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"Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.

" - Mark Twain Recently, I was asked if I was going to fire an employee who made a mistake that cost the company $600,000. No, I replied, I just spent $600,000 training him. Why would I want somebody to hire his experience? - Thomas J. Watson (American Entrepreneur and Founder of IBM , 1874-1956)

Learning without thought is labor lost. Thought without learning is intellectual death." - Confucius What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand. - Confucius "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough we must do." - Goethe "You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself." - Galileo Galilei Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Gandhi "The only kind of learning which significantly influences behavior is self-discovered or self-appropriated learning - truth that has been assimilated in experience." - Carl Rogers

According to recent review by HBR, there is a direct link between Training investment of the companies & the market capitalization. Those companies with higher training investment had higher market capitalization.

Employee Training & Development

Difference between Education, Training
and Development. Rapid rate of obsolescence. Redesigning of work into job sharing broader responsibilities mergers and acquisitions. Less loyalty to employer requires greater efforts at integration.

Training & Development

In general, training refers to a planned effort by
a company to facilitate the learning of job-related knowledge, skills, or behavior that can be used immediately on the job. Tends to be narrowly focused and oriented toward short-term performance concerns. Development provides an employee with knowledge that may be used today or at some time in the future. (long-term) Effort that is oriented more toward broadening an individuals skills for the future responsibilities.

Employee Training & Development

Traditionally T & D were relegated to narrowly
defined support roles where individuals were trained around current job based deficiencies. In some organizations T&D is the critical means for creating readiness and flexibility for change (in US half of the money spent on T&D $27billion is spent by 15,000 employers. These strategic challenges for training exist alongside standard types of training (orientation and socialization)

Policies and values to support T&D

Organisations have explicit T&D policies, Training Calendars, own training centres (Infosys academy, Tata Mgmt training Centre) which address budgetary allocation, required levels or hours of training or required T&D before or after promotions.

Infosys is planning to scale up its training budget by 24 per cent next fiscal to $230

million. The technology firm has already hiked training time to groom its employees for leadership roles by 10 weeks to 29 weeks. The Economic Times quoted Tan Moorthy, vice president and head (education and research), Infosys, as saying, We want employees to understand context of the customer, equip them with better business acumen so they can offer solutions and options for clients and not just routine services.

Companies like Accenture Tata spend 3% to 5% of revenue on employee training. Best in class allocates 45 hrs in annual training for executives and 51 hrs for
supervisory personnel. 3M specifies 40 hrs., AT&T 80 hrs.

Many organisations establish T & D policies as part of structured career paths, a

prerequisite for consideration for promotion or a requirement once the promotion is obtained. E-learning through Learning Portals, Accenture has My Learning

(P&G) Growth & promotion is contingent upon completion of certain mandatory

hours of training. Molding attitudes and behaviours of supervisors and managers through value oriented statements.

Why Training and Developing Employees Is Important?

Integration is essential to ensure effective and
productive employees. Orientation, training and development perform the integration function. T&D involve short term costs and long term benefits. T&D can be more effective as part of an integrated HR strategy. T&D is greatly assisted by well thought out staffing strategy.

a) Conformity vs. innovation. Employees who

Strategic choices

follow rules or who challenge ineffective rules. The issue is how to achieve the stability that is needed to function as an organization and at the same time to encourage the employees to develop their creativity. Toyota, Nissan, 3M. Rand Merchant Bank of SAs Rule book. b) Develop human resources or hire developed

Developing people versus hiring developed

people: Size is a major factor. Untrained people are cheaper. P&G, IBM.



Improve performance of marginal performers or replace them: Improving versus replacing poor performers; cost entailed, legal considerations, replacement costs, top mgts philosophy.

d) How well does the organization's development

strategy match the organization's overall strategy? Strategy and development: growth by entering new markets.

Innovative training
Training can: increase employees knowledge of foreign competitors and cultures. help ensure that employees have the basic skills to work with new technology, help employees understand how to work effectively in teams to contribute to product and service quality. Ensure that the companys culture emphasizes innovation, creativity, and learning. Ensure employment security by providing new ways for employees to contribute to the company when their jobs change, their interests change, or their skills become obsolete. Increase ability to deal with crisis and emergencies. Prepare employees to accept and work more effectively with each other, particularly with minorities and women. Promote safe working behavior and environment.

Training for different purposes

Corporate Experiential Education /Corporate Class rooms

Motivational workshops

Communication Skills Leadership Training Time Management Conflict Resolution Stress Management Coaching and Mentoring Team Building Skills Executive Coaching Creative Problem Solving Presentation Skills Short Motivational Programs Sales Training Performance Appraisal Workshop Cost effective Programs Corporate Adventure Training

Innovative training
E.g. coca colas 10 week MDP for potential
GMs includes traditional leadership training as well as internally designed simulations that are mirror images of business in Coca Cola. GE teams of executives are given actual business problems. Business school professors and consultants participate in the process.

