Activated Sludge - Kinetic Model

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Assumptions: 1.Complete mixing in aeration tank. 2.Influent substrate concentration remains constant. 3.No microbial solids in raw water. 4.No microbial activity in clarifier. 5.Good efficiency of separation in clarifier and no sludge accumulates in it. 6.Steady state conditions prevail.


A,T, Va, X,Se

Q(1+R) X, Se


Xe, Se Secondary Clarifier

Q, So

RQ, Xr, Se

Qw, Xr, Se

Material balance equation for biomass across full system.

(dx/dt) va =(Y(ds/dt)u--kdX)Va --XVa /c In steady state conditions (constant MLSS maintained) =>(dx/dt)=0 =>1/ c =Y(ds/dt)u -- kd X =>(ds/dt)=k.SeX Monods equation 1st order k+Se =>Se = ks(1+kd c ) c (Yk--kd)--1

Sludge recycled : because 1.Increased MLVSS-increased efficiency of process. 2.Better flocculation. 3.Improved performance- acclimated biomass. Material balance equation

for substrate in A.T (dS/dt) va =Q So - (ds/dt)u va - (1+R) QSe under steady state conditions (ds/dt)u = Q(So-Se) X Va(1/ c+ kd) X = c Y Q(So-Se) Va(1+kd c )


Concept of mean cell residence time Mean cell residence time c is the time for which cell remains in the system . The physiological state of the microorganisms can be controlled by simply regulating the rate at which cells are wasted from the system . Cells could be wasted either directly from the aeration tank viz c =VX/QwX =V/Qw Or from the recycled line viz c =VX/QwX r


Better process control since microorganism concentration X,Xr need not be determined. Larger volume of waste sludge hence larger sludge handling units.

Concept of mean residence time . Eg 1#

Q=1000cum /day Va =250 cum X=3000 mg/l Qw =50 cum/day Mass of cells leaving the system= 750kg viz cell remaining in system =750/150 =5 days Questions : 1. If it is desirable to retain cells in the system for a longer time how could be this be achieved in practice? 2. Would the retention time of cells in your opinion have any bearing on the physiological state of the microorganisms? 3. Can the physiological state of the microorganisms be controlled? How?

Eg 2# Q=1000cum /day Va= 250 cum X=3000cum/day Qw=10cum /day Xr=1500mg/l Mass of cells leaving the system =150 kg Mass of cell in the AT=750 kg mass of cell remaining in the system for 750/150= 5 days Question : What conclusion can be drawn from these two examples?


If cells are removed from the system at a rate faste than the their generation rate, cell washout will occur. min c = ? If c = c min ( min, than rate of cells leaving = rate of cells generated .no treatment is possible i.e. So =Se 1/ c =Y(ds/dt)u -- kd X 1/ c min =Y(ds/dt)u -- kd X


Se, X

So= 1

Cell conc. curves

Substrate conc.



INFERENCES FROM THE KINETIC MODEL Independence between So and Se implies

that : -As long as c is held constant ,any change in So will result in change in X but not in Se . -It is not necessary to use same influent concentration for lab as encountered in field to determine kinetic coefficient . Advantages .unknown concentration before start up


Oxygen is the ultimate electron acceptor in an aerobic process. Low oxygen concentration causes process failures Method for computation: Total oxygen required =Q(BODuoBODue) However , not all substrate is oxidized. Part of it is converted to new cells (synthesis).At steady state cells wasted = cells formed Therefore substrate synthesized to new

C5H7NO2+5O25CO2 +2H2O+NH3 113 32 (Sykes,1975) 5x32 = 1.42 units of O2 per unit of biomass 113 synthesized Actual O2 required per day =Q(BODuoBODue) -- 1.42Q(Yocs(So-Se)) 1000 Q=cum/day BOD=mg/l ocs unoxidised cells

O2 requirement = Q[{1-1.42Y}(Se-So)]+1.42KdVaX 1000

Major objective :minimization of sludge Primary settling tank omitted, larger c and hence PST not provided. Theoretically , Absolute growth rate =0 i.e. dy =0 dt Viz , amount of biomass produced during organic removal = amount oxidised to provide for energy requirements

Y(ds/dt)u Va=KdxVa YQ(So-Se)=KdxVa Va=YQ(Se-So) (ds/dt)u = Q(So-Se)/Va KaX No sludge is produced Poor aggregation of biomass Poor settleability High energy costs as larger volumes to be kept mixed and O2 needed for endogenous respiration is also satisfied.

Tempearture effects on ASP parameters

Arrhenius relationship d(ln k) = Ea . 1 dt R T2
K= retention rate constant Ea=activation energy constant R=gas constant

T=temp t=temp as continous independent variable integrating between limits T1 and T2.

Rate growth Optimum Enzyme denaturation ---physiological state of bacteria affected


temp max

ln (k2/k1)=Ea .(T2-T1) R T2-T1 ln (k2/k1)=const(T2-T1) k2/k1= e^const(T2-T1) k2/k1= ^(T2-T1) where = e^const

Biological processes follow arrhenius relationship within narrow range. 1.01 to 1.04 for ASP

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