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What is a Product?

A Product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need. Includes:

Physical Objects Services Events Persons Places Organizations Ideas Combinations of the above

What is a Service?
A Service is a form of product that consist of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything. Examples include:

Banking Hotels Tax Preparation Home Repair Services


Products, Services, and Experiences

Tangible Good Pure With Tangible Accompanying Good Services
Hybrid Offer

Service With Accompanying Minor Goods

Pure Service


Auto With Airline Trip Accompanying Restaurant With Doctors Repair Accompanying Exam Services Snacks

Levels of Product
Augmented Product Installation Packaging Delivery & Credit Brand Name Quality Level

Core Benefit or Service



AfterSale Service

Warranty Actual Product Core Product


Product Classifications Consumer Products

Convenience Products
Buy frequently & immediately

Shopping Products
Buy less frequently

Low priced Mass advertising Many purchase locations i.e Candy, newspapers

Higher price Fewer purchase locations Comparison shop i.e Clothing, cars, appliances

Specialty Products
Special purchase efforts

Unsought Products
New innovations

High price Unique characteristics Brand identification Few purchase locations i.e Lamborghini, Rolex

Products consumers dont want to think about these products Require much advertising & personal selling i.e Life insurance, blood donation

Product Classifications Industrial Products

Materials and Parts Capital Items Supplies and Services

Product Classifications Other Marketable Entities

Activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change the attitudes and behavior toward the following:

Organizations - Profit (businesses) and nonprofit (schools and churches). Persons Politicians, entertainers, sports figures, doctors and lawyers. Places - Business sites and tourism. Ideas (social ideas marketing) public health campaigns, environmental campaigns, and others such as family planning, or human rights. 7
Place Marketing:
Va cation spots are the subject of most place marketing
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Individual Product Decisions

Product Attributes Branding Labeling

Product Support Services

Product Attributes
Developing a Product or Service Involves Defining the Benefits that it Will Offer Such as:
Product Quality
Product Features Product Style & Design Ability of a Product to Perform Its Functions; Includes Level & Consistency Help to Differentiate the Product from Those of the Competition Process of Designing a Products Style & Function

Product Line Decisions

Product Line Length
Number of Items in the Product Line

Lengthen beyond current range

Lengthen within current range

Downward Two-Way Upward


Product Mix Decisions

Width - number of different product lines


Length - total number of items in product lines Depth - number of versions of each product

Product Mix all the product lines & items offered


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