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Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and

providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers. Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.

What Is Human Resource Development (HRD)?

Human Resource Development (HRD) is the framework for

helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. Human Resource Development includes such opportunities as employee training, employee career development, performance management and development, coaching, mentoring, succession planning, key employee identification, tuition assistance, and organization development. The focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on developing the most superior workforce so that the organization and individual employees can accomplish their work goals in service to customers.

Human Resource Development can be formal such as in

classroom training, a college course, or an organizational planned change effort. Or, Human Resource Development can be informal as in employee coaching by a manager. Healthy organizations believe in Human Resource Development and cover all of these bases.



The part of human resource management (HRM) which specifically deals

with training and development of the employees. HRD would include training an individual after he/she is first hired, providing opportunities to learn new skills, distributing resources which are beneficial for the employee's tasks, and any other developmental activities.

According to Ishwar Dayal HRD involves Ways to better adjust the individual to his job and the environment. The greatest involvement of an employee in various aspects of his work and The greatest concern for enhancing the capabilities of the individual.

According to L.P. Singh HRD refers to improvements in the

capacities and capabilities of the personnel in relation to the needs of that particular sector. It involves the creation of a climate in which the flower of human knowledge, skill, capabilities, creative can bloom. Features of HRD 1. Planned and Systematic Approach 2. Continuous Process 3. Inter Disciplinary Approach 4. Both Micro and Macro Aspects

Objectives of HRD
To provide a comprehensive framework for the overall

development of people in the organisation To develop the constructive mind and overall opersonality of each and every person in the organisation. To develop the capabilities of each individual in relation to his present and expect future roles. To develop and maintain high levels of motivation of employees. To develop diadactic relationship between each employee and his supervisor. To develop the overall health and self renewing capabilities of the total organization. To develop the sense of team spirit, team work and inter team collaboration in the organization. To generation systematic information about human resources for the purposes of manpower planning, placement, succession planning.

Following requirements must be filled 1. 2. 3. 4.


Urge and desire on the part of human resources in the organisation to find better methods and work. Requisite skill, attitudes and ability in the persons engaged in HRD. Proper rapport between the HRD team/depatment and the key persons in the organisation. Removal of hurdles and irritants from the organisation affecting productivity of the employees. Involvement of the employees of the organisation to get a lot of unwritten information for understanding the dynamics of the organisation for developing a HRD programme.

6. The needs for suggesting the introduction of only such indigenous methods which can be implemented by the HRD without much cost and resistance. 7. Strengthening of human resource information system to keep continuous track of every employee and use performance appraisal, training to inject change in the desired direction. 8. Members of HRD team must possess a pleasant personality, common sense, imagination, enthusiasm, objectivity and the sense of humor required to induce favorable changes 9. The HRD must make all the employees in the organization understand the implication of new methods through seminars. 10. HRD to be successful needs revolution in the total concept of management 11. The HRD must possess technical competence.


HRD aims at helping people to acquire competencies

required to perform all their functions effectively and make their organizations do well. HRD applies to both institutional(Micro) as well as national(Marco) issues. It is useful both at micro and macro levels in developing the newer capabilities in people so as to enable them to tackle both present and future challenges while realizing organizational goals.

Micro Level: HRDs contribution at national

level has not gained much popularity as yet. At macro level, HRD is concerned with the development of people for a nation's well being. Calculating the national income and economic growth, the prospective HRD concept examines the individuals potentialities their attitudes, aspirations, skills, Knowledge and establishes a concrete base for economic planning.

Macro Level: At micro level, HRD is

concerned with organization's manpower planning, selection, training, performance appraisal, development, potential appraisal, compensation, organizational development. HRD is well received by companies management as they have realized its importance and foresee its future contribution for the individual and organizational development.

SIGNIFICANCE OF HRD HRD transforms potential human resources into kinetic

human resources for optimization of the potential capacity of employees. The Capacity of United National Development System Organizations have become dynamic and grow only when employee capabilities are continuously acquired sharpened and used HRD plays vital role in the success and growth of an organization. HRD improves the capabilities of the people by making them better aware of the skills required for the job performance and by improving clarity about performance standards. The employees become innovative and enterprising ever ready to take risks and strengthens executive skills.

HRD improves team work. Employees become more open

towards each other and they also trust each other. HRD promotes organizational effectiveness. Appropriate employee centered policies help the organization achieve its goals more efficiently. Performance related regards help employees realize the importance of utilizing their skills fully in the service of organizational goals. The organization's health and self renewing capabilities improves quite significantly. HRD helps the organization in procuring the right people at the right time and in making their effective use. HRD generates a lot of useful data which facilitates human resource planning and control.


