Social Media Marketing

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Group 1

Kripakaran Krishnan Haris Ibn Sahir Manolya Srivastava Chithra Mohan Mithun Pawar

1) What is Social Media? 2) Why Social Media Advertising?

3) Commonly used Social Media Advertising Tools

4) Strategies For Social Media Advertising 5) Social Network Profiles
a) b) c) Facebook YouTube Twitter

6) Advertising Campaign success stories

a) b) c) Dell Barack Obamas online campaign Apple iPod Touch

What is Social Media?


At its most basic sense, social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content. It's a fusion of sociology and technology, transforming monologues (one too many) into dialogues (many to many) and is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers. Social media has become extremely popular because it allows people to connect in the online world to form relationships for personal, political and business use.

Social media is online. Social media is user-generated. Social media is a shift in how people discover, read, and share news, media, and content.

Social media is a fusion of sociology and technology

Social media is a dialogue. Social media is the democratization of information. Social media is people connecting with others. Social media publishers. is content readers become content

Social media is forming relationships for personal, political, and business use.

Why Social Media Advertising?

Large reach
Cost efficiency Targeted Advertising

Time spent online

More online conversations about the brand Impact on search engine rankings

Compatible with traditional Marketing

The power of recommendation Sidestepping ad blindness

Commonly used Social Media Advertising Tools

Strategies For Social Media Advertising

1) Unobtrusive
ensure that users listen to their messages Reliability on the structure of social networks to spread the message among their users

2) Create Compelling Content

Make appropriate use of applications on social networks Easy sharing Avoid traditional forms of online advertising

3) Personalize the Content

4) Create a buzz
Viral marketing Need not be necessarily about the product

5) Rightly designed online conversations

6) Engage users
Encourage participation Develop closer relationship

7) Do not sell them

8) Give Them A Behind The Scenes Look Into the Business

9) Offer Deals

845 Million users

3 types of connection targeting:
Users who are fans Users who arent fans Friends of fans

Biggest advantage - ability to pinpoint the target audience Facebook for Business:
1. Pages: connect with potential customers and drive traffic to the business 2. Adverts: Reach the potential customers and grow fan base 3. Sponsored Stories: Drive word of mouth with stories 4. Platform: Integration of apps with Newsfeed and Notifications

Create your page

Engage your customer

Promote your business

Build the page

Talk to customers

Expand the reach

Learn and grow

Identify your goal

Target the right people

Design an engaging ad

Manage your budget

Sponsored stories
Understand the basics

Choose a story type

Setup the budget

Generate more stories

Building engaging apps

Make the site social

Personalised mobile experience

Facebook credits

IKEA: Facebook Campaign

Owned by Google

2 billion visits per day

Ability to highly engage your audience

Promoted Videos are pay-per-click ads.

1. Ad-supported videos

2. YouTube Rentals
3. Devices: Mobile and Leanback 4. Live Streaming

Ad-supported videos

Banner ads

In stream ads

Youtube rentals

A pay-to-view model on Youtube

Create the optimal rental experience


Live streaming

500 million users

1. Twitter Direct Advertising 2. Third Party Network Advertising 3. Publisher Direct Advertising

Advertising Campaign Success Stories

Employed Federated Media, a social media marketing agency ReGeneration Graffiti Contest on Facebook Users had to submit work based on the theme What does Green mean to you?

Huge Success!!
Over 7,300 works of art were submitted in one week Over 1 million votes to determine the 150 finalists in 6 days

A number of mentions in popular technology websites, including Technorati where over 9,000 ideas were submitted to make Dell more environmentally friendly

According to Jeremiah Owyang of, this

campaign was a success overall as it they turned the action

over to the community, let them take charge, decide on the winners, all under the context of the [ReGeneration] campaign. It also moved the active community from Facebook closer to the branded Microsite, closer to the

corporate website, migrating users in an opt-in manner that

led to hundreds of comments

Advertising Implications
Relied on word of mouth among the established Graffiti Wall community Viral marketing through Facebook Notifications Campaign was creative

Used an established user base of over 845 million users and the inherent structure of Facebook
The Dell ReGeneration logo Engaged users fully Created a sense of identification between its brand and consumers

Barack Obamas online campaign

A week before Obama officially announced his candidacy, he attended a rally at George Mason University in Fairfax organised by members of a Facebook group Students for Barack Obama

Consolidating his hold on the young voter demographic Obama set up an integrated presence on Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn and YouTube. Created own social networking website,

Has strongest presence on Facebook including One Million Strong for Barack Obama with over 500,000 members and Barack Obama for President in 2008 with nearly 80,000 members. Chris Hughes, one of the co-founders of Facebook, joined the Obama campaign First presidential candidate to launch an application on Facebook that enabled his supporters to receive the latest updates from his campaign

This campaign was an immense success!

Obamas official Facebook page has over 800,000 members, the largest such fan base on the social network Videos of his speech A More Perfect Union received over 1.3 million views within a day Online channels contributed $6 million to the $25 million of funding to his campaign raised

Advertising Implications
Did not rely heavily on advertising through traditional forms of online advertising Creative approach with being the first to develop an Obama application for Facebook MySpace page has links to all his profiles on other social networks Engaged users, sharing messages and videos authored by the senator himself

Created a unified online presence and actively reaching out to his voters

Apple iPod Touch

Started with Nick Haley, an eighteen year old student at the University of Leeds in the UK- makes a homemade ad

A thirty-second video clip using images and video clips taken from Apple's official website set to a song by a popular Brazilian band, CSS and uploaded on YouTube
clip received overwhelmingly positive responses from its viewers and a rating of 4 out of 5 stars Apple's marketing employees inspired professional version of his commercial to produce a

As of today, the original clip has received over 2 million views on YouTube and its rating has improved to 4 and a half stars

Advertising Implications
The company took advantage of the video clip to generate positive publicity

The clip generated positive word-of-mouth reviews

The company responded imaginatively Apple took advantage of the inherent structure and characteristics of YouTube User engagement Apple improved its relationship and level of identification with its brand among consumers

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