Candidiasis Intertriginosa

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By: Rizqah Aulyna Annisaa Nurfitri Ainul Zawanah Syarifah Nortasya C 11107 074 C 111 07 150 C 111 07 337 C 111 07 338

Patient Identity

Name: Miss Siti Kurniati Age: 40 years old Gender: Female RM: 224960 Address:BTN Tirasa

History taking
A woman, 40 years old, came to the Dermatology Clinic with complaint of itchness at the area of tight skin fold since 1 month ago. At the beginning, she thought the itchness is normal after giving birth but the itchness become worsen and her tight fold become thick and darker.

She had face the same complaint 6 month ago after giving birth and she got treatment from Dermatologist with Interhistine tablet and topical cream. Her complaint become better but in last 1 month her condition started to worse. There is no history of fever, food and drug allergy, and history of using tight panties is confirmed. Family history ( -)

Mild pain Consciousness: Composmentis Hygiene: Moderate Vital sign:
Blood Pressure: 130/90 mmHg
Heart Rate: 82x/mnt Respiratory Rate: 20x/mnt

Body Temperature: 36,6C


Location: Inguinal region Effloresence: Papule, ptyriasiformis squamous, erythema, and hiperpigmentated. Size of lesion: Lenticular

A woman, 40 years old, came to the Dermatology Clinic with complaint of pruritus at the area of skin fold (inguinal) since 1 month ago. At the beginning, she thought the pruritus is normal after giving birth but the pruritus become worser and her skin of inguinal area become erythema, ptyriasiformis squamous and hiperpigmented.

She had face the same complaint 6 month ago after giving birth and she got treatment from Dermatologist with Interhistine tablet and topical cream. Her complaint become better but in last 1 month her condition started to worse. There is no history of fever, food and drug alergy, and history of using tight panties is confirmed.


Tinea Cruris Candidiasis Intertriginosa


Candidiasis Intertriginosa

Candidiasis is caused by candida albicans. Candida albicans is a classic oppurtinistic pathogen. Even in transient and trivial local infection in the apperently fit, one or more predisposing factors such as obesity, moisture wand maceration, diabetes, pregnancy, the use of broad spectrum antibiotics or perhaps the use of the contraceptive pills, will often be found to be playing some part. Oppurtunism is even more obvious in the overwhelming systemic infections of the immunocompromised.

Factors predisposing to the different types of the candidiasis.

Sites susceptible to candidiasis infection

Lesion usually occurs on the skin fold of the axilla, tight, intergluteal, submammae, interdigiti of fingers or toes, glans penis and umbilicus. Efflorecense of the lesion are circumscript rash, squamous, madidans and eritematous. The lesion surrounded by vesicle, pustules, and outlying satellite papulopustules. Microscopic examination with 10% KOH reveals budding spores and short hyphae.


Miconazole Cream Ketokonazole 200mg 1x1 Interhistine tablet 2x1


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