TRANSFORMATION & THE CITIZEN - Connected Kenya - Sylvia Mulinge

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Connected Kenya 2012

GM Safaricom Enterprise Unit

April, 2012

Process Transformation Achieves

Sole Government Broadcaster

Transformation & the Citizen

Free & User Generated Media

42 Banks in predominantly Urban Areas

Mobile Money & Mbanking on 14M + Mobile Phones

What Process Transformation is Required

Capacity Building

Policy Reform

Information Communicati on Technology

Research & Development

Education Transformation & the Citizen

Ensure that all students obtain the skills necessary to succeed in a knowledge-based economy and society Knowledge is power! Create a pool of skilled labor to satisfy needs for industry Use of ICT solutions like e-learning to extend reach coupled with low cost devices Balancing of the student/teacher ratio through an online learning community

Why Transform

The Transformation Journey The Ultimate Destination for the Citizens

Maintain a low Teacher/Student Ratio Embed the use of ICT in the classroom environment

Health Transformation & the Citizen National TB Program Objective

Reverse the incidence and mortality due to TB by 2015

Why Transform

Achieve the 70/85 targets that is to detect 70% of infectious TB and cure 85% of the detected cases long time to achieve the MDGs Reduce doctor-patient ratio with the use of ICTs to extend reach of expert doctors Enable clinical information sharing

The Transformation Journey The Ultimate Destination for the Citizens

A comprehensive Monitoring & Reporting Solution using innovative Mobile applications

Health Transformation & the Citizen M-Health

Overcome the low patient to doctor ratio - 1 doctor for every 26,400

Why Transform

We can leverage on the high mobile phone penetration to deliver MHealth

The Transformation Journey The Ultimate Destination for the Citizens

Launch of Daktari 1525 plus the Cisco Health Presence Suites

The new Kenyan Constitution gives the right to health services.

Financial Transformation & the Citizen M-PESA

To leverage on financial inclusion for the unbanked using Agent Banking and Mobile Phone financial services Need to extend banking services to the unbanked Spur growth in rural bank branches/ agents

Why Transform

The Transformation Journey The Ultimate Destination for the Citizens

Increase bank deposits from 44% to 80% of the GDP Eliminate distance barriers with use of ICTs in banking Use of ICTs to improve Credit Reference Bureaus Reach 100% of Kenya's bankable population Transform mobile financial services from a transfer service to a payments platform Integrate m-money platforms with the banking platforms

Pension/Social Security Transformation & Citizen

Drive the inclusion of the Jua Kali (informal sector) in the pension scheme

Why Transform

Majority of the population are active participants via Jua Kali . As an economy, we cant afford to lock them out! Growth of 3140% in terms of member contributions via M-PESA realized as at February 2012 compared to when the scheme launched in July 2011 Delegations from SA have been in town to study this uniquely Kenyan innovation 1 million Jua Kali employees signed up for Mbao

The Transformation Journey The Ultimate Destination for the Citizens

Thank you for your continued Support.

You are the reason we picked this award confirming that being an agent for Transformation has its rewards

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