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Coaching Centers : A Boon or a Bane?

Swapnil Desai Athar Sayyed

- 24 - 52

Neeta Patel Jayesh Kadam

- 40 - 23

& Vishal Shah - 55

09th Oct'11


The Emerging Scenario Are classes really necessary? Does schedule of classes disturb recreational

activities? What should every students aspire The Role of the Students Role of teachers and school Role of parents Pros & Cons

09th Oct'11

The Emerging Scenario


The dependency on the coaching is at times alarming as tiny tots even in first and second standard are also attending coaching classes. The parents often mention that the teachers are not teaching well and therefore they have to send their children to coaching classes. This has actually turned into a vicious circle as the teachers feel that the children do not pay attention in the class as they are attending classes and come to school only for attendance purpose. They lose their motivation to teach well. In this blame game students are at receiving end. For them it is like attending two schools in a day.

09th Oct'11

Current Scenerio

09th Oct'11

Are classes really necessary?


It may not be necessary for every child to go for classes. However, parents are not sure of the commitment from their children. In many working parents cases, children are sent to classes with the belief that staying at home would end in watching TV or playing computer games. Every year, no sooner do the final exams get over that either the parents start looking for classes for their children or the coaching classes approach them. While some parents have always been sending their children for classes, the others have a question mark in front of them- whether to send their children for classes or not. If yes then which one?

09th Oct'11

Does schedule of classes disturb recreational activities?


It is very essential that we give opportunities to our children to develop a wholesome personality. Children at times have classes in the evening. This compromises their play time. Slowly, this leads to increase the fatigue level, listlessness & loss of concentration. When children go to 9th and 10th the first thing that is taken away is their participation in sports and other recreational activities. Sport is a passion for many and that is what keeps them motivated to excel in studies. Parents need to ensure that children are getting adequate sleep, indoor and outdoor games and socialising time. Studies have shown that youth receiving appropriate physical activity tend to show improved attributes such as increased brain function, higher energy/concentration levels, increased self-esteem and better behaviour which in turn support learning.

09th Oct'11

Should every student aspire for IIT, CET and CPT?


The current trend is that 90 per cent of the parents aspire that their children should opt for careers in engineering or Science. The preparation starts right after standard X. Hardly has the child recovered from the standard tenth grind that these classes start. Prior to enrolling the students to any such classes, the parents need to take appropriate guidance regarding the aptitude, interest, personality and ability of the student and then take a decision on whether the IIT or CET preparations are essential. Do not follow the herd mentality thinking that your child will be left out from the race. The reason for understanding their true career path through aptitude profiling is to ensure that your son/daughter will be a happy individual and in the right profession rather than being miserable in the career he or she is not cut out for.

09th Oct'11

The Role of the Students


Set realistic goals. * Time Management is the key to success - follow a timetable. * Homework is given by the school to revise on what has been taught. * Make it a habit to ask the teachers regarding the difficulties you have. Many a times, the students do not ask clarifications on their doubts for fear that they would be made fun of. A positive approach in life towards the teachers and education would definitely bring a positive response. * Get adequate sleep - Sufficient rest will help to focus. * Include 10 minutes of Pranayam in the daily schedule. * Be confident. If you feel that you do not need coaching classes, do not opt for it as others are doing so. You are the best judge of your capabilities.

09th Oct'11

Role of teachers and school


* Teachers could encourage the students to approach them for difficulties. Many a times, due to pressure of completing the syllabus, individual difficulties are overlooked. It is important that the teachers help in giving confidence to the student to clarify doubts, if any. * Schools could start extra classes for the students having difficulties. * Schools could use interesting visuals to teach as is done nowadays at the coaching classes. * Schools should also start sessions on positive attitude building along-with academics as students having academic difficulties tend to have a very low self esteem & confidence. Over the years this magnifies without the true potential of the child getting an opportunity to bloom. Regular individual counselling to such students will help them cope with their fears successfully.
09th Oct'11

Role of parents

* Parents need to be very supportive to their children. Do not compare them with other students. He or she will have strong as well as weak points. The key is to maintain a healthy loving atmosphere at home and not a stifling oppressive scenario in which the child is always made answerable for performance. * Avoid blaming them for non performance. Reassure them that your love for them is unconditional irrespective of their academic performance. * Encourage them to take responsibility. * Concentrate on reinforcing their self belief by always giving them positive strokes. This will help in their developing into happy, confident, responsible and successful adults. * Be loving parents. Do not ever get into the role of becoming their teachers in academics.

09th Oct'11


09th Oct'11

Coaching Centers : A Boon or a Bane?


Some pros: A more or less repetition of the school syllabus, although sometimes in a different style. More exposure for children to get their problems solved by various teachers. For some specific competitive examinations like IIT or CAT, coaching classes really help students reach their goals by providing smart and correct guidance. Coaching classes help students to grab private attention from teachers compared to schools as school classes normally have higher strength. Some not so intelligent children start getting good grades because of extra coaching classes. This is not because they start thinking on their own but the subject is repeated too many times for them to understand

09th Oct'11

Coaching Centers : A Boon or a Bane?


Some cons: Wastage of money which could well be invested in buying your child some extra books or games or whatever he likes. Wastage of time, which could be saved from already hectic schedules of todays generation students. Development of habit of thinking only when somebody tells you too. Development of dependency on others to make you read and pass in the exams. This increases pressure and anxiety during exams. Rusting of brain for not letting it think and everything being explained by teachers everywhere. If something taught in the school class doesnt make sense, the child is always motivated to ask it during coaching classes and not letting him think and solve it on his own. Development of shyness and nervousness in children for not asking enough questions in the class for they have an extra support of coaching classes. Less self confidence in children.

09th Oct'11

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Thank You

09th Oct'11

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