POINTS OF DISTINCTION PERSONNEL FUNCTION Status Independent function with dependent sub function.
Orientation aims Maintenance oriented aims to improve the efficiency of people and administration. Reactive function responding to events as and when they take place.

HRD Integrated system consisting of interdependent sub system. Development oriented aims to develop the organization as a whole and its culture.
Proactive function trying to anticipate and get ready with appropriate responses. Responsibility of all the managers in the organization. Focuses on autonomous work groups, job challenges, problem solving skills as



Exclusive responsibility of the personnel manager.


Focuses on salary, economic rewards, job simplification and job specialization as


Performance Appraisal Potential Appraisal Counselling and Monitoring Training Building Morale and Motivation among the Employees of an Organisation Development of Team work Creating Effective HRD Environment Developing Emotional Intelligence Quality Circle Quality of Working Life Emphasis on Excellence Flexibility

Commitment of the Management and Staff to HRD Specific Action Plan and strategy

Building Morale and Motivation Among the members of an Organization

Counselling and Mentoring

Developing Team Work

Creating Effective HRD Climate Developing Emotional Intelligence Imparting Need Based and On Going Training Emphasis on Excellence

Replacing Rigidity with Flexibility

a. Total Quality Management
b. Kaizen c. Just in Time Production

d. Empowerment
e. Benchmarking f.

Learning Organisation


MEANING: Placement is the process of assigning a specific
job to each one of the selected candidates. Placement also meaning assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an individual. Matching the requirements of the job with the qualifications of a candidate is the essence of placement.


Placement is the determination of the job to which an

accepted candidate is to be assigned and his assignment to

that job. It is a matching of what the supervisor has reason to think he can do with the job demands.

. Job first, man next, should be the principle of placement. 2. The job should be offered to the man according to his qualifications. The Placement should neither be higher nor lower than the qualification. 3. The employee should be made conversant with the working conditions prevailing in the industry and all things relating to the job. He should also be made aware of the penalties if he commits a wrong. 4. While introducing the job to the new employee, an effort should be made to develop a sense of loyalty and cooperation in him so that he may realize his responsibilities better towards the job and the organization .


5. The placement should be ready before the joining date of the newly selected person. 6. The placement in the initial period may be temporary as changes are likely after the completion of training. The employee may be later transferred to the job where he can do better justice.

Independent Jobs

Dependent Jobs

MEANING: When a new employee joins an organization,


he should be welcomed as a new member of the organization and must be helped to get acquainted and adjusted with his fellow employee and work environment.
The new employee is a complete stranger to the people,

work place and work environment. He must be introduced with the fellow employees, to the working conditions, rules and regulations.
Inductions may be as the socializing process by which the

organization seeks to make an individual its agent for the achievement of its objectives and the individual seeks to make an agency of the organization for the achievement of his personal goals.

According to Edwin B. Flippo Induction is the welcoming

process to make the new employee feel at home and generate in him a feeling of belongingness to the organization
According to Michael Armstrong Orientation or induction

is the process of receiving and weldoming an employee when he first joins a company and giving him the basic information he needs to settle down quickly and happily and start work. Orientation or Induction is thus the proces of indocrination, welcoming, acclimatisation, acculturasiation and socialisation.

To promote a feeling of belonging and loyalty. To build up the new employees confidence.

To make them efficient employee.

To bring an agreement between the organization goals and

the personal goals of the organization. To introduce the new worker to the supervisor and the fellow workers. To create a sense of security. To reduce the cost of replacing.


Companys history, philosophy and operations
Products and services of the company Companys organization structure

Location of departments and employee services

Personnel policies and practices Employees activities

Rules and regulations

Grievance procedure Safety measures

Standing orders
Terms and conditions of service Benefits and services for employees Opportunities for training, promotions, transfers etc.


Introductory information

On the job information

Follow up interview

Orientation programme can go wrong for a number of reason The supervisor who has to induct the employee may not be trained or may be too busy. Employee is overwhelmed with too much information in a short time. Employee is confused with a wide variety of forms to be filled In the initial stages, employee is given only manual jobs that discourage job interest and company loyalty. Employee is asked to perform challenging jobs where there are high chances of failure that could needlessly discourage the employee.

Employee is given only a sketchy induction under

the miwtaken belief that trial and error method is the best induction. Employee is forced to balance between a broad orientation by the HR department and a narrow orientation at the departmental level. Employee is thrown into action too soon. His mistakes can demage the company. Employee may be asked to work on a number of jobs and he may develop wrong perceptions because of short periods spent on each job.

Assignment on induction training in India

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