Orientation Training
The biggest job we have is to teach a newly hired employee how to fail intelligently. We have to train him to experiment over and over and to keep on trying and failing until he learns what will work. - Charles F. Kettering

familiarizing new employees with the rules, policies, procedures and culture of the organization. It orients, guides and directs the new employees to understand the work, organization, work group and mission and goals. Socialization: The process of learning how and why things are done in an organization. Acculturation: The process of learning the culture of an organization. Organization Culture is a set of values, beliefs, history, traditions, norms, artifacts that a group holds in common.

Purposes & Benefits of Orientation

Reduces startup costs: JWTs Blending with Peers Makes the employee productive very soon. Reduces Anxiety & Stress: A Buddy in need Reduces Employee turnover: Boot Camps (military-style training) Induslogic India: Feedback Mechanism Saves time for the supervisor: Quality Start team at Sapient (SRP) Sapient readiness programme Developing and nurturing talent, future leaders one year long training at Reckitt Benckiser Make things happen not just learn how others make things happen. Unleash potential early in their careers. Extensive technical training: NIITs SEED (School for Employee Education & Dev): e-NIP (web based training programme Allow creative expression, nurture ideas: Voyage at Marriott International Develops realistic job expectations, positive attitudes & job satisfaction

Tips for Building A Strong Orientation Program

1. Orientation should begin with the most relevant and 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

immediate kinds of information. The most significant part of orientation is the human side New employees should be sponsored or directed in the immediate environment by an experienced worker or supervisor New employees should be gradually introduced to the people with whom they will work New employees should be allowed sufficient time to get their feet on the ground before job demands on them are increased. Keep the paper work portion of the orientation light on the first day. Alternate heavy information such as benefits and insurance forms with live accounts of the organisation by the CEO. (orgn is made of people not rules only) Glossary of terms unique to the organisation: In Disney employees are called cast members. Find a buddy for each employee . The match should be on a personality basis rather than a job basis.

Components of An Orientation

Welcoming. Meeting with the boss. Completing paperwork. Reviewing the employee handbook Contents of employee Manual

Message from MD Employment Relationships: Employee conduct, standards of

conduct, attendance, promotions, Performance appraisals. History, Employee benefits, Insurance benefits, special programs, retirement, Miscellaneous.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Employment Relationships between the employer and employee are based on an implied contract not a written one. (employment at will). It should be avoided. Wrongful discharge suits by employees can be for four reasons: dismissing the employee for refusing to perform some illegal or unethical activity. Unfairness and lack of good faith: fired just before his retirements benefits are to begin. Sabotaged by the company for seeking job outside. When Employer do not walk the talk.

Introducing job duties and performing initial

training: job description, objectives, performance evaluation. Conducting follow up session. Informal Training: Hazing

Organizational Needs Assessment

Task Needs Assessment Employee Needs Assessment

Model of Training Process

Development of Training objectives Development of Criteria for training evaluation

Design and select Training procedures

Measure training results


Compare results To criteria (evaluation)

Systems Model of Training

Phase 4: Evaluation Phase 3: Implementation Phase 2: Design Phase 1: Needs Assessment
________________ Organization analysis Task analysis Person analysis ________________ Instructional objectives Trainee readiness Learning principles ________________ On-the-job methods Off-the-job methods Management development ________________ Reactions Learning Behavior transfer Results

Needs Assessment for Training

Competency assessment
Analysis of the sets of skills and knowledge needed for decision-oriented and knowledge-intensive jobs.

of environment, strategies, and resources to determine where to emphasize training of the activities to be performed in order to determine the KSAs needed. of performance, knowledge, and skills in order to determine who needs training.



Determining training needs

Is there a training need? What are the organizational goals? What tasks must be completed to achieve

these goals? What behaviors are necessary for each job incumbent to complete his/her tasks? What deficiencies if any do incumbents have in the KSAs required to exhibit the job behaviour?

Organizational analysis involves determining the appropriateness of training, given the company's business strategy, its resources available for training, and support by managers and peers for reining activities. SunU, the training and development organization of Sun Microsystems realigned its training philosophy and types of training conducted to be more linked to Suns strategy of internal growth. Person analysis helps the manager identify whether training is appropriate and which employees need training. When a problem, such as a performance deficiency, is identified, it is often unclear whether training is the solution. Task analysis identifies the conditions in which tasks are performed. A job is a specific position requiring the completion of specific tasks.

Sources for Need Assessment

Written sources: Employee files, JA,

Performance appraisal, Customer complaints, employment tests. Other sources: Consultants, employees, Management Methods: Observation, Interview, Questionnaires, JA, PA, testing.

