Midterm Review

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Jacques-Louis David, Belisarius Begging Alms, 1781

Jacques-Louis David, Oath of the Horatii, 1785

J.-L. David, The Death of Socrates, 1787

Jacques-Louis David, Lictors Returning to Brutus the Bodies of his Sons, 1789

J.-L. David, Antoine Lavoisier and his Wife, 1788

Jacques-Louis David, The Tennis Court Oath, 1789 (preparatory sketch)

Jacques-Louis David, Death of Marat, 1793

Jacques-Louis David, Intervention of the Sabine Women, 1799

Anne-Louis Girodet, The Sleep of Endymion, 1793

Anne-Louis Girodet, Jean-Baptiste Belley, 1797

Antoine Jean Gros, Napoleon Visiting the Plague House at Jaffa, 1804

Antoine Jean Gros, Battle of Eylau, 1808

Thodore Gricault, Charging Chasseur, 1812

Thodore Gricault, Wounded Cuirassier, 1814

Gricault, Race of the Riderless Horses, c.1817

Thodore Gricault, studies of body parts, c.1818

Thodore Gricault, Raft of the Medusa, 1818-19

Gricault, The Deluge, 1816

Gricault, Mazeppa, early 1820s

Gricault, Portrait of an Insane Woman, c.1822

Henry Fuseli, The Artist Moved to Despair by the Grandeur of Antique Fragments, 1778-79

Henry Fuseli, The Nightmare, 1781

Henry Fuseli, Lady Macbeth, 1784

Henry Fuseli, Woman Viewing the Laocoon, undated

Fuseli, Hamlet and his Fathers Ghost, 1780-85

Henry Fuseli, Thor Battling the Midgard Serpent, 1788

William Blake, Glad Day (Albion Rose), 1780

Blake, Laocon, c. 1815 (inscriptions date from c. 1826)

William Blake, Ancient of Days , 1794

William Blake, Newton, 1795

William Blake, Nebuchadnezzar, 1793

William Blake, Antaeus, 1795

Francisco Goya, The Grape Harvest, 1786-7

Francisco Goya, The Straw Man, 1791

Francisco Goya, Family of Carlos IV, 1800-01

Goya, The Sleep of Reason, from the Caprichos, 1799

Goya, Witches Flight, 1798

Francisco Goya, Second of May, 1808, 1814

Francisco Goya, Third of May, 1808, 1815

Goya, prints from The Disasters of War, 1810-1820

Goya, The Knife Grinder, c. 1808-12

Goya, Duel with Cudgels, ca. 1822

Francisco Goya, Saturn Devouring his Children, 1820

John Constable, The Hay Wain, 1821 (Originally titled Landscape: Noon)

Constable, Seascape study with rain cloud, 1827

Corot, view of Rome, 1826

Friedrich, Monk by the Sea, 1809-10

Caspar David Friedrich, Wreck of the Hope, 1824

Friedrich, Woman at the Window, 1822

JMW Turner, Snowstorm, exhibited 1842

J.M.W. Turner, The Fighting Temeraire Towed to Her Last Berth to be Broken Up, 1838

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