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The Fund is divided into two parts Part I for gazetted GS Part II for non-gazetted GS.

The Punjab Government Servants (GS) Benevolent Fund Ordinance, 1960 The West Pakistan GS BF Rules, 1960 Punjab GSs BF Part-I (disbursement) Rules, 1965 Punjab GSs BF Part-II (disbursement) Rules, 1965
Punjab Laws (Adaptation) Order, 1974.

It shall apply to all government servants. Government may, by notification, exempt any class of GSs.


Government Servant:
i) a member of a civil service of the
province; ii) a member of the Civil Service of Pakistan who has opted for the fund who holds any civil post of the province.

GSs in Police Department (Police Welfare Fund) Such GSs of Anti-corruption Department as are contributing to Police Welfare fund. All officers and men of West Pakistan Rangers. Advocate General and Adl. Advocate General. Public Prosecutors, Addl./Asstt. Public Prosecutor (Gazette of West Pakistan, 1961, Punjab 1 pp. 386, 499, 645 and 646.)

4-A Civil Service of Pakistan

A member of Civil Service of Pakistan who has opted for the Fund shall cease to be entitled to benefits as soon as he ceases same in the case of death to hold any post of the Province.

i) Wife or wives or husband, as the case may be; ii) Legitimate children and step children <12 years iii) legitimate children and step children >12 years if residing with and wholly dependent iv) Parents, sisters and minor bothers if residing with and wholly dependent.

Each part of the Fund shall consist of - a) compulsory contributions recovered from the GSs at such rates as government may prescribe, from time to time; b) Grants by government from time to time, c) Other contributions and donations; d) Income from investments.

2. Rate of Contribution
1) In case of GSs in grade 5 and above two per cent of pay rounded to the nearest rupee. 2) In case of employees in Grade 1 to 4 one per cent of the pay rounded to the nearest rupee.

i) Basic Pay ii) overseas pay, technical pay, special pay and personal pay iii) any other emoluments which may be specially classed as pay by the competent authority.

3. Deductions
i) In the case of gazetted GSs by deduction of the amounts by the gazetted GSs from their pay bills. ii) in the case of non-gazetted GSs by deduction of the amounts by the Drawing Officers from the pay bills of the non-gazetted GSs.

4. Contribution while in Foreign Service

When a GS is transferred to foreign service he shall remain subject to these rules as if he was not so transferred. His contribution during such period shall be remitted by the employer to his previous Audit Officer.

5. Head of Account
Major head: "P-Deposits and Advances-E-Reserve Fund". Minor head: Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund Part I Part-II Transactions relating to each audit circle shall be maintained by the respective area audit and accounts offices.

6. Checking
The amount deducted as aforesaid shall be checked by the audit office if payments made at Lahore, by the Treasury Officer if payments made in districts.


giving financial assistance to the families of deceased GSs; ii) giving financial assistance to GSs invalidated out of service; iii) making special grants to GSs in exceptional cases; Explanation-- The benefit is in addition to the pensions, family pension or gratuities.

a) Relief of GSs and Their Families


b) Management of the Fund

Defraying expenditure incurred in respect of management of the Fund:
Office Rent Salaries of Employees, etc.

The Accountant General, Punjab is responsible for keeping the accounts of the Fund. Audit of assets of and expenditure from the fund will be conducted by such authority as may be prescribed.


a) Provincial Board of Management (Gazetted) b) Provincial Board of Management (Non Gazetted) c) Divisional Board of Management for each Division c) District Board of Management for each District d) Secretariat Board of Management.

Provincial Boards of Management

Are responsible for management of Part I/II Have the powers to invest money credited to each part of the Fund and to incur expenditure therefrom.
Provincial Board of Management (Non-Gazetted) make allocations to District Boards also.

District Boards of Management

Subject to such directions as may be issued by the Provincial Board of Management (Non-Gazetted) Deal with all matters connected with Part II of Fund [except non-gazetted servants serving or employed in the Punjab Secretariat], Have the power to sanction expenditure from the allocations made to it by Provincial Board (N.G.)