Phase 2: Designing Training Programs

Issues in training design
Instructional objectives
Trainee readiness and motivation

Principles of learning Characteristics of successful trainers

Learning principles

Employee Motivation Recognition of Individual Differences Practice Reinforcement (partial, continuous schedule) Knowledge of results Goal directed Meaningfulness of material Transfer of training Modeling Behavior modification

Principles of Learning
Focus on learning and transfer
Goal setting - Whats the value? Meaningfulness of presentation Behavioral modeling Recognition of individual learning differences

Principles of Learning (contd)

Focus on method and process
Active practice and repetition Whole versus-part learning Massed-vs-distributed learning Feedback and knowledge of progress (learning curve)

A Typical Learning Curve



Low Time (weeks)

Transfer of T&D: Degree of continuity

between learning in the T&D context and behaviors and results in the job environment. Factors: Theory, demo, practice (simulation), practice on the job with feedback and coaching

The three basic approaches to maximizing


A) Overlap between T&D and job contexts.

On the job training: Reduces down time, maximizes content relevance, ensures that learning is embedded into routine processes.

B) Integration between T&D and other elements

of the HRM system. Making T&D a part of an overall human resource framework that hires, promotes, develops and rewards people using a core set of competencies. Trainees are held accountable for improved performance following training during performance appraisals. Structured career pathing also integrates T&D with HRM systems. Coworkers and supervisors are involved in proactively supporting knowledge base and behavioral improvements after T&D. (e.g. Xerox LUTI, learn, use, train and inspect)

C) Integration of management into the

T&D process: active planning with
employees, Expected results and monitoring and facilitating process is specified.

Designing Training & Dev. Program

Who are the trainees? Who are the trainers? Methods & techniques of training Location of training What makes training programs effective? Selecting content: strategic objectives, culture and values, and predicted competency and skill needs. exploitation of technology to aid learning, emphasis on teams, mentoring. Increasing cost effectiveness- shortening learning curve through simulations.

Characteristics of Successful Instructors

Knowledge of the subject Adaptability Sincerity Sense of humor Interest Clear instructions Individual assistance Enthusiasm

Determine budget Identify institutional support Identify training objectives Research content Determine time on specific content Determine methods of delivery Develop handouts

Choice of method of T&D: depends on

organisational culture and values, T&D objectives, profile of trainees and trainers, financial and technological resources. Emphasis on on-the-job training, exploitation of technology to aid training, (satellite communications or teleconferencing, interactive video network as in Fed Ex) teams and mentoring. Emphasis on increasing the efficiency and cost effectiveness of training.

Methods of training On the Job training: Job rotation, mentoring,

Off the job training: Lectures, Audiovisual presentations, Case studies, Programmed Learning Computer assisted instructions, Role playing, Vestibule training, Conferences Management Games & exercises

apprenticeship, Coaching, Job instruction training.

Behaviour Modelling Web based learning :e-mail boxes one lesson a day :; Training via CD-ROM, Learning Portals: sites that link to either an extensive collection of home-grown educational content or to the content and courses produced by other companies or individuals

Training for Special Purposes: Cross cultural Training Values Training Diversity Training Training for Teamwork and Empowerment Cross functional Training Crisis training/Adventure training Customer service training Safety training

Training for Special Purposes:

Presentation skills Quality Improvement Managing Change New equipment/ New skill training Train the trainer Leadership training Hiring Time Management Stress Management Strategic Planning High-leverage training is linked to strategic business goals and objectives, is supported by top management, relies on an instructional design model to ensure the quality of training and to contain costs, and is compared or benchmarked to programs in other organizations. Remedial training

Successful Training
Tie training content to work functions and
day to day operations.

include everyone in the process. be flexible when / where training


use a variety of training methods. provide ongoing feedback. ensure employee confidentiality.

get the support of top management.

Training Responsibilities
Top Management (Support & Budget) The HR department (Staff support &

The immediate Supervisor (guidance & some

training) & line manager.

The Employee (interest & Motivation) Training Consultancies.

Criteria for Evaluation

Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation 1. Reactions of the participants: Feedback forms
(Happiness sheets), interviews. 2. Learning: test, projects, case studies, tutor reports. Pre-post tests

3. Transfer/Behavioural Changes. 4. Results: Profits, revenue, productivity and


CIRO (Context, Input, Reaction, Output)

Cost-Benefit Analyses/ROI Benchmarking Training
approach at Tata Motors
Comparison of costs and benefits associated with training

Balancing Costs and Benefits of Training

75% of firms measure participant

reactions, fewer than 50% measure knowledge changes, 20% measure behavioural changes. Emphasis in participant reactions and measuring learning by means of behavioural exercises during T&D. The missing pieces of evaluations are assessments of post training behaviours .

(e.g Xerox ,Federal Express rolling cycle

training and pre post measures and control group, managers evaluation and trainees self rating collected two weeks prior and three months after training) Motorola University uses six sigma quality framework with goal of having less than four defects per million T&D sub processes delivered.

Cost savings to T&D expenditures

(Motorola 33:1) 360 degree appraisal at Johnson and Johnson. Profit centered approach to T&D (individual departments make a financial commitment to training

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