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fisiologia 2-10

The Cardiovascular system electrical activity

Lecture 6 Prof Randa Mostafa Randa Mostafa Ext.7204 E mail: mostafaranda @sharjah mostafaranda@ ae

prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

Propiedades del musculo cardiaco

1. 2. 3. 4.

Ritmicidad conductividad. Excitabilidad. contractilidad

fisiologia 2-10

Capacidad del corazn de latir Espontanea y regularmente

fisiologia 2-10

Capacidad del corazn para Transmitir la onda de despolarizacion

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Capacidad del corazn para responder A un estimulo adecuado

Capacidad para contraerse y bombear la sangre al sistema circulatorio

fisiologia 2-10

Frecuencia cardiaca
Frecuencia cardiaca normal 70 latidos por min. El corazon contiene un sistema excitatorio y conductivo Capaz e descargar a intervalos regulares y conducir


prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

El latido cardiaco es miogenico, porque se genera en las celulas Del marcapaso, derivadas del musculo cardiaco e independientes De su inervacin.

El sistema nervioso autonomo modifica el ritmo cardiaco, pero no lo genera.

fisiologia 2-10

Sistema de conduccin cardiaca

Controla la ruta y el tiempo de la conduccin electrica para Garantizar que las cuatro camaras esten coordinadas.

fisiologia 2-10

The conduction system consists of the following component

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

nodo sinoauricular
Pared poserior de la aurocula deecha Inferior a la entrada de la vena cava Superior. Consiste en celulas que producen impulos A un ritmo constante. El nodo SA estimula la contraccion De ambas auriculas.


prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

Atrioventricular Atrioventricular (AV) Node

Located near the lower interatrial septum, at the junction of the atria and ventricles


prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

AV Bundle (Bundle of His) AV Bundle (Bundle of His) Right and Left Bundle Branches Right and Left Bundle Branches
Interventricular septum

Purkinje Fibers Purkinje Fibers

Network spreads within the muscle bundles of the ventricle walls Denser and more elaborate in left ventricle Causes entire ventricular myocardium to depolarize; ventricles contract

Atria are electrically isolated from the Atria are electrically isolated from the ventricles

Electrical excitation can pass from the atria to the ventricles at the AV node ONLY at the AV node ONLY Separated by a region of electrically inert connective tissue 12 prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

Impulses normally starts in the hearts pacemaker, the SA node. From there, it spreads in all directions through the atria. This cause the atria to contract. When impulses reach the

Sinoatrial Node

AV node, it relays them b Way of the bundle of his and purkinje fibers to the ventricles causing them to contract

Atrioventricul Node
13 prof Randa Mostafa Lecture 6

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Firing of the SA node excites atrial myocytes and stimulates the two atria to contract almost simultaneously.

The conduction velocity of action potentials in the atrial muscle is about 0.5 about 0.5 m/sec.
14 prof Randa Mostafa Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

Normally, the only pathway available for action potentials to enter the ventricles is through a specialized region of cells (atrioventricular node, or AV node). The AV node is a highly highly specialized conducting tissue that slows the impulse conduction considerably (to about 0.05 m/sec) thereby allowing sufficient time for complete atrial depolarization and contraction (systole) prior to ventricular depolarization andprof Randa Mostafa 15

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

The impulses then enter at the Bundle of His and then follow the left and right bundle branches along the interventricular septum. These specialized fibers conduct the impulses at a very rapid velocity (about (about 2 m/sec). The bundle branches then divide into an extensive system of Purkinje fibers that conduct the impulses at high velocity (about 4 m/sec) throughout the about 4 m/sec) ventricles. This results in depolarization of ventricular myocytes and ventricular contraction. 16 prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

The Cardiac Rhythm

The normal heartbeat, triggered by the SA node, is called the sinus rhythm


prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

At rest, thethe adult heart rate is At rest , adult heart rate is usually around 70 to 80 beats per minute (bpm ). ( bpm). Left to itself, the SA node would fire more often than this, but the vagus nerves inhibit it and hold it inhibit it and hold it down to this rate at rest.


prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

o If the SA node is damaged, an ectopic focus may take over the governance of the heart rhythm. oThe most common ectopic focus is the AV node, which produces a slower heartbeat of 40 to 50 bpm called a nodal rhythm.


prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

If neither the SA nor AV node is functioning, other ectopic foci fire at rates of 20 to 40 bpm. The nodal rhythm is sufficient to sustain life, but a rate of 20 to 40 bpm provides too little flow to the brain to be survivable.

This condition calls for an artificial pacemaker.


prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

Any abnormal cardiac rhythm is called arrhythmia.. arrhythmia One cause of arrhythmia is a heart block: the failure of heart block any part of the cardiac conduction system to transmit signals, usually as a result of disease and degeneration of conduction system fibers.


prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

A bundle branch block, for example, is due to damage to one or both bundle branches. Damage to the AV node causes total heart block, in which signals from the atria fail to reach the ventricles and the ventricles beat at their own intrinsic rhythm of 20 to 40 bpm.


prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

Physiology of the SA Node

Why does the SA node spontaneously fire 70 or 80 times per minute?

Unlike skeletal muscle or neurons, the cells of the SA node do not have a stable resting membrane potential.
23 prof Randa Mostafa Lecture 6

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SA node membrane potential starts at about 60 mV and drifts upward, showing a gradual depolarization called the pacemaker potential This is thought to result from a slow inflow of Na++without aa Na without compensating outflow of K.
24 prof Randa Mostafa Lecture 6

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When the pacemaker potential reaches a threshold of -40 mV, voltage voltage-regulated fast calcium channels
open and Ca2+ flows

in from the extracellular fluid (ECF). This produces the rising (depolarizing) (depolarizing phase of the action potential, which peaks slightly above 0 mV.
25 prof Randa Mostafa Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

Potencial de accion del nodo auricular

fisiologia 2-10

When repolarization is complete, the K channels close and the pacemaker potential starts over, on its way to producing the next heartbeat.
Each depolarization of the SA node sets off one heartbeat.
27 prof Randa Mostafa Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

Electrical Behavior of the Myocardium

The action potentials of cardiac muscle are significantly different those of neurons and skeletal muscle .

CCardiac muscle has a stable resting potential of -90

mV and depolarizes only when stimulated, unlike the autorhythmic cells of the SA node.


prof Randa Mostafa

Lecture 6

fisiologia 2-10

Potencial de accin
Despolarizacin potencial de reposo -90 mv se abren los canales de voltaje al Na La despolarizacin es muy rapida y se Debe a la entrad de Na

Meseta Canales de calcio lentos, se abren En el sarcolema y reticulo sarcoplas Mico. Repolarizacin Se abren los canales de voltaje Para el potasio y se cierra los Canales de calcio

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fisiologia 2-10

fisiologia 2-10

Potencial de accion del musculo cardiaco y esqueletico

fisiologia 2-10

La duracin del potencial de accion estriba en la fase de meseta Es cuando se contrae el miocito.

fisiologia 2-10

El musculo cardiaco tiene un periodo Refractario de 250 mseg. Comparado Con el de 1 a 2 mseg., del musculo Esqueletico.

Este periodo tan largo previene la Sumacin de ondas y la tetania, lo Cual parara la bomba cardiaca

Esto representa un mecanismo Protector muy importante.

fisiologia 2-10

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