Secretariat Board of Management

Subject to such directions as may be issued by Provincial Board of Management (Non-Gazetted), deal with Part II of the Fund for the non-gazetted Government servants serving or employed in the Punjab Secretariat Has the power to sanction expenditure from the allocations made to it by Provincial Board.

7. Constitution of Boards
The Boards of Management have been constituted as follows.

Provincial Board of Management (Gazetted)

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Chief Secretary Chairman Addl. Chief Secy. Vice Chairman Member BOR Consolidation Secretary Finance Dept. Secretary I&P Dept. Secretary Health Dept. Secretary (Fund) SGA&ID.

Provincial Board of Management (Non Gazetted)

a) b) c) d) e) f) Chief Secretary Chairman Addl. Chief Secy. Vice Chairman Secretary Finance Dept. Secretary C&W Dept. Secretary (Fund) SGA &ID GSs appointed by government from time to time.

District Boards of Management

a) DCO of the District Chairman b) Not more than 4 other GSs of whom one shall be appointed by the Chairman in each Board from amongst the non-gazetted GSs serving in the district Other members are appointed by govt.

Secretariat Board of
a) Secretary S&GAD Chairman b) Such other GSs not exceeding three as government may appoint from time to time.

8. Meetings of the Boards

1) Each Board shall meet for the transaction of business at least once in every three months or when its Chairman calls a meeting. 2) The chairman and any two members of the Board shall form the quorum.

8. Decisions of the Boards

3) Decisions by the Board shall be taken by majority of votes In case of equality of votes, Chairman shall have a second/ casting vote. 4) The Chairman may appoint one of the members as Secretary to the Board. 5) All decisions of the Board shall be recorded in a minute book by the Secretary and in his absence by any other member of the Board as directed by the Chairman.

8. Responsibilities of Secretary
6) Subject to the general supervision and control of the Chairman i) Conducting correspondence on behalf of Board ii) Maintenance of the records of the Board iii) Disbursement of money from the fund iv) Maintenance of the accounts v) preparation of agenda/ notice of the meetings vi) performance of such other functions as may be directed by the Chairman.

9. Remuneration
The Chairman and members of Boards are not entitled to any remuneration or honorarium for attending meetings of the Boards or performing any other functions.

10. Custody of Money

All moneys constituting the Fund shall be kept in the Govt. treasury in the name of the Chairman of Provincial Board of Management (Gazetted) or (Non-Gazetted) as the case may be.

11. Investment
The Provincial Boards of Management may invest such money not required for immediate expenditure in any of the securities described in section 20 of the Trust Act. 1882, or in real estate, or may place them in fixed deposit with a Bank approved by

12. Withdrawals
1) Any amount required to be drawn from the Fund shall be drawn by submitting to the AG bills signed by the Finance Secretary or his nominee. The amount so drawn shall be kept in the National Bank of Pakistan in current account in the name of Chairmen of Provincial Boards.

12. Withdrawals
The amounts shall be drawn from the National Bank on cheques signed by the Chairman Chairman may delegate his power of drawal to a member or secretary of the Board.

Intimation of Delegation
2) The Board concerned shall be informed by the Chairman as regards any delegation of powers made by him under this rule.

13. Payments
The amount of the Fund shall be maintained by the account/audit officer of the area in whose jurisdiction the GS is serving. The account shall be kept by the Board in Forms/Registers given in the schedule. 14. The account shall be kept in Pakistan in rupees All payments from it are made in Pak rupees.

15. Grants
Individual grants from the Fund shall be drawn by the person in whose favour such grant is sanctioned on a simple receipt by quoting therein the number and date of the sanction.


