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Definition of Executive Development Objectives of Executive Development Importance of Executive Development Aims of Executive Development Reasons for Executive Development Executive Development Process Methods Reasons for the Failure of the EDPs How to make the EDP Successful conclusion

According to

(Former Managing Director Of Indian Oil Corporation )

Any activity designed to improve the performance of existing managers and to provide for a planned growth of managers to meet future organizational requirements is called executive development

Executive development being a predominantly educational process, is a continuous and life long process. It is not like training as a one-short program but an on going continuous programme throughout the career of an executive or manager

Improve the performance of managers at all levels. Identify the potential persons and prepare them. Understand the problem of human relation and improve the human relation skill. Provide opportunities to executives to fulfill their career aspirations. Improve the thought process of analytical ability.

Top management
To understand economic, technical and institutional forces in order to solve business problem. To acquire knowledge about the problem of human relations .

Middle line management

To establish a clear picture of executive functions and responsibilities To develop responsible leadership Its help human motivation and human relationships To develop familiarity with the managerial use of financial accounting , psychology , business statistics To develop the ability to analyze problems and to take appropriate action


functions Executives and specialists

To increase knowledge of business functions and operations in specific fields in marketing ,production, finance, personnel To understand the functions performed in a company To understand industrial relations problems To develop the ability to analyze problems in ones area or functions To stimulate creative thinking in order to improve methods and procedures

To improve the technical performance

To improve the supervision and leadership at each

level To improve the inter-department co-operation To expose on the individuals weaknesses To attract good men To prepare them for higher assignments To ensure that the qualification of key personnel become better known

To create reserves in management ranks

To create an understanding of the methods

and problems of management To indicate how to apply to practical problem To improve organizational structure To stimulate junior executives to do better work To keep the company technical and economic conditions

To develop managers to perform better on

their present assignment To help them grow fast

The remarkable technological and social change in

society has necessitated the training of managers , so that they may cope with these development. competition from foreign countries ,the growth of new markets in the under developed countries ,enlarged participation of labour in management , and greater interest by the public and the govt in the actions of businessmen have all led to the need for the development of managerial personnel .

The innovation and of automation ,intense market

The change of size and complexity of most

organizations governmental ,industrial ,commercial ,non profit public services require trained managers. The social changes including changes n public and the concepts of social justices, industrial democracy

Identifying the present and future needs of an organization. Necessary to determine the executive needed in an organization. A critical analysis of situation light to future plans of organization. All executives position know skills, knowledge, training and experience.

Appraisal of the present managerial talent for the organization. Qualitative assessment of the existing executives/ managers. Comparing the performance of executives.

Information gathered from

human resource planning It shows the strengths and weaknesses

The development programme are tailored to

fill in the deficiencies. Such tailored programmes of development focus on individual needs such as skill development , changing attitudes , and knowledge acquisition.

Usually ,this work done by the personnel

department They are time and motion study, creative thinking, memory training ,decision making, leadership course.

Executive development programme is evaluated to see changes n behaviour and executive performance Highlight its weakness and aids to determine whether the development should be how it can improved

On the job methods

Coaching Job rotation Understudy assignments Committee assignments

Off the job methods

Lecture Job rotation Coaching-counselling Case studies Group discussion Transactional analysis Role playing Management games Sensitivity training In-basket exercise Organizational development.

Not only the measuring of the effectiveness of EDPs is difficult and complex, but also there are some reasons that it ineffective or failure . 1.Non- alignment of EDPs with the challenges problems and strategies of the organization 2.Non suitability of programmes designed to create awareness and understanding among the executives or/ and managers

The top management should accept responsibility for

getting the development programme duly executed. The EDPs should be properly aligned with the needs of the people and organization. Every managers should willingly accept the responsibility to develop executives under his control and direction. Rights persons for executive positions particularly at the entry level should be entered. The EDP should follow a realistic time schedule to develop executives to meet the present and future needs of the organization.

The EDP should be found interesting by the

participants .In the absence of it, any effort made for the EDP will be just fledgling a dead horse. Lastly , feed back should be made available to the learner/ executive so that he / she knows his / her progress and can take requires steps to improve himself/ herself.

Executive development is possible only when the individual has the desire to learn and practice what he learn. Executive is a long term process as managerial skill cannot be develop overnight/

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