications/capacity Inputs available from RIE Cattle feed 5 ton/day Input from villages Output Investment Rs lakhs 25 Employment in Nos 20


Waste land

200 cattle head Fodder from 100 cows waste land (40 50 Buffaloes Tons/day) 50 calves 200 ha Oil seeds crops (for Biomass(3 Tons/day) energy plantation) Non-edible oil seeds (2 Tons/ha)

Dung (2000 kg/day) Milk (700 lit/day) Biomass for power generation (40 kW) Oil seeds for biodiesel production



Energy Conversion

Biogas ( 85 m3 x 4) 2000 kg/day 4000 kg/day Gasifier 10 kWx4 dung 16 Ha of land Solar 3000 lit/day hot area for oil water seed cropping 46 kW from Biodiesel

350 m3 Biogas 40 kW Power 300 lit/ day hot water 46 kW from biodiesel to engines



Rural Industries

Man-power Processed Milk for Local requirement to marketing drive RIs Agricultural equipments/instruments Processed Fruit and vegetable for marketing Edible and non edible oil for marketing or self usage for power production Cattle feed






1. The need for developing alternative rural industrilisation cannot be overemphasized. 2. Model should be based on renewable and locally available energy, material, animal and manpower resources. 3. Should be eco-friendly and self-generating. 4. It established that all the necessary technologies needed for such a model are presently available; the only need is to synthesize these into a commercially viable system.

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