Amount of allocation made for the year ____ by the Provincial Board (Non-Gazetted) 1. No. and date of of cheque drawn by the Provincial Board 2. Amount 3. The name address of GS/members of his family in whose favour the cheque has been drawn 4. No. and date of the order of the Divisional Board sanctioning the grant 5. The date when the cheque was issued


3. Grants
The following grants are admissible to government servants who are subscribers to the Fund or to their families, as the case may be.


For The marriage of each daughter to a G S while in service and for 15 years after his retirement Application to be made within 90 275days of the marriage, to the parent office to be submitted to the concerned Board by that Office within 150 90days from the date of marriage.

Gazetted Non-G i) To an in-service GS & Rs.25000/6,000/15 yrs after retirement ii) To the deceased or Rs.30000 8000/invalidated and retired GS who dies within 15 years of retirement W.e.f 01-01-2002 Notification No. SOWIII(S&GAD)8-1/76 (P) dated 7th June, 2002.

i) On the death of GS ii) On the death of a 4000/ dependent member of the family of a GS iii) On the death of a NG GS after retirement. (Added vide Notification Dated 08061989.) Provided the application is made within 190 275 days of the death. Rates as per Notification dated 7th June, 2002. Gazetted Non-G Rs.10000/- 4000/Rs.10000/-

Primary to Matric F.A , BA & Equivalent M.A.&Equivalent MBBS, DVM, BSc (Hons) Agriculture, M.Phil., PhD., etc.
Gazetted Rs. 5000 Rs.14000 Rs.16000 NG 1500/3000/6000/-

i) in service GS s only two children postmatric 60% in matric and 55% in Postmatric classes. ii) death or invalidation during service or death occurs within 10 years after retirement, upto three children from Primary level till they complete their education.

If a GS is invalidated or dies during service or death occurs within 15 yrs after retirement he/his family shall be entitled to grant. Rates effective from 1.7.1990 BPS-16 (Gazetted) to 17 Rs.3500/P.M. BPS-18 to 19 Rs.6000/- P.M.

BPS 1 to 10 Rs.1300/-P.M. BPS 11 to 16 Rs.1700/-P.M. (Non-Gazetted)

4. The Board may in special circumstances and for reasons to be recorded in writing enhance the amount of the grants. 4.A The Board may introduce scheme for granting loans and advances to government servants on such terms as it may decide.

To a Gazetted GS only. Equal to last Basic Pay To a GS once on superannuation/retirement on qualifying service/ invalid retirement. To the family in case of death during job. Wef 01-01-2002 Notification Dated 07-06-2002.

5. Sanction of Grant
1) The grants shall be sanctioned by Board. 2) In case of urgency the Chairman of the Board may sanction a grant under rule 3 or rule 4 provided that the order sanctioning such grant shall be submitted to the Board as soon as possible for its EX POST FACTO approval.

The Board may make a special grant to a gazetted government servant or a member of his family in case of extreme financial distress which is not occasioned on account of actions or omissions on the part of the gazetted GS

7. Gazetted/Non-gazetted
If government servant has held both gazetted and non-gazetted post at different periods of his service, he shall not be entitled to the benefit of the Funds under the rules the post held by him at the time of his retirement, or at the time of his death or invalidation during service before retirement was a gazetted post.

8. The benefits admissible under these rules to a gazetted government servant or his family as the case may be shall become admissible immediately after the government servant has made his first contribution to the Fund.

9. Application
An Application for a grant shall be made to the chairman of the Board in the form set out in Annexure A shall be submitted by the applicant through the Administrative Department in which such GS was employed at the time of retirement, or at the time of his death or invalidation during service before retirement.

10. Widow
Grant sanctioned in favour of a widow, shall be subject to the condition that the widow does not remarry. Such widow shall furnish to the Board certificate in the form set out in Annx 'B each month. On remarriage of the widow during the period of such grant, the grant shall cease forthwith.

11. No Refund
If a gazetted government servant quits the government service for one reason or the other or is forced to leave government service, he shall not be entitled to the refund of the contribution made by him towards the Fund during the period of his service.


