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Risk Management for Software Development

Richard Fairley
Colorado Technical University Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

Paul Rook

The Center for Software Reliability City University, Northampton Square, London, UK

Presented by: Ken Waller EEL 6883 Software Engineering II

Presentation Agenda

Review and Present the Paper Give my Thoughts on the Paper

Strengths Weaknesses Suggestions for Improvements But feel free to ask questions during the presentation, as well

Question and Answer Session

Paper Overview

Introduction Risk Management vs. Project Management Risk Types Software Development Processes and their Relationship to Risk Management Detailed Discussion of Risk Management Procedures Organizational Level Risk Management Conclusions



1800s: Origins stem from the concept of Risk Exposure (Insurance Industry) 1950s: Some related topics being taught in academia (decision theory, probabilistic modeling) 1980s: Formal Risk Management used in Petrochemical and Construction Industries 1990s: Risk Management becomes an element of Software Engineering 1990s Present: Risk Management applied throughout many diverse industries



Risk = Potential Problem

Probability (0.0 1.0) (non-inclusive) Loss (risk impact)

Quantify: Money, human lives, etc. Qualify: Credibility, trust

Problem = Materialized Risk (reality)

Resources (time, money, personnel) needed to fix


When risk can be quantified:

Risk Exposure = probability * impact Example:

Probability that SW glitch will cause explosion: 0.3 (30%) Impact: 5 Human Lives (L) Exposure: 0.3 * 5L = 1.5L


Risks are caused by events:

Single events Multiple events Continuous events Interdependent events

Can be difficult to distinguish cause and effect


Risk Management Overview:

State outcome that you want to avoid State courses of action that will lead to

avoidance Find root causes Start with project targets: cost,

schedule, product (functionality, performance, quality, etc.)

Risks are associated with targets


Risk Management Procedures: Basic Steps (independent of industry or discipline):

Risk Assessment

Identify Risks Analyze Risks Rate/Rank/Prioritize Risks Abate Risks Create Risks Mitigation Plans Apply Plans

Risk Control


Risk Management considerations:


External conditions on project targets Ranges Confidence levels


Project Targets (negotiated) Conditional maximum target

Conditional Maximum Targets (expanded)

Desire to maximize some project attribute Doing so may compromise another

Threshold (maximum)




Schedule Performance


Schedule Performance


Schedule Performance

Risk Management vs. Project Management

Project Management (Classical)

Attempts to manage/control risks in traditional ways: estimating, planning, scheduling Problem Management Reactive: Difficult choices and risk mitigation plans are made only after problems arise

Risk Management vs. Project Management

Risk Management

Attempts to manage/control risks in a more focused manner:

Risk Assessment

Risk Control

Identify what may go wrong Assign probabilities Assess negative impact severities Create plans to reduce probabilities and/or severities Create plans to resolve risks that surface Reassess Risks

True management of risks Proactive: Difficult choices and risk mitigation plans are made before risks surface

Risk Management vs. Project Management

Risk Management Augments Project Management

Not the same thing Not a replacement

Risk Management not a guarantee Successful projects:

Overcome problems Do not never encounter problems

Risk Types

Four categories identified:

Contractual/Environmental: Problems with customers or vendors, hindering organizational policies, etc. Management/Process: Unclear authorities and responsibilities, weak or inadequate processes, etc. Personnel: Lack of skills/training, etc. Technical: Requirements creep, inadequate testing, etc.

Must be correctly typed so appropriate level can address them

Risk Types

For Risk Control, two categories


Common to most/all software projects Methods to abate/control have been developed, over time

Errors in products handled by V&V, incremental testing Communication problems handled by documentation, reviews, and meetings

Project Specific

Associated with a particular project Covered by the Risk Management Plan, consisting of

Action Plans: Decision to engage in a risk reduction activity without any further consideration (decision has been made) Contingency Plans: Initiate risk reduction activity at some future time, if warranted

Software Development Processes and their Relationship to Risk Management

The use of a particular software development process is an essential risk reduction technique To select an appropriate development process, need to understand:

Available software development processes Critical Risk Factors associated with the
project under development

Software Development Process Models and their Relationship to Risk Management

Available Software Development Processes:

COTS: Overlooked; requirements match Waterfall: Single Pass Risk Reduction/Waterfall: RR, then Waterfall Capabilities-to-Requirements: Pick COTS, then adjust reqs Transform: Tool automates generation of code Evolutionary: Spiral, several passes Prototyping: Low fidelity system Incremental: Add capabilities in each build Design-to-Cost/Schedule: Prune reqs to meet schedule/cost

Software Development Process Models and their Relationship to Risk Management

Critical Risk Factors:

Growth: High growth implies risk if using COTS Available Technologies: Ill-Defined Requirements: Feedback essential (use spiral/incremental) Understanding of Architecture: Low understanding = high risk of top down approach Robustness: Require more rigorous process model Budget/schedule limitations: May be good to use design-tocost/schedule models High-risk system nucleus: May indicate spiral/incremental approach

