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Kandhamal - Only a religious conflict?

December, 2008
 Of the 6.48 lakh people in the district, 3.36 lakh (52 per cent) belong to
scheduled tribes (STs), while another 1.05 lakh (17 per cent) are scheduled
castes (SCs).

 Of the 1 lakh Christians, 60 per cent are converts from SCs, locally known
as 'Pana Christians'.

 Under the rules, STs who convert to Christianity continue to enjoy

reservations, but not SCs who convert.

 Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) is opposed to reservations for Pana

Christians as it would eat into the benefits meant for Kandhs, the Hindu
 Most persons belonging to the Panas (Scheduled Caste category) got
converted to Christianity and most of them concealed their conversion
status for the fear of getting deprived of the SC facilities.

 For, any SC person, in the event of adopting Christianity, could not claim
the benefits of Scheduled Caste in getting employment, social security and
other privileges and facilities.

 But if they got the Scheduled Tribe status, the conversion doesn't prove
hindrance to them. It is exactly for this reason that the Christian
missionaries were pursuing the matter of an accordance of ST status.

The 2001 census brought into light the increase

in the number of conversions.
Demand for ST status by Christian
Pana SCs
 The Panas have been demanding inclusion of their caste in the
Scheduled Tribe category as they too speak the same Kui
language that the ST Kondhs speak.
 The Kandhs (STs) are against this demand

This argument of the Panas was rejected by the state

government as well as by the courts as many General
Category people also speak the Kui language.
Other Causes of conflicts
 "Lands of many tribals are in the possession of Panas people through mortgage or
encroachment. Or for that matter even have an adverse possession," a VHP
member alleges.
 Kandhs claim that Pana Christians have fake ST certificates
 In Barakhama, a dispute of 22 Bigha exists on which Christians have allegedly
established their church and residential accommodation

As per the provisions of the Regulation 2 of 1956, any land belonging to ST person, cannot be
transferred/alienated/recorded in ROR to a person of any caste including SC. Section 3(2) of the above
Regulation makes the provision for rejectment of any person other than ST, from the land of ST.
Earlier clashes
 Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, a Hindu seer working for the socio-economic development of
the local people for over four decades -- he set out for Brahmanigoan on December 24. His car
was attacked by a violent Christian mob in which the seer himself and two of his followers
sustained serious injuries

 It was this attack that led to further clashes in the district, as he was highly respected and has
innumerable supporters in the district. Four days of clashes resulted in both sides suffering in
various ways -- many houses were burnt, properties destroyed and physical attacks taking place

 Many believe Maoists collaborated with some locals to avenge the burning of 11 churches in

 The trouble in Kandhamal started on December 23 when some Christians at Brahmanigoan

village wanted to erect a Christmas gate in front of a Hindu place of worship. This was resented
by the local Hindus who questioned the motive of the Christians in insisting on building a second
gate near a Hindu place of worship while one gate was already erected at a place where it is
done every year on the eve of Christmas. This led to the initial clashes. Since Christians were
more in number in the said village the Hindus were at the receiving end
Swami Laxmananda Saraswati
 It was amidst this brewing resentment and the alleged "conversion overdrive" Swami
Laxmanananda arrived in Kandhamal in 1966 and set up an ashram at Chakapada. "He started
imparting training to the tribals on the issue of watershed management and stressed the need of
education. The Kandhas slowly moved on to developmental path. Both the VHP and the Bajrang
Dal despite its symbolic presence, supported Saraswati's movement with the main motive of
countering an increasing Christian base," observers point out.

 Swami's Parabartan - great return to the Hindu fold - aimed at checking the rampant
conversions was also a cause of conflict

 The killing of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati and four others by 25-30 armed persons was the
trigger that unleashed the violence in Kandhmal. A Maoist leader has admitted to killing the
religious leader

Though the Maoists claimed to have killed Laxamananda, its leader Sabyasachi Panda's claim
that most Maoist cadres in Orissa are Christians only points to a deeper missionary-Maoist
Christian Maoist Links
By maintaining that tribals were not Hindus, the banned ultra outfit has only tried to
renew an age-old controversy even as it has sought to distance itself from the
ongoing anti-Christian violence.

"The statements about tribals not being Hindus, that Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik
should step down and that the political parties were not raising their voices against
communal violence have a strong political overtone, very contrary to the ruthless
tenor normally associated with Maoists," said a senior IPS officer.

