Amens Summarised

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an enchanted elixir poured out upon the stressed out soul of those who are of romantic bent, freeing

the mind of daily drudgery, giving license to dream the dreams of the heart. -Richard Ellis

Literature Project


Moonlight echoes sweet sounds of wonder Step within my shadows of beauty Glass flowers twinkle on the walkway -Gwendolyn Golden

Group Members: -Amna Ahmad -Ayesha Jamal

AMENDS Nights like this: on the cold apple-bough a white star, then another exploding out of the bark: on the ground, moonlight picking at small stones as it picks at greater stones as it rises with the surf laying its cheek for moments on the sand as it licks the broken ledge, as it flows up the cliffs, as it flicks across the tracks as it unavailing pours into gash of the sand-and-gravel quarry as it leans across the hangared fuselage of the crop dusting plane as it soaks through cracks into trailers tremulous with sleep as it dwells upon the eyelids of sleepers


It is basically about the relationship between the moonlight and the humans. The moonlight wishes to make amends, because it sympathizes with the lives of the sleepers. As night heals up, it also helps the sleepers to get away with bad memories. The moon feels sorry for the sleeping people because it wishes that the people will release their bad memories while they sleep. 1.To change for the better; improve 2. To remove the faults or errors in; correct. 3. To alter (a legislative measure, for example) formally by adding, deleting, or rephrasing. 4. To enrich (soil), especially by mixing in organic matter or sand.

The poem Amends, is written by Adrienne Rich, an American poet and is 80 years old.


imagery: metaphor -cold apple bough -exploding out of the bark -pours into the gash -tremulous with sleep

Lot of alliteration

use of 'l' and s contributes to musical quality. ANALYSIS OF THE POEM

The tone of the poem is quite sad, melancholy and observant.

The mood of the poem is quite imaginary and dreamy

repetition of 'as it"--precedes description of the moonlights actions ....but finally 'as if"

Personification of moonlight (eg.) -picking up small stones -rises with the surf -laying its cheek for moments on the sand

No specific rhyme or rhythm detected. Theme of childhood discussed (moonlight given attributes of children.. trying to please the troubledwandering and roaming around)


The first stanza is about how at night in the dark it is very cold with stars showing up, lighting up every single piece of ground that is visible to make the night better than day for people. It explains well enough already that the moonlight and humans have a relationship. 'nights like this' + 'cold' apple bough: time of night: darkness, absence of light (sun)...possibly the moonlight tries to make amends (tries to act as substitute for the absence of the sun's light) and tries to soothe the people who have been disturbed by the events of the day Moonlight is sympatric towards the human who cannot achieve peaceful sleep. The moonlight wants the humans to relax and shows them an end towards the conflicts, a new beginning.


moonlight rises with the 'surf"- the poet creates a perfect picture of harmony- the moonlight is trying to create peace-that can be tried to be achieved in the night, if not during the day laying its cheek for "moments" on the sand---its busy but is slightly touching everything...depicting cautiousness...the moonlight wants to taste everything feel everything explore, become part of the motion in the world.. the perfect harmonious picture the poet creates the moonlight tries to touch encompass everything "cliffs" etc. ... but it spreads slowly, sneaks, "flows" "licks" "flicks" "rises"... with these descriptive words the poet tries to create an image of the moonlight as a it human characteristics, mostly of children shows the beauty of the night, it starts showing more and more, and then rests on the sand, as it reaches the broken ledge, it lights up the high cliffs


unavailing" ...efforts or actions of the moonlight are futile ...useless...they have no significance...they cannot act as a substitute for the absence of lightno matter what the moonlight aims at-it can never be an equal, or even a worthy enough substitute for the sunlight that is present during the day Describing nightly beauty and also trying to release the disturbing and conflicting thoughts in peoples minds over the night.


as if to make amends: maybe the poet is mocking the efforts of the moonlight or the poet also appears to be doubting the moonlights true intention by the words As if night is the time of darkness and deceitand the light in the dark can also appear deceptive. dwells upon the eyelids of sleepers: attempts to wash away the troubles of the day, wishes for the people to be at ease. the moonlight feels as though during the night it has to give peace to humans and creatures alike. It feels sorry that the humans have negative energy throughout the day and hopes to help by making positive energy hence amending for all the wrongs that occur during the day

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