1. Name of Government servant. 2. Date of entry into Government service. 3. Date of death, invalidation or retirement. 4. Total length of service at the time of death, invalidation or retirement (DIR). 5. (a) Post at the time of DIR. (b) whether such post was Gazetted. (c) held permanently or temporarily. 6. Last pay drawn and scale of pay.


7. (a) Details of dependent family members names, ages, married/unmarried, school or college where being educated, relationship of each with GS (b) Details of earning family members not included in item (a) above, and their monthly incomes. 8. Property left by GS for dependents. Details. (i) Movable, including cash. (ii) Immovable.


9. Amount of and date from which pension/ gratuity has been granted by the Govt. 10. If insured the amount for which insured. 11. Total G. Provident Fund accumulations. 12. (i) Date from which contributing to BF. (ii) Total contribution towards BF. 13. Amount applied for. 14. Reasons for the application with proof if any.


15. In the case of application by a widow a statement that she has not remarried. I do hereby solemnly affirm and verify that the contents of the above application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I have concealed nothing. I know that in the event of making a wilful misrepresentation or suppression of facts, I shall be liable to criminal prosecution. Signature and name of the applicant Son/Daughter/Wife/Widow of


I certify and attest the details furnished above from the record available in this Office and i) recommend ___ ii) do not recommend the case for reasons _________ Signature and name of the Head of Office (with official Seal) Signature and name of the Head of Administrative Department (with official seal)

I do hereby solemnly affirm that I, Mst Widow of_____________ Drawing Rs.______ (Rupees) ___________PM as grant out of the Punjab GS B Fund, Part I/II, have not yet remarried and am still a widow. I, therefore, request that the sanctioned amount of Rs. __ for the month of _____________ may kindly be remitted to me. Attested Signature with date Name in Block Letters Widow of


5. In order to discourage this tendency of withholding applications in parent offices/departments Grant Aapplication to To Board parent office. ---------------------------------------------- Marriage 60 days 150 days Grant after marriage after marriage Funeral 190 days 280 days Grant after death days after death No. BF:2/90 (P-I) Dated 24th November,


3. The Board approved that marriage grant will be admissible on re-marriage of a divorcee/widow daughter without any condition whether the marriage grant was received on previous marriage or not.
B.F.No. 120/86 Dated 4th November, 1990.


Decided in the meeting of the Provincial BF Board held on 13.10.1990 The widows of deceased Government servants will be granted monthly aid for life. Only in the cases of widows presently getting monthly aid from the BF and for cases to be approved in future. B.F No.90/69 Dated 4th November, 1990

b) The widowers, invalided retired GSs and other dependents will be entitled to receive monthly grant for a period of 15 years only or till the age of maturity/ dependency, as the case may be.


c) Death during service: Widow shall be entitled till her death to a monthly grant Death within 15 years after his retirement: The grant restricted to the un-expired period of 15 years for widows and would not be for life.


d) In case of death of a widow, the monthly grant may be transferred in the name of the dependent minor family member/s up to the age of maturity or 15 years, whichever is less. e) In case where there is no widow the minor dependent family members eligible for a monthly grant upto a maximum period of 15 years or the age of maturity (21 years) whichever is less in case of female minor dependents marriage or 21 years whichever is early

3. GSs retired on invalided pension are also entitled to receive monthly grant for only 15 years. The case where monthly grant has been sanctioned for life in respect of invalided Government servants or widows of retired Government servants, may be reviewed and sanction may be revised according to the above instructions/ decision.

6-A Recovery as Land Revenue

Any sum due as rent or lease-money regarding property acquired or constructed by a Board of Management if not paid within 30 days of due date, may be recovered as arrears of land revenue notwithstanding anything contained in any law, decree or order of any court, agreement deed or instrument.

6-B Protection
No suit, prosecution or legal proceedings shall be instituted against a Board or against any officer/servant of Board for anything which is done or intended to be done in good faith under the Ordinance or Rules.

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