Among those arrested in connection with the burning down of villages inhabited
by Hindus (Brahmanigaon, Jhinjiriguda, Katingia, and Godapur) were 47
Maoists. Some 20 guns have been recovered by the security forces from them.
Statements of Police
 For the first time, the State police on Thursday admitted that Swami
Laxmanananda Saraswati and four of his disciples were victims of a well-
coordinated conspiracy.

 Swamiji and four of his disciples were killed on August 23 on Janmashtami

day, considered as one of the most auspicious days for Hindus. When
inmates of the hostel at Chakapad in Kandhamal were celebrating the puja
in the evening, around 30 to 40 people armed with sophisticated weapons
barged into the ashram and killed Swamiji.
Illegal Conversions?
 It is noteworthy that in a state like Orissa which enacted anti-conversion
laws as back as in 1967, the Christian population in Kandhamal district
alone has grown from 6 per cent in 1970 to 27 per cent in 2001.

 Why would anyone convert unless asked to?

 Could money, deceit and other allurements be the cause?
 The law does not prohibit propagation but bans conversions on the
basis of above factors
 The often cited ‘Dalit’ reason is not valid here, because there are
two independent communities. The Panas were not subservient to
the Kandhs. Though over a period of time the Panas seem to be
gaining an upper hand.
What is said on Conversions
 After the tsunami, the US National Council of Churches issued a statement warning
against the practice by "New Missionaries" of mixing evangelism and aid. "Often
lacking sophistication about the lure of gifts and money, and wanting to be generous
with their resources, they easily fall prey to the charge of using unethical means to
evangelize. This creates a backlash," the February statement read.

 "You get this guy out of Texas who has no idea of the local culture, he is out to win
souls, and he comes with a lot of money," says Bob Alter, former Presbyterian pastor
born and raised in the Indian mountain town of Mussoorie, and former
superintendent of a missionary institution, the Woodstock School.
What is said on Conversions
 It even quoted one Bishop Chacko, head of the Roman Catholic diocese in Meghnagar in Jhabua district
in Madhya Pradesh who said, 'Even the older Protestant churches are unhappy with the evangelicals. It
is said that they are irresponsible. Consequences don't matter to them. They put the fire and then they
leave it to burn.‘

 Objection is to evangelical activities of 'aggressive conversion campaign'.

 If we argue that conversion is a right, then re-conversion too is a right. In this melee of conversions and
re-conversions violence and strife will become the order of the day.

 Let every religion enjoy complete religious freedom to preach, practice and propagate.

But as our apex court categorically stated, 'Propagate' does not and should not
include 'Conversion'. Let us put an end to the institutionalized activity of
conversions by church agents and instead allow citizens freedom of personal
choice without fear or favour.
What is said on Conversions
 The problem with these newer churches, Mr. Alter says, is the tone of
their message. "You have Baptists using the Diwali festival [the Hindu
festival of lights], but they come to 'spread the light to those in darkness.'
That is mighty offensive stuff, when you're out to tear down another
Other side
 The rift widened further after the change in the reservation status of Kandhamal Lok Sabha constituency
and its three Assembly constituencies by the Delimitation Commission. Illegal encroachment of land by a
section of Panas which originally belonged to the Kandhas further added to the problem. As per the Land
Regulations Act of the State, no non-ST can buy or take possession of land from a tribal owner.

 If the reports of the Kandhamal district administration are taken into account, the Hindu community is
becoming a minority in the district as the Christian population has increased by 66 per cent in
comparison to an 18.6 per cent increase in the totals' population over the last few years.

 As per the 2001 census, there were 1,17,950 Christians. However, the most astounding fact is that out of
the total 42,353 converted Christians during the period of 1989-2001, only two persons had applied for
conversion respecting the Orissa Freedom of Religion Rules, 1989.

 It seems that the Kandhas, one of the historic communities since the time immemorial has been losing
their identity owing to such illegal conversions. Unfortunately, no action has been taken against the
illegal religious conversions though The Orissa Freedom of Religion Act, 1967 has been violated through
these years since its enforcement prior to the Orissa Freedom of Religious Rules, 1989.
How conversions were done by the
New Life Church
 Upon introduction they were paid Rs 2,500 per person and then taken to the
Velankanni shrine, in Tamil Nadu, where they would get another Rs. 3,000.

