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Come to The


Ayana Holder Jerome Duchausse

Justin Ramoo
New Providence Island.

Lorraine Berkeley Sharna Williams

The Bahamas
is located just 50 Miles off the coast of Florida. Islands cover an area of 5,358 square miles (13,878 sq. Km)` Population - 306,611, 90% live on only (3) islands - New Providence, Grand Bahama and Abaco

New Providence Island.

The Bahamas

The Capital City is Nassau, located in New Providence Nassau is a major Port of call for Cruise Ships

Two thirds of visitors to Bahamas go to New Providence

Bahamas Weather

Sees sunshine approx. 310 days a year

Tropical marine climate Comfortable temperatures Two Seasons oSummer, May - September

oWinter, October May

Hurricane Season June through November

History of The Bahamas

First inhabitants Arawaks came from Cuba 300-400 AD
Christopher Columbus discovered the island of San Salvador baja mar (shallow sea) Ruled by Spain, America, and last of all England
Green Turtle Cay

History cond.
Since 1919, became a haven for rum lovers after America banned alcohol

The Hotel and Steam ship service act of 1898 encouraged hotels and steam ship services On July 10th 1973, the Bahamas became independent of British rule

Government & Politics

Political System
Constitution based on the Westminster Model Member of the Commonwealth Nations Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of State

Government cond.

The Governor-General
Sir Arthur Foulkes

Prime Minister
Hubert Ingram

Government cond.

Main Political Patries Progressive Liberal Party (PLP 1953) Free National Movement (FNM 1972)

The Economic status of the bahamas

One of the wealthiest Caribbean countries

Tourism and related industries 60% of GDP

Contraction in budget in 2009 due to global recession Was reversed in 2011
Downtown Nassau

The economy cond.

Financial & Business services comprise 36% of GDP.
Main export pharmaceuticals, cement, rum, crawfish, refined petroleum products 2011 budget revenues estimate $1.2 billion 2011 expenditures were $1.7 billion, deficit of $0.2 billion

The economy cond.

Inflation rate 2011 3.4% Unemployment rate 2006 7.6%

Bahamian dollar (BSD) currency since 1966


Highest per capita income in the region

Absence of direct taxation

Job Opportunities

Business Human Resource Manager Marketing Executives Business Development

Sales Director
Restaurant Manager
Eleuthera Beach

Job Opportunities cond.

Information Technology
Web Developer Graphic Designer Network Administrator Food Sushi

Job Opportunities Cond.

Sales Engineer Computer Engineer Engineering Coordinator Healthcare Pharmacists Teaching Geography

Bahamian Culture

Predominantly of West African and English descent from Cotton plantation past Influences from native Indians (Arawaks) in music and festivals

Sandy Cay

Bahamian Culture

Junkanoo street parade similar to Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago

26th December 1st January

Costumes of paper, sea sponge, leaves etc.

Bahamian Culture cond.

Junkanoo music Ghoombay Drums (goatskin drums) Copper Bells Whistles Soca, Reggae music

Bahamian Culture cond.


Conch (Sea Snail)

Cracked Conch Chowder Fritters

Bahamian Culture cond

Crab and Rice Pea Soup and dough Johnny Cake Guava Duff

Interesting Facts

Nassau was a pirate refuge Edward Teach (Blackbeard) Mary Read Anne Bonney

The Bahamas is said to have the most churches per capita in the world Predominantly Baptist

Bahamas has the third longest barrier reef in the world, located off the east coast of Andros island.



Coral Reefs

Places to Visit

Relax at Cable Beach

Government Housewitness changing of the Guards

Try a Craft Market

Places to Visit cond

Fort Charlottethe largest Fort in the Bahamas

Pirate Museum

Pompey Museum to lean about Bahamian History

Things to do...

Swim with the Dolphins

Visit Ardastra Gardens and Zoo

Play Golf


Go To Paradise Island and..

spend a Day at Atlantis Resort

All are welcome...

You dont have to be a guest to enjoy this massive theme hotel

A 14-acre "waterscape"


aquariums lagoons

At Night Try Gaming in Atlantis Casino

Game Table or Slot Machine

You Choose


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