Detailed Discussion of Risk Management Procedures

Review of Risk Management Procedures:

Risk Assessment

Risk Identification Risk Analysis Risk Prioritization Risk Abatement Strategies Risk Mitigation Planning Risk Mitigation

Risk Control

Detailed Discussion of Risk Management Procedures

Risk Assessments Main Goal: Establishing a set of Risks that potentially threaten a project Three explicit steps in Risk Assessment:

Risk Identification

Find Risks and bring to the attention of management, senior level personnel, and the customer Assign quantitative values to risks (impacts, probabilities) Also perform cost/benefit analysis

Risk Analysis

Risk Prioritization

Rank risks, from 1..n Higher the rank, more resources invested (time, money)

Detailed Discussion of Risk Management Procedures

More on Risk Identification:

Main tool: Expertise and previous experience Organizations attempt to develop various forms of checklists to capture previous experience and knowledge Other tools:

Identification process needs to involve all levels of business and technical staff, along with the customer

Scenarios Decompositions Prototyping Modeling and Simulation

More/different experience leads to discovery of more risks Must integrate (overcome) different viewpoints

Detailed Discussion of Risk Management Procedures

More on Risk Analysis:

Goal: Develop numerical aspects of risks Analysis Tools & Techniques:

Historical Data Cost estimation tools (automated software; manual spreadsheets/forms) Expertise and Past Experiences Technical Risks: Modeling and Simulation, prototyping Cost Risks: Algorithmic cost models, Monte Carlo Simulations Schedule Risks: Algorithmic schedule models, Monte Carlo Simulations Operational Risks: Performance and Reliability Modeling

Other available Techniques depend upon type of Risk

Detailed Discussion of Risk Management Procedures

More on Risk Prioritization:

Not all Risks get included on the final list of Risks to manage Main Factor that contributes to the importance of a Risk (and ultimately a formal prioritized list) is Risk Exposure (probability * impact)

Detailed Discussion of Risk Management Procedures

Risk Control relies on a Feedback Loop

Initial Action Plans are executed to reduce risk Contingency Plans executed upon trigger to attack risks further Project Manager = Controller Depends upon completion of the Risk Assessment phase Three explicit steps:

Feedback upon whether risks are being managed or not If not, redirect, re-plan, and close loop

Risk Abatement Strategies:

Risk Mitigation Planning:

Determine strategies

Risk Mitigation:

Produce detailed plans, based upon strategies

Put plans into action and reduce/eliminate risks

Detailed Discussion of Risk Management Procedures

More on Risk Abatement Strategies:

Must first know where to start expending resources

Three Basic Strategies Available:

Relies upon analysis/results of Risk Assessment phase May also rely upon Simulations, Prototypes, Data/History, Experts/Experience Risk Avoidance: May involve deletion of requirements or functionality Risk Transfer: May involve reallocating requirement or functionality Risk Acceptance: Involves further risk control

Must consider cost-benefit analysis

Detailed Discussion of Risk Management Procedures

More on Risk Mitigation Planning:

Translate strategies into detailed plans

Action Plans Contingency Plans

Must take project schedule and resource consumption into account

Consumption of resources to manage one risk may cause another risk to occur (must iterate)

Funds/resources can be set aside for risks (reserves)

Detailed Discussion of Risk Management Procedures

More on Risk Mitigation:

Put mitigation plans into effect

Goal is to reach a resolution of the underlying problem

Must continually track (monitor and report) the characteristics of risks

Re-assess risks as plans are implemented and impacts are made (iterate the loop)

Organizational Level Risk Management

Companies that deal in advanced technologies now mandate Risk Management Plans

Characteristics of Organizations that employ Risk Management:

Includes senior technical and executive management, as well as the customer Goal is to understand the impacts risks may have on financial bottom lines

Explicit risk management processes defined and followed

Communication Reporting risks to the highest levels of the organization (executives, VPs, etc.)

Customization for specific project allowed

Regular reviews


Risk Management has been around (in various forms) for a long time, and is used in a vast array of industries Experience is perhaps the key tool used during the Risk Management process (finding, assessing, etc. risks)

Prototyping, simulations can also be used

Explicit steps are defined and well known Risks must be expected

My Opinions on the Paper


Use of a wide range of types of Figures to illustrate various points/ideas Thorough and understandable discussion Use of many quick for example

My Opinions on the Paper


Formatting Issue: No Numbering System Used

For Example:
X. Risk Assessment (Risk Identification, Risk Analysis, ) Risk Identification Risk Analysis X. Risk Assessment X.1 Risk Identification X.2 Risk Analysis X.3

Is less clear than:

Some content out of place

History Lesson in the Risk Management Procedures section Discussion of Development Process relationship to Risk Management in the Types of Risks section

My Opinions on the Paper

Suggestions for Improvement:

Devise and incorporate a formal numbering systems

Makes clear to readers the organization of the paper Suggests already laid out in this presentation

Reformat the content


Thank You!!

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