 When they finally converted to Christianity by changing the name, they got an
incentive of Rs 10,000 onwards.

 Newlife would then give them instructions to abandon wearing tilak on

forehead, not to visit and offer prayers at the Hindu temples, replacing the
photos and idols of Hindu gods and goddesses with a Cross, etc.

 But what really angered local Hindus was when Newlife went one step further
and published a book in Kannada — Satya Darshini — which was widely
distributed by its missionaries. Here below is the translation of some of the most
abusive passages: “Urvashi — the daughter of Lord Vishnu — is a prostitute.

Swabhimaan asks forgiveness from our Gods for reproducing these lines, but people need to be told the facts
Sacriligeous Literature in Karnataka
 Vashistha is the son of this prostitute.

 He in turn married his own Mother. Such a degraded person is the Guru of the Hindu God
Rama. (page 48).

 When Krishna himself is wallowing in darkness of hell, how can he enlighten others?
Since Krishna himself is a shady character, there is a need for us to liberate his misled
followers (page 50). It was Brahma himself who kidnapped Sita.

 “Since Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were themselves victims of lust, it is a sin to consider
them as Gods. (page 39).

 When the Trinity of Hinduism (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) are consumed by lust and
anger, how can they liberate others? The projection of them as Gods is nothing but a
joke. (page 39). God, please liberate the sinful people of India who are worshipping False
Gods. (Page 39).” When blasphemy and much worse is brought against the most sacred
Hindu Gods, Hindus are supposed to take it meekly as sheep and let themselves be
converted to a foreign religion! There are more than 4,000 foreign Christian missionaries
involved in conversion activities across different states.
Swabhimaan asks forgiveness from our Gods for reproducing these lines, but people need to be told the facts
Response of the New Life Church
 But so far the New Life Church hasn’t provided convincing answers to
reports that its religious literature is targeting the majority community
and is getting foreign funds. scathingly denigrating Hindu gods and
goddesses in the foulest of language

 Other similar churches :

Classical Secular Indian Media
 Neither the Indian press nor the western correspondents bothered to write
about what made Hindus angry in Karnataka: Newlife, one important
westernfunded missionary centre (, began making
conversions in and around Mangalore by accosting poor people in market
areas, or in bus stands, befriending them and then taking them to churches to
introduce them to the father.
Our stand
 Those who choose to convert in return for material benefits or are deceived cannot
be really blamed. They convert because of poverty and gullibility.
 It is those who engage in emotional and religious exploitation of others – particularly
the Evangelists like the New Life Church who are the culprits
 Emotional and religious exploitation by other churches cannot be ruled out
 The Kandhs had been at the receiving end – their jobs, education and even land was
in danger
 The Pana Christians were using illegal /covert means to derive maximum material
benefits at the expense of the Kandhs

Asking someone to convert in exchange of material benefits is

UNETHICAL and must be banned all over the country. It amounts
to emotional, religious and cultural treachery.
Our Stand
 The outburst of anger of the Kandhs on the assassination of Swamiji and Hindu
priestesses was reasonable. The pressure had been building up for a long period of time.
The Pana Christians and the missionaries kind of asked for it.

 The killing of Swamiji gave vent to this anger and frustation. But things like killings, rape
are condemnable acts and everyone should refrain from such acts. The Christians were
guilty, even more so. The Kandhs, VHP, RSS and Bajrang Dal cannot be singled out for
such insinuations.
 The Kandhs along with VHP had sought help of the police but adequate protection was
not provided to the VHP leader.

 The BJP led government failed to act proactively even when it knew about the problems in

The New Life Church has denied the charges. Churches that hurt
religious sentiments of the Hindus, create conflicts and resort to
unethical conversion tactics ought to be banned.
Our Stand
 This issue should have been made a big political issue by the BJP, but
they also did not pay much attention to the complaints of the Kandhs

 The VHP needs to be lauded for standing up against illegal conversions

and preserving local culture

 The media needs to be responsible and should present a complete

picture instead of bits and pieces

Again, we as Hindus have failed in guarding our

own people. How long will we let this happen?
Institutional Conversions
Emotional, Religious & Cultural Terrorism

How to stop illegal institutional
 Report any such activity in your area to Swabhimaan
 Support other organizations on this issue
 Spread awareness about tactics used by missionaries for
institutional conversion
 Conduct talks and/or rallies for increasing awareness
about the issue among the general public

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