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REFRESH. . . .refresh
Organization structure determines who works together
It is the way managers design their firms to achieve their organizations mission and goals

Organizational communication flows through its structure, which affects:

behavior human relations performance

Informal Organization Structure

Horizontal communication networks

Vice President Production

Vice President Finance

Vice President Marketing

Manager A

Manager B

Manager C

Manager D

Manager E

Manager F

Manager G

Manager H

Exhibit 6.2

Communication Networks
Communication networks sets of employees who have stable contact through which information is generated and transmitted Two major types of communication networks: 1. within organizations 2. within departments and small groups

Vertical and Horizontal Communication

Vertical Communication The flow of information both up and down the chain of command Formal communication Recognized as official Status and power are not equal among participants in vertical communication Horizontal Communication The flow of information between colleagues and peers Informal communication Does not follow the chain of command Not recognized as official

Organizational Communication
Organizational communication the compounded interpersonal communication process across an organization Communication flows in an organization are:
Vertical Horizontal

Grapevine (multidirectional)

Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication deals with relationships between people, usually in face-to-face private settings. Interpersonal communication is the primary way relationships are created, maintained, and changed.

Grapevine Communication
Grapevine the informal vehicle through which messages flow throughout the organization When the grapevine allows employees to know about a management decision almost before it is made, management must be doing something right.

Interpersonal Communication

Contradictions in Relationships
Connection v. Autonomy

Openness v. Privacy
Predictability v. Novelty

Interpersonal Communication
Communication Climate: Overall feeling or psychological tone that exists when people are interacting.

Confirming v. Disconfirming



Getting Criticism

Giving Criticism

Guidelines for Giving Effective Criticism

Give more praise than criticism Criticize immediately Criticism should be performance oriented Give specific and accurate criticism Open on a positive note and close by repeating what action is needed

Message Transmission Channels

Oral Communication

Written Communication

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication

Facial Expressions

Vocal Qualities



Oral Communication Media





Written Communication
With increased use of e-mail, managers substitute face-to-face communication with e-mail Communication Objective Guidelines
Memos Letters Reports Bulletin board notices Posters Computers/e-mail Fax

Emotions (1 of 2)
Emotional labor requires Universal emotions: the expression of desired happiness emotions during surprise interpersonal relations fear sadness anger disgust

Emotions (2 of 2)
Understanding Feelings
Feelings are subjective they tell you peoples attitudes and needs Feelings are usually disguised as factual statements Feelings are neither right nor wrong but behavior is

Gender Differences Global Differences

Dealing with Emotional Employees

Calming the emotional person Use